At this moment, the forest was filled with the low roars of fear and terror from hundreds of thousands of wild beasts.

After Ye Yang's evolution level was raised, his aura covered a larger area and his momentum became more terrifying.

As he approached, the palpitating aura became stronger.

""Roar... No!"

The spotted tiger and the gray monitor lizard that were fleeing far away let out a horrified roar.


Their bodies lost control and fell heavily to the ground. Like the other beasts in the beast tide, they crawled on the ground and trembled.

"Roar... What kind of creature is the lord of this mountain... How can he have such a strong aura?!"

The giant tiger on the ground was trembling and unable to control its body. Its eyes were full of fear. This was probably the first time he had such a look since he became an adult.

The gray giant lizard not far away had the same expression.

They were horrified!

What kind of powerful creature could make them lose control of their bodies just by relying on its aura?!

You know, they have a powerful creature that belongs to their own territory!


A huge golden figure stood in the sky, with cold golden eagle eyes looking down below

"Since you have the courage to come, then don't leave!"

Ye Yang's cold voice reached the ground, making the hundreds of thousands of beasts on the ground even more afraid!

A large area of black, covering an area of more than ten kilometers!

The golden lightning energy in the body instantly boiled, and the surface of the body bloomed with a dazzling golden light!

Hundreds of thousands of beasts on the ground felt the crisis of life and death, and looked up with difficulty at the golden figure in the sky...

They were going to die.……


Just when Ye Yang wanted to burst out the golden lightning energy in his body to test its power, he suddenly discovered something interesting.

"I didn't expect there are creatures that can ignore my current aura.……"

In his perception, there was actually a creature running quickly into the distance.

You know, even a creature of ordinary evolution level"D-"All creatures would be frightened by his breath.

The golden pupils looked in that direction and saw a dark python over 20 meters long!

"What a huge black python!"


Without hesitation, it rushed off into the distance!


The black giant snake's body of more than 20 meters long twisted like an"8" on the ground, fleeing madly into the distance!

Trembling in my heart!

"Hiss...The creatures in this mountain are actually lord-level creatures!"

"Terrible! We must leave quickly!"

The black giant snake, who was concentrating on escaping, didn't know that he had been targeted, and was being chased by a giant flying beast.


A golden light fell from the sky, and the earth shook.

The black giant snake, who was desperately fleeing, stopped moving and looked up in front of him. Not far away from him stood a huge golden figure.

When he saw that the huge golden figure was a golden eagle, the black giant snake's pupils shrank suddenly, and the snake body trembled unconsciously.

"Hiss... What?! The lord of this forest is an eagle?!"

No matter how much they evolve, snakes are afraid of eagles.

The favorite food of large eagles is snakes!

Although the black giant snake evolved from a python and has never been afraid of eagles, it depends on the object. The golden eagle in front of it is a lord-level creature!

The snake gene from ancient times awakened his fear of eagles.……

"Hiss... Lord... I didn't mean to come in here.……"

The thought flashed in his mind, and his pupils shrank sharply.

The black giant snake immediately lowered its head and spoke in a serpentine voice, its voice full of humility and flattery, without any trace of the overbearing and cold momentum on the top of the mountain just now.

Ye Yang ignored it and felt the breath brought by the giant snake.


"You are also a creature attracted by the dragon blood fruit, right? Tell me, where are you from ?……"

The golden pupils flashed with a cold light,"This way, I can make your death easier."

Dragon Blood Fruit?!

When the black giant snake heard this word, a surge of heat surged in his heart for no reason. Then a cold light flashed in the depths of the snake's pupils.

"Hiss!!! My Lord... I come from the Snake Valley. If I die... the Snake Mother will come to take revenge!"

"Hiss!!! I hope you can let me go……"

"Hiss... I can take you to the Snake Valley... to look for treasures... treasures that are no less valuable than the Dragon Blood Fruit.……"

"Snake Valley? Snake Mother? Treasures of Snake Valley?"

Ye Yang thought to himself.

"When I was flying in the air just now, I saw a long gully on the forest floor. That was the path left by the black python.……"

"That direction is the Qinling Mountains... Does that mean the Snake Valley and the Snake Mother are both in the Qinling Mountains?……"

Ye Yang's golden pupils glanced at the black giant snake in front of him that was hanging its head to the ground."This giant snake didn't lie. No wonder I felt a sense of danger from Qinling.……"

Then the next step is very simple.


A golden flash of light was emitted from the golden wings!

The golden lightning energy turned into a golden sword, which easily pierced into the head of the black giant snake and caused a penetrating effect, nailing the head of the black giant snake to the ground.

All this happened in less than a second, and the black giant snake was far from reacting.

It weakly spit out its tongue a few times, and its erect snake pupils dimmed. The snake body twitched a few times and became motionless, as if it was dead.

Ye Yang glanced at the appearance of the black giant snake not far away, and a playful look emerged in his golden pupils.

"It's a pity that you don't become an actor. I know you are not dead, so stop pretending.……"

The words fell


"The black giant snake that had been"dead" suddenly came to life, and the snake head that was nailed to the ground by the golden sword transformed by lightning energy suddenly raised its mouth!


A stream of dark liquid quickly flew towards Ye Yang!

But with his extremely fast reaction and speed, and Ye Yang who had long seen through the black giant snake's pretending to be dead, how could he be hit?

Immediately, only a vague shadow was left on the spot!

The dark corrosive liquid lost its target and shot at the ground where Ye Yang was standing, instantly melting the ground and forming a large hole five or six meters deep.

The black giant snake that launched the corrosive liquid attack wilted in an instant.



Before he could say anything, a golden light entered the snake's pupils.


A shattering sound was heard, and the golden lightning energy split his snake head in half.

Looking at the snake head that was separated into two halves, Ye Yang said,"It must be dead now!"……"

Then he looked at the body of the giant snake in front of him and couldn't help swallowing...

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