
The monkeys squatting on the big tree not far away were cheering for their powerful monkey king. In their hearts, the monkey king was invincible, and no one could defeat the monkey king! The powerful monkey king would definitely be able to drive away these two hateful bears!

But in the blink of an eye, the invincible monkey king in their eyes flew away quickly with a roar and fell heavily to the ground.

This made the golden monkeys silent, and they stared at the white bird that appeared on the scene with their pale yellow pupils.

The monkey king stood up agilely from the ground,"Chiji!" He immediately jumped onto the tree, and the yellow furry monkey face changed drastically! He twisted a long stick in his hand and looked at the white bird vigilantly.

The brown bear in the small pit dozens of meters away shook his dizzy head. He had an inexplicable feeling in his heart. He looked thoughtfully at the big white bird that blew him away. He felt that the big bird was very familiar...

But he quickly shook his head. Even though the appearance of spiritual energy made his brain nerves developed a lot, as the most powerful existence in the forest, he still liked to solve everything with strength!


With a deafening roar, the brown bear's truck-like body began to move, bursting out its body strength without reservation, and its body shot towards Ye Yang like a bullet out of a gun muzzle!

The speed was so fast that the monkeys on the big tree not far away could only see a vague shadow!

The brown bear was already dozens of meters away from the white bird in a blink of an eye!

This distance was simply a matter of two seconds for the brown bear with its extremely powerful explosive power!

The brown bear was stunned in the explosive state. Why was the white bird still standing there? Didn't it dodge?

Did it want to commit suicide?

It must have been scared silly by the momentum of this bear...

In a flash, the brown bear rushed to Ye Yang with huge power!


The ground where Ye Yang was standing shook, and he raised his claws and kicked!

The brown bear instantly flew in the opposite direction, like a football that was hit hard! This time, the distance he was blown away was even farther, nearly fifty meters!


It hit the ground heavily, and a big pit appeared on the ground.

After doing all this, Ye Yang put down his claws. He was able to blow the brown bear so far away even though he was using less force. If it weren't for the fact that the brown bear had worked with him to snatch the white jade bamboo from the wild boar before, this claw of his would have taken half of the brown bear's life!

You know, he can smash the head of a wild boar of similar size to the brown bear with one blow!

A pair of cold golden pupils looked at the Monkey King who was preparing to run away from a tree not far away.

The Monkey King, who was being watched, instantly... His whole body tensed up, and an intuition in his heart told him that if he dared to leave here, this terrifying white bird would tear his body apart!

A few drops of cold sweat poured out of his furry forehead.

Seeing that the Monkey King was so tactful, Ye Yang withdrew his gaze with satisfaction.

Then he turned around and glared at the giant panda hiding in the jungle. The giant panda trembled all over, and when it sensed Ye Yang's pair of huge wings, it knew to run, and came over tremblingly.

After the brown bear got up, he was filled with infinite fear. He thought he was going to die just now! It was the first time he met such a powerful animal!

At the same time, he also realized that he couldn't run away now. Seeing that the panda had passed by, he walked slowly with his head down like a stray dog.

The Monkey King was the same. After climbing down the tree, he struggled passed by.

Only the group of golden monkeys on the big tree in the distance didn't understand what was going on, but they knew that this big white bird had great power, so they didn't make any noise, and looked at this place with their light yellow pupils on the big tree.

Ye Yang was a little surprised that the three animals cooperated so well. He thought it would take some time... Since these three animals are so smart, then the next thing will be easy.

He raised his claws and pointed at the long vines hanging on the trees around the monkey king.

The monkey king looked at Ye Yang with puzzled eyes, and it was obvious that he didn't understand what Ye Yang meant. The brown bear and giant panda on the side also looked at Ye Yang with confused eyes as big as light bulbs.

Ye Yang took a breath of cold air in his heart,"Oh! I really overestimated their wisdom!"

Later, when the monkey king saw Ye Yang take off into the air and grab a long vine from a big tree not far away and throw it in front of him, he realized that this terrifying big white bird needed the vine.


He immediately gave a command to the monkey group, and the quiet golden monkey group started to move, collecting vines from the trees.

In less than ten minutes, dozens of vines appeared on the ground in front of Ye Yang.

Ye Yang picked out the longer vines, and with the cooperation of his left and right claws, he intertwined several vines together, which made the vines stronger and more reliable.

Then he signaled the monkey king.

The monkey king was worthy of being a primate, and was soon tightly condensed by these long vines.

Ye Yang pinched it with his claws, and it felt much stronger than the nylon rope in the human world.

"This should allow us to remove the tree, right?"

Ye Yang would naturally not give up on this spiritual tree, but he felt it was troublesome to move it. More importantly, the concentration of the spiritual energy around it was not much different from that before the mountain top.

Not to mention that there is now white jade bamboo in the cave on the top of the mountain, which is much richer than the spiritual energy here.

So the only solution is to move this spiritual tree to the top of the mountain.

The golden pupils looked at the spiritual tree in front of him. It was ten meters high, but only as thick as the waists of two people. Ye Yang felt confident that he could get this tree out of the embrace of the earth.

He waved his wings, grabbed the vines that were intertwined like nylon ropes, circled the spiritual tree a few times, and tied a knot.

"In ancient times, Lu Zhishen uprooted a weeping willow tree! Today, I, Ye Yang, uproot a sacred tree!"


The brown bear, the giant panda, the monkey king, and the golden monkey not far away did not dare to make a sound. They all looked at him in confusion, not knowing what he was going to do.

With a loud cry, an explosion sounded!


Ye Yang suddenly soared into the air, the air vibrated, and a sound explosion was heard!

The ten-meter-high spiritual tree began to sway slightly up and down...

At this time, the brown bear, the giant panda, and the monkey king realized that the terrifying big white bird wanted to pull out the tree!

Is this possible?

The animals present did not believe it. Even if the big white bird was very scary, it would never be able to pull out the tree! Even the brown bears at the scene could not pull out the ten-meter-high tree, and could only destroy it with all their strength...


Just when the three animals were doubting, the ground suddenly trembled, and they came back to their senses with wide eyes!

The tree actually fell to the ground with a bang!

The scene fell into silence for a while, and even the group of golden monkeys not far away were dumbfounded, and even a few golden monkeys fell straight down from under the tree...

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