In the dense forest, the three-meter-tall and burly Monkey King was holding a limp and shattered body in his hands, as easily as if he was holding a chicken.

The Golden Monkey King jumped between the big trees in the forest, looking around with his pale yellow eyes.

The big white bird seemed to hate the corpses of these two-legged beasts, so he had to throw them farther away. He kept jumping quickly in the forest, and I don’t know how long it took.

It felt like this place was far away from the mountains that were the territory of the big white bird.

Bang! As soon as he let go

, the broken corpse fell to the ground, and the Monkey King turned and disappeared in the woods.

Not long after he left, a group of soldiers in camouflage uniforms came here.

Looking at the broken corpses on the ground, a soldier was speechless for a long time.

"According to our recent investigation... the deceased was from Longcheng, Daxia. This time, they hired a foreign team to come to the outskirts of Jianghai City in order to capture the White-Feathered Eagle."

"Any other information?"

"The identity of the deceased is not simple... He is the son of the director of the Blue Sky Military Industry Group……"

Upon hearing this information, all the soldiers from Jianghai City who were present were shocked!

Most people may not know what kind of company the Blue Sky Military Industry Group is, but the soldiers from Daxia know this company very well...

It is the top military factory in the country! Almost one-fifth of the army's equipment comes from the Blue Sky Military Industry Enterprise.

Moreover, the director of the Blue Sky Group is said to be extremely powerful and cruel... If he knew that his child died in the suburbs of Jianghai City, this would surely cause this suburb to be engulfed in a sea of fire! It might even implicate Jianghai City!

This group of soldiers were the defenders of Jianghai City. The original plan was to arrest the young man Wang Shao and the mercenary team, and take away the white-feathered eagle as scientific research material...

But they didn't expect that they only heard a loud bang while lurking in the distance, and soon afterwards they detected a monkey several meters tall that looked like an orangutan, twisting a corpse and shuttling through the woods.

They sneaked quietly to the nearby area.

"Platoon leader, do we still need to continue our mission to arrest the illegal mercenary team and target White-Feathered Eagle?"

"Since the young master of the Blue Sky Group is dead, the mercenary team should also be in danger... That white-feathered eagle is more terrifying than we expected.……"

The platoon leader thought about it calmly. The current situation was a bit different from the plan made by the Jianghai City military.

He took out the communicator and reported the situation here.

After a few minutes, he put down the communicator and felt relieved. For some reason, he felt that if their team went to capture the white-feathered eagle, there would be no good results. Fortunately, the superior stopped the plan.


A team of more than a dozen people got in a car beside the forest road and retreated towards Jianghai City.


Soon, the Jianghai City officials also learned of the news. After a rare silence, the leaders decided to observe the White Feather Eagle for a while, get detailed data, and then make a plan. Without full confidence, they would not take action against a creature that could wipe out the mercenary team.

More importantly, the White Feather Eagle had not approached Jianghai City, which was an important reason for their decision.


Not long after, in Longcheng, the capital of Daxia, a tall building stood tall.

A middle-aged man with a resolute face listened to the message on the phone in his hand...


He swung his arm and the phone fell heavily on the bright floor, breaking into several pieces!

"My son! How could he be dead?!"

Wang Jin roared!

The angry voice echoed in the huge office!

His eyes were filled with rage like a volcanic eruption!

"The way that useless thing died was actually by a beast!"

As a successful man with a large family and great power, Wang Jin had five children. The one who died was his third son, who was also the least promising one.

If it was an accidental death, he would only feel a little sad, but being killed by a beast, this was something he would never allow!

"How could my son Wang Jin be killed by a beast?! Not even an ancient creature!"

The fierceness in his eyes made the air temperature in the huge office drop a few degrees, and the storm contained in it seemed to be able to tear everything apart

"Paleontology...White-feathered Eagle……"



On the other side, in the mountains of a hundred miles outside Jianghai City, the monkeys cleaned up the mountaintops and caves, which looked brand new. There were also some herbs and green plants planted on the mountaintops.

If you don't look closely, you can't tell that this place was bloody not long ago. Even the air has become much fresher.

"As expected of a primate, its flexible limbs are very convenient.……"

If Ye Yang had cleared the mountain top and the cave by himself, the effect would definitely not be as good as it is now.

Now brown bears and giant pandas are wandering at the foot of the mountain, acting as guards to stop all creatures from going up the mountain.

The monkeys are also helping him find spiritual fruits in the forest. Ye Yang has completely started to live the life of the king of the mountain, and he is very comfortable and cozy.

In his heart, he once again praised his decision to subdue the brown bears, giant pandas, the monkey king and the monkeys. The golden pupils looked at the spiritual tree in front of him, and the effect of condensing spiritual energy was remarkable. In just a short while, there was a wisp of light mist on the top of the mountain.

These mists are all transformed from spiritual energy, which is a manifestation of extremely rich and substantial.

For Ye Yang, who automatically absorbs spiritual energy to become stronger anytime and anywhere, this is a good thing that he will welcome.

"Oh, I remember there is a spirit tree.……"

Ye Yang remembered the first time he ate the red spiritual fruit.

His eyes lit up, and he flapped his wings and turned into a stream of light and flew away.

After a while, he arrived in front of the big tree.

The result disappointed him...

Because the big tree that produced the red spiritual fruit did not have the effect of gathering spiritual energy like the spiritual tree on the mountain, it was just an ordinary big tree.

This also completely dispelled Ye Yang's previous idea of becoming a"forest ranger" and planting a large area of spiritual trees on the mountain.

"It seems that things related to spiritual energy are still very precious.……"

However, he was also content, because his current speed of evolution and strengthening was definitely the fastest on Blue Star!

Well... at least that was what he knew.

Next, he would stay in the mountains and steadily become stronger.……


The giant panda looked at the top of the mountain with his dark eyes, thinking of the glowing bamboo.

Then he turned and left the mountain to explore the dense forest.

He didn't want to leave here, but he was hungry and wanted to find food.

He walked and stopped almost all the way, and relied on his keen sense of smell to find many delicious and fresh plants.

This made him very happy.

Unknowingly, he gradually moved away from the mountain and approached the road in the distance.

Suddenly, the giant panda Xiong Zhang stopped.

He raised his round head, sniffed with his nose, and his dark bear eyes lit up! He ran quickly in one direction!

Because this was a delicious smell he had never smelled before!

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