While Ye Yang was looking for stone eggs in the cave, the forest rangers of the Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve quickly uploaded the video footage of what happened here to the military upper echelons.

Daxia is a big country with a complex military structure, and no senior officials have noticed this video yet.

Instead, this video immediately attracted the attention of Jianghai City officials.

Because the title of this video is - The sudden change of the paleontological white-feathered eagle in the suburbs of Jianghai!

The paleontological white-feathered eagle is more than a hundred miles away from their Jianghai City. The Jianghai City officials have always been paying attention to the suburbs, especially the information about the white-feathered eagle.

Therefore, after the Jianghai City officials received the video recording the dramatic growth and change of the white-feathered eagle, they immediately convened the city’s military and experts and professors for a meeting.

"Incredibly, the White-Feathered Eagle's body size had at least doubled! How on earth did he do that?"

"It must be because of the spiritual energy contained in those wild fruits! The white-feathered eagle grew so fast after eating a few wild fruits!"

"I know that wild fruits containing spiritual energy can make animals stronger, which is why we asked the military to collect wild fruits for research! But other creatures eating wild fruits do not have such amazing effects as the white-feathered eagle!"

One month after the appearance of spiritual energy, that is, at this time, the leaders of various countries in Blue Star discovered that animals eating some wild fruits have obvious rapid growth and strength, so they have been collecting wild fruits all this time.

Use these wild fruits for research to unlock the mystery of spiritual energy.

"It must not just be because of the wild fruits, this white-feathered eagle is very special!"

"Watch carefully! Before he ate the wild fruit, he could easily push down a five-ton truck and tear apart the steel carriage. What a terrifying power! And now that the White Feather Eagle has grown in size, his power will only be more terrifying.!"


Just now, their attention was completely attracted by the rapid growth of the white-feathered eagle in the video. Now they reacted after hearing what this person said.

"The white-feathered eagle is obviously just a large bird, how can it have powers beyond our ordinary cognition? It's simply a monster!"

"After all, it is an ancient creature. We only know about its horns from the fossils. Maybe this is a natural characteristic of the white-feathered eagle.……"

"Well, no matter what, the power displayed by the White-Feathered Eagle has already posed a huge threat to our Jianghai City! I suggest that we use force to suppress and expel this White-Feathered Eagle. We must not let him stay outside Jianghai City any longer!"



The vast majority of people at the meeting agreed to the proposal to drive out and suppress the White Feathered Eagle. Ensuring the safety of the lives of city residents is their first responsibility.

"Report! An armed group is heading to the mountains outside Jianghai City!"

"Who are they? They didn't receive any instructions from their superiors. Which unit are they from?"

"They seem to be private mercenaries. Damn it! How brave! Which mercenary team dares to come to our Daxia land and make trouble?"

"Let's go! Brothers, let's go and take them down!"

"Wait! Their target must be the white-feathered eagle in the suburbs! It just happened to help us test the risk factor of the white-feathered eagle and reduce the occurrence of unexpected situations!"

"That makes sense... Anyway, since these mercenaries dare to set foot on our Great Xia territory, they will go to jail sooner or later. After this is over, they will be detained in our Jianghai City Prison and eat jail food!"


Three days later, in the vast woodland.

A snow-white rabbit was leisurely eating a piece of plump and tender wild vegetables, and from time to time it looked around vigilantly with a pair of red rabbit eyes.

Dong...dong...dong... the ground shook slightly, and there was a noisy sound in the distance.

The snow-white rabbit looked at the large piece of plump wild vegetables in front of him reluctantly, and then quickly hid in a small tree hole not far away.

He really couldn't bear to let go of the delicacy in front of him. As long as the danger was over, this piece of wild vegetable field would still belong to him.

Suddenly, two huge monsters appeared in the distance, and the red-eyed rabbit was almost scared silly by the creatures in front of him!

Two huge bears!

Their limbs were stiff, and they huddled in the cave timidly, looking completely scared silly.……


The giant panda and the brown bear moved one after the other, carrying the huge spiritual tree. When the giant panda saw the wild vegetable field not far away, his eyes widened! With an excited roar, he dropped the spiritual tree on his shoulders and ran towards the wild vegetable field, devouring the food with gusto...

In the sky, a big white bird with a wingspan of five meters and a beautiful snow-white body slowly landed.

Seeing the giant panda's greedy look, Ye Yang shook his head helplessly.

Because he asked the brown bear and the giant panda to carry a spiritual tree, his journey back to the top of the mountain was affected.

The hundreds of kilometers of road originally only took one or two hours to fly, but now it took three days to reach the vicinity of the top of the mountain!

The speed could have been faster, but along the way the giant panda couldn't move its legs when it saw the wild vegetable and bamboo forest. After being taught a lesson by Ye Yang several times, it continued to move forward honestly.

"But we are not far from the top of the mountain, let this silly giant panda and brown bear take a rest.

Seeing the cute and simple appearance of the giant panda, Ye Yang was not very angry.


There were chaotic noises not far away. It turned out that the golden monkeys followed.

The monkeys were much faster than the brown bears and giant pandas carrying the spiritual tree, but Ye Yang did not let them idle. He ordered them to look for wild spiritual fruits in the surrounding area.

Originally, he thought that even if the monkeys followed the order, they would find the spiritual fruits and swallow them themselves, and would not give them to him.

But the result was unexpected. During these three days, the dozens of golden monkeys led by the monkey king found several spiritual fruits and handed them over to him.

This made Ye Yang realize that in the minds of the three animals, strength represents everything, and as long as they surrender in their hearts, they will not have any small thoughts.

This made him very happy. These three animals are real and reliable, and much easier to get along with than complex humans.

The brown bear has a strong physique. Although the spiritual tree is huge, it does not feel too tired.

The brown bear looked at the giant panda eating wild vegetables with contempt.

This stupid bear can become stronger by eating meat, and meat is much more delicious than wild vegetables. Why doesn't the stupid bear like to eat meat?

Then the bear looked towards the tree hole not far away, and a smile appeared on his face. His bear nose had already smelled the scent of prey around him. He walked towards the tree hole.……


Suddenly, a huge roar came from a distance!

The giant pandas, brown bears, and golden monkeys were stunned, not understanding what was happening.

Ye Yang, who was standing on the branch, flapped his wings and flew into the air!

He knew that it was the sound of human gunfire!

The most important thing was... the direction of the gunfire was from the top of his nest!

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