In the empty girls' dormitory.

A petite sparrow with red feathers on its forehead stared at the balcony window without blinking, and an inexplicable emotion appeared in its smart bird eyes.

Since Ye Yang had a certain ability to move, he liked to move closer to the balcony, so Ran Xiaoyue usually put him at the balcony window.

But he never opened the window, worried that Ye Yang, who could not fly, would fall down.

Therefore, the windows on the balcony were usually opened to keep ventilation.

Ye Yang's pair of smart and shining little eyes stared at the high window of the balcony without blinking. It seemed that there was a voice in his heart telling him to leave the girls' dormitory and go to the outside world!

He knew that this was his body's instinctive yearning for nature and freedom!

Ye Yang quickly suppressed this instinctive desire.

The reason was simple.

Are you kidding!

Ye Yang had food and drink here, and he could grow up safely. If he left here, he would no longer be able to bask in the sun and absorb the spiritual substances in the air safely and wholeheartedly.

Not only did he have to run around for habitats and food, but he also had to worry about the hazards of nature!

The hazards of nature are not so bad. With human wisdom, he is confident that he can get through them safely. But don't forget that there are also hazards brought by humans, which are fatal.

Maybe one day he will be shot down while flying in the sky.

So, he will not leave here!

At least until he is strong enough to protect himself.

Ye Yang shook his small body, turned his head and looked at the environment of the dormitory, feeling a little bored.

"Since the body can automatically become stronger, then I can't sit idle and find something to do."

After thinking for a few seconds, he decisively waved his unfamiliar wings and fluttered on the spot.

As a bird, how could he not know the most basic survival skill of flying?

Although he was only born a few days ago, the energy in the sunlight, the spiritual energy in the air and the moonlight energy have given his body a certain ability to move.

It is enough to gradually practice flying ability.


I started exercising and continued until the afternoon.

""Coo, coo, coo!"

A joyful voice rang out in the empty girls' dormitory.

Ye Yang spent half a day to finally master the flying skill!

"This bird can finally fly!"

Just as the excitement rose in my heart... the claws landed steadily on the balcony, and the system's prompt sound rang in my mind.

"Ding, your level has been upgraded!"

"Ding, your level has been successfully upgraded to F-!"

As the system prompt sounded, a powerful energy burst out from his body! The spiritual energy floating in the air quickly poured into his body, and even the few rays of sunlight shining on the balcony were affected and moved closer to where Ye Yang was.

The powerful force was constantly growing!

His body became bigger, and some places on his body that had not yet developed feathers quickly grew bright gray feathers, and the red feather on his forehead became more colorful and beautiful.

"The level has been raised!"Ye Yang's eyes lit up and he was excited!

"System panel!"

Host: Ye Yang

Race: Sparrow

Level: F-

Bloodline: Unawakened (100 Supreme Breath Cells)

Skills: Basic Breathing (Mastered)

"I wonder how strong I am now?"

While feeling the new powerful force in my body, I glanced around.

Finally, my eyes fixed on the table in front of me.

"It's you!"

His eyes turned cold, and he turned into a gray shadow and quickly pounced on the table!


A sharp sound was heard, and a white mark appeared on the tabletop.

The mark was about one centimeter deep, which shocked and excited Ye Yang!

"This bird finally has some self-protection power!"

You know, this is not an ordinary wooden table, but a hard marble table!

Even the hard marble was left with a one-centimeter mark by his claws. If it were a human, the attack effect would be several times greater. If the claws were to grab a human, the human flesh would be crushed like tofu.

What's more, he still has a more powerful beak that he hasn't used yet.

Relax your shocked heart……


With a sound of breaking through the air, Ye Yang flapped his wings and landed in front of Ran Xiaoyue's dressing table.

There was a large dressing mirror here, which allowed Ye Yang to perceive his own changes more clearly.

His shiny gray feathers without any other colors were arranged in an orderly manner. The fluff on his belly was whiter than snow. His smart bird eyes sparkled like the most beautiful stars.

There was a bright red feather in the middle of his forehead, which was very beautiful. The two golden bird claws and the black beak on his body reflected a metallic luster, revealing a hint of sharpness.

"Is this what I look like? Not bad, looks good……"

This was the first time Ye Yang saw his bird body, and he was very satisfied.

"No wonder the two girls kept surrounding Benniao and watching him.……"

"My body has grown so much!"

Ye Yang soon discovered an important point, that is, his body size has changed a lot!

Before the upgrade, his body size was only three or four centimeters, but now it has become the size of a fist in the blink of an eye!

"This is incredible!"

He was born less than a week ago, and now he is the size of an adult sparrow, and his strength is dozens of times greater than that of an adult sparrow!

Ye Yang's smart little eyes flickered.

"I don't know how powerful this bird will be in the next level.……"


Just then, the door was opened with a bang.

It turned out that Ran Xiaoyue and Li Minmin came back from school.

"Ah! Oh my god, I am not seeing things! Xiaoyue, look! Little Phoenix has grown bigger!"

As soon as Li Minmin stepped in, she saw Ye Yang in front of the dressing table. There was no way Ye Yang's body was big enough to attract his attention instantly.

"How could the little phoenix change so much in size?!"

Ran Xiaoyue heard the exclamation, put down her schoolbag and saw the little phoenix that had grown in size.

Li Minmin said nervously,"Xiaoyue, didn't we encounter a monster?"

At this time, Ran Xiaoyue was also nervous. The two of them quietly came to the door. As long as the little phoenix on the table had any strange behavior, they would run away at the first time!

Ran Xiaoyue and Li Minmin's fair faces became even paler. Anyone who found that a baby bird that was less than a week old had expanded to the size of a fist in just half a day would be horrified!

Ran Xiaoyue looked at the little phoenix that was looking at each other, and asked for some unknown reason.

"Little Phoenix... can you understand what I'm saying?"

As soon as she said this, Li Minmin grabbed her arm and said,"Xiaoyue, are you possessed? Little Phoenix is a weird little sparrow, how could it possibly understand our language?"


But then the two girls widened their eyes, because they saw the little phoenix in front of the dressing table nodded at them strangely.

"Damn! Monster!"

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