On the outskirts of Jianghai City, Shenfeng Mountain.

Not long ago, because of the roar of the male lion and Ye Yang's aura, as well as the huge noise caused by the explosion of the Tiger helicopter, the animals within a hundred miles of Shenfeng Mountain had already left here in groups.

At this time, there were three huge figures at the foot of Shenfeng Mountain.

The huge brown bear Xiong Daxiong sat on the ground, looking at the distance with a tyrannical face full of astonishment. He didn't expect that there would be a creature more powerful than the boss Dabai Bird on this land!

After a few days of training and guidance by Ye Yang, the cognitive ability of his three younger brothers has been greatly improved.

The roar of the male lion made them tremble all over. If they hadn't seen the boss Dabai Bird take the initiative to lead the male lion away, they would have thought that the boss would take them away from here.

The giant panda Xiong Erxiong sat not far away, trembling all over. He also felt the momentum of the powerful male lion and was afraid in his heart.

If the male lion came to occupy this place... would there be no delicious food to eat... The boss must lead the male lion away far away!

Delicious food!

As soon as this word appeared in my mind, a scene appeared in front of me...

Giant panda Xiong Er suddenly stopped the fear in his heart, raised his eyes and looked straight at the top of Shenfeng Mountain.

The saliva in the bear's mouth couldn't help but wet his chest.

The bear's eyes lit up!

He suddenly remembered that there was a glowing bamboo in the cave on the top of Shenfeng Mountain!

Now that the boss Dabai Bird is gone, he finally has the opportunity to go up the mountain!

A simple and honest panda face showed a silly smile of a foodie, and then stood up and walked towards Shenfeng Mountain.

But before Bear Claw took a few steps, he was stopped by a figure!

The giant panda's smile disappeared, and he roared at the Monkey King Wukong who was blocking him in front of him, as if to say get out of the way, and those who stopped him from finding delicious food were enemies!

The black and white hair on his body has gradually stood up.

Monkey King Wukong had a blank expression on his face, and just raised the gray three-meter long stick in his hand.

Immediately, the giant panda Xiong Er turned and ran to a tree not far away, looking at the Monkey King with resentment in his panda eyes, and looking at the gray long stick with some fear.

The breath emanating from the long stick made him feel uneasy.



There was a whistling sound of strong wind from the sky, and the three animals were shrouded by a huge shadow and trembled all over!

Looking up suddenly, a familiar figure came into view.

It turned out to be the big white bird...

The three animals breathed a sigh of relief...


How could the big boss be so huge!

Pupils widened!


It wasn't until Ye Yang landed on the ground and the ground shook and roared that they reacted.

A pair of golden pupils looked at the three dazed animals in front of him, and Ye Yang could understand.

After all, he was about the same size as the three animals not long ago. In this short while, his evolution level has been raised, and his size is more than three times larger than theirs.

"Gu... come here……"

Feeling the familiar voice in their minds and the same aura emanating from Ye Yang, the three shocked animals also confirmed that the huge white bird in front of them was their boss.

They walked over slowly.

Ye Yang raised his claws and pointed at the body of the male lion he brought over.

"Guh... this is yours.……"

Boom! The three guys rose into the air to the top of Shenfeng Mountain.

They stared at the huge male lion corpse in front of them.

Just now, the three animals had been paying attention to Ye Yang's changing body shape, and did not notice the black male lion in Ye Yang's claws.

At this time, they were attracted by the male lion corpse in front of them.

They knew that this black male lion was the creature with a terrifying aura, because they had observed this male lion from a distance.

What they could not imagine was that this huge male lion, which was once golden and mighty, was actually dead?!

And the body was charred, with big holes in the head and chest...

Coupled with the changes in the body shape of the boss big white bird, they knew in their minds that it was their boss who killed this male lion! The big brown bear opened his big and violent bear face, and his round eyes widened.

He felt that this male lion could easily kill him, and it was the most powerful creature he had ever seen, but he did not expect that the boss big white bird could actually kill this powerful male lion...

So how strong is the boss?!

Then the bear stared at the black lion's body in front of it with shining eyes and began to devour it.

On the other side, the giant panda Xiong Er and the monkey king Wukong were staring at the body of the lion in front of them.

The giant panda Xiong Er, who had always liked to eat vegetation, turned around and twisted his fat bear body to walk towards the forest. Since there was no danger in the forest, he would also go to find delicious food. The omnivorous monkey king Wukong also came to the lion. After eating a few bites of charred meat, his eyes lit up.

He felt that the charred meat could be completely absorbed by other monkeys in the tribe. He immediately called for the golden monkeys to gather around the lion's body.

If the lion had not been hit by the missile and his body had not been severely injured, they would not be able to eat the flesh and blood that was harder than steel. But now it was different. Although the flesh and blood of the lion's body was hard, it could be completely digested by them.


The big brown bear, who was eating with relish, bared his fangs at the monkeys and growled in dissatisfaction.

Bears don't have the habit of sharing food with others.

Monkey King Wukong glanced at him and shook the long stick in his hand. The big brown bear immediately turned around and ate the lion's flesh and blood, as if to vent his dissatisfaction with Monkey King Wukong.

Monkey King Wukong held a human baby in his other hand, and a rare expression of doting and pampering appeared on his furry monkey face.


On the top of Shenfeng Mountain, a huge white bird stood there, its golden eyes watching everything happening at the foot of the mountain.

"This giant panda Xiong Er is too stupid, is he really an outlier among pandas and doesn't eat meat?"

Ye Yang thought to himself.

"D"Although the most essential internal organs of the creatures had been devoured by him, the remaining two or three tons of flesh and blood could also benefit them a lot. The most obvious benefit was to increase their evolution level.

"E"If it eats flesh and blood, it should be upgraded to"E+"class

"Forget it, forget about this silly giant panda.……"

The golden pupils looked into the distance. In his vision, there were three humans running out of the forest in a hurry.

He did not stop them. Today, he truly witnessed the power of modern human weapons.

Just one missile could destroy a male lion that was stronger than him. How powerful would the"nuclear peace" weapon, the atomic bomb, be?

Ye Yang had to think about it, because he always felt that one day he would face the supreme weapon of mankind.

At the same time, after the lion group incident... the humans on the blue planet were also taking action quickly...

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