"Bear! What a big brown bear!"

"How can there be such a big bear in this world!!!"

""Open fire quickly!!!"

When several people saw the big bear jumping out of the jungle, they couldn't help but step back.

The team of thirty people was divided into five teams to surround Shenfeng Mountain. The team originally had six people, but now there are only five people left!

Da da da!!!

Quickly opened the gun safety and fired at the big brown bear in front of them!

The dense firepower was vented like a flood. The big brown bear appeared less than ten meters away from the group of people. Hundreds of bullets instantly exploded on his body, creating a layer of blood!


The bear’s roar was filled with pain!

He never thought that these tiny two-legged beasts could actually hurt him!


He was a strong man, so he was only injured on the surface of his body, and was not seriously injured. However, the sharp pain from the wound on his body aroused his inner violence!

He moved his bear paw, and his body burst out with power, like a powerful cannonball, and pounced towards the crowd!

"Quick! Use the grenade……"


The five members of the team did not expect that their guns could not kill this huge brown bear. Before they could make any move, the distance of ten meters was only a matter of a second for the big brown bear, which was nearly six meters long and three meters tall.

Letting the huge and furious brown bear get close to humans was like a wolf king entering a flock of sheep. In an instant, the five members of the team lost their lives and turned into debris on the ground.

Internal organs... broken limbs and debris were scattered all over the ground!

Even the guns on the ground broke apart, and it was a mess.

The big brown bear stared at the corpse on the ground, and the anger in his heart disappeared a little.

He lowered his head and looked at the round and strange things in front of him. These were all things from the bodies of the two-legged beasts. He never thought that such a fragile and tiny two-legged beast could hurt him...

He ate a few mouthfuls of flesh and limbs, and suddenly stopped, raised his head and twitched his bear nose in the air.

There are creatures approaching here! It's the group of two-legged beasts!

A cold light flashed in his blood-red eyes as big as light bulbs...

The aura of these suddenly appearing bipeds was different from the previous bipeds. They must be invading. It just so happened that he wanted to eat these bipeds with delicious meat...

He moved his bear paw and rushed in one direction.


On the other side of the foot of Shenfeng Mountain, other teams also heard the sudden intensive gunfire and several loud roars.

They began to panic.

"Isn’t the plan this time to hunt the white-feathered eagle on the top of the mountain?"

"How come the fighting broke out before we even reached the top of the mountain?"

"What kind of creature did the team encounter?"

"Which team is firing this gun? Use the communicator to quickly inquire about the situation.……"


Suddenly, a fierce roar came from the side!

A huge black and white creature appeared in their sight and rushed towards them quickly!

"Holy shit! Giant panda!"

"How could a giant panda appear outside Jianghai City?!"

The men who were preparing to shoot paused after seeing the giant panda's appearance.

They didn't expect to encounter a giant panda here...

The giant panda is the national treasure of Daxia, and it holds a pivotal position in the hearts of all Daxia people, so they didn't attack immediately.

After a few seconds, they reacted and saw the huge size of the giant panda, and their hearts trembled!

Only then did they realize that the giant panda in front of them was the size of a small truck!

"Shoot quickly!!!"

Da da da!!!

Dense firepower gushed out! Shooting towards the giant panda's body!

The giant panda's physique is the same as that of a brown bear. These rifle bullets can't cause any great damage to it.


A splash of blood, and the giant panda let out a deafening roar!

The black and white hair on the bear's body stood up! It was furious!

Not far from Shenfeng Mountain, he heard the angry roar of the big brown bear, as well as various strange smells around him, thinking that they were enemies invading here.

But when he saw a group of bipeds, he did not attack them at first, because in his impression, bipeds were pretty good and could bring him delicious food...

But the blood on his body and the severe pain made the giant panda believe that the bipeds in front of him were enemies!


A roar! The aura that exploded made the hearts of several people around tremble.


The sound of sonic boom rang out, and several people were knocked dozens of meters away by the giant panda. Their bones were shattered and they fell to the ground unable to move. They soon lost their lives.

The giant panda put away its angry state, raised its nose and sniffed, revealing the fangs in its mouth.

This group of two-legged beasts... must be here to snatch... the glowing bamboo on the mountain... Kill the two-legged beasts that are stealing bamboo... and run in one direction! On the other side, the animals living in this dense forest also discovered this group of humans who came with ill intentions.

The group of golden monkeys was no exception.

When they found that this group of two-legged beasts were heading for the mountain where the big white bird boss was, they immediately attacked the group of people.!

The golden monkeys, including the monkey king, do not have the strong physique of the brown bears and giant pandas that can ignore firearms, but they are primates, and their intelligence and flexibility of limbs are far beyond the reach of ordinary animals.

In the dense forest of trees, they threw sharp stones at a group of people!

Since the emergence of spiritual energy, this group of golden monkeys have become much stronger than before, and in addition, they have been staying in the area around the Shenfeng Mountain, which is full of spiritual energy, to rest for the past few nights, which has made their physiques much stronger.

These sharp stones were as fast as bullets, and the golden monkeys were very accurate in their projections, all aimed at people's heads.

Before the group of people could react, their heads exploded like watermelons, and they lost their lives.


The male reporter could also hear the roar and intensive gunfire coming from the forest below from the Jianghaicheng live helicopter in the sky, mixed with faint screams.

""Quick! Fly over and see what happened?"

Not only was he curious, but the millions of Jianghai citizens in the live broadcast room were also very curious. They hadn't even reached the top of Shenfeng Mountain yet, so how could there be gunshots so quickly...

And the gunshots were everywhere, right where the teams had separated before.

Could it be that all these teams were in danger in the dense forests around Shenfeng Mountain?

When the helicopter pilot flew the helicopter to the location where the sound came from, the camera zoomed in, and everyone watching the tragic scene on the screen was shocked!

It turned out to be human corpses, and there was even a lot of blood on the ground, with internal organs and intestines all over the ground...

Through the camera, the millions of Jianghai citizens felt a chill in their hearts that was even greater than the cold winter...

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