Outside Jianghai City, on Shenfeng Mountain.

At this moment, on the top of Shenfeng Mountain, a huge, elegant, and imposing white bird was looking at the distant

"Good fellow?! So it was you three who led the Japanese here?!"

When Ye Yang saw the golden lion following the three humans a few miles away, this sentence suddenly popped up in his mind for some reason.

He shook his head, and his golden pupils narrowed into a slit.

His attention was focused on the golden lion twenty miles away.

Seeing the majestic posture, the domineering and powerful aura that swept across the forest, Ye Yang was sure in his heart that this lion had indeed evolved and upgraded to"D"Level!

Although he doesn't know the level"D-"and"D"There is no big difference between them, but Ye Yang will not take the risk without confidence.

"Hey... It seems it's time to run away!"

He looked at the spiritual tree on the top of the mountain.

At this moment, his strength was no longer as weak as before. He could completely migrate with the spiritual tree and the white jade bamboo in the cave.

Without these two spiritual plants, Shenfeng Mountain would no longer be so outstanding.

"We have to hurry up and inform the three brothers to run away……"


Ye Yang's eyes suddenly moved, and he felt a slight fluctuation in the sky in the distance. He looked up and saw a black dot in his field of vision!

It turned out to be a helicopter!

This helicopter was completely different from the helicopters that Ye Yang had shot down...

Ye Yang stopped moving, his eyes flickered.

After a few seconds, he had a foolproof plan in his mind.

"It seems that humans are serious. Maybe I don't have to give up Shenfeng Mountain, and I can even take the opportunity to kill this lion!"

The reason is very simple.

He actually felt a hint of danger from the helicopter in the distance, and that dangerous breath was more direct than that emitted by the lion.


In fact, Ye Yang was right.

Although Jianghai City is a second- or third-tier city, it is located deep in the south and not adjacent to the border, so it does not have its own powerful armed forces.

However, it still has the most basic combat units.

This helicopter is a typical modern support Tiger armed helicopter! It has a fast flight support speed and is equipped with sufficient heavy firepower. It is a head harvester when fighting in areas without air defense systems!

"Report to the mayor, No. 1 has found the target, should we attack?!"

"Stop the attack! There are still humans fleeing ahead!"


The crew of the Tiger helicopter took a closer look and really saw a figure a few miles ahead of the lion.

The lion was very fast and was only two or three miles away from the three people!

On the ground, the female reporter and her group ran desperately, running at the fastest speed in their lives!

Because there was a huge man-eating monster chasing them from behind

"Hurry...Shenfeng Mountain is not far ahead! As long as we get closer, the lion's target will definitely shift!"


But the idea was good, but their physical strength did not support them to do so.

They had been fleeing for a long time, and no matter how strong their will to survive was, it could not offset their physical fatigue!

"I can’t hold on any longer!"

Wang Xiaoli, who was the weakest among the three, lost her balance and fell to the ground, covered in sweat.

Another soldier also stopped running, pulled Wang Xiaoli from the ground and continued to run to the back.

"You two brothers, run away.……"

"Our duty as soldiers is to protect you!"

The ground behind them rumbled, and a strong smell of blood rushed into their nostrils through the air.

They knew the lion was coming!

They could even hear the lion's heartbeat like a drum, and the low growls from its throat from time to time.……


The standard roar of a cat sounded beside my ear!

"It's over! We're dead!"



A strong wind rose! A hurricane suddenly fell from the sky!

The three people fleeing on the ground were caught off guard and were blown down by the huge wind pressure and rolled on the ground.

When they turned around, they saw a huge, beautiful and elegant figure descending from the sky!

"It's a white-feathered eagle!"

"Looks like we are saved!"

Ye Yang suddenly descended from the sky and successfully attacked the defenseless male lion.

Relying on his own weight of more than one ton and the acceleration of diving in the air, he struck the male lion's head with a swift eagle claw!


It was like the sound of the morning bell of a thousand-year-old temple!

The male lion was like a sandbag, smashing rapidly into the distance...

Boom boom boom...

The big tree within more than 100 meters in that direction was knocked down by the flying male lion.

Ye Yang landed on the ground and waved the sour white jade claw. There was silence like a pool of water in his golden pupils.

"I didn't expect the lion's head to be so hard, it's as hard as diamond!"

He now struck with all his strength, with a force no less than several tons, and his claws were so sharp that it was no big deal to tear rocks and break the ground.

But I didn't expect that this blow didn't even cause the lion's head to explode!

He looked up and saw an inconspicuous helicopter in the sky.

"I hope the firepower prepared by humans this time is enough.……"

He knew the reason why the helicopter didn't attack was because it was worried about hurting the three humans fleeing not far away.

And he couldn't let these three humans get close to Shenfeng Mountain. God knows what kind of firepower the helicopter in the sky is equipped with.

If his Shenfeng Mountain was blown up, he would really cry!


A roar like a volcanic eruption exploded!

The golden lion stood up from a hundred meters away, shook his dizzy and painful head, and stared at the big white bird in the distance with his bloodshot eyes!

He knew from the momentum of the big white bird that this was the lord of this territory! He was angry and clenched his mouth with fangs several dozen centimeters long!

Since he left the captivity of the two-legged beast, he had never been attacked like this...

This big white bird was completely looking for death!


With a roar of thunder, the golden lion rushed towards Ye Yang like a land thunder!

Ye Yang's attention was always on him, how could he be attacked by him! The more than three-meter-long wings flapped, and quickly took off into the air, shooting towards the distance of Shenfeng Mountain.

The golden lion roared on the land and hurriedly chased after it...

Just like that, a white bird with a wingspan of six meters shuttled in the sky, and a huge golden lion with a length of nine meters on the ground chased after it.

The forest rumbled from time to time, the ground trembled, and the big trees collapsed.

This scene made people feel very dreamy.

At the same time, people couldn't help but look forward to seeing two huge creatures fighting and killing each other. The huge size and unparalleled strength made them afraid, but also made them yearn for it...

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