"Why does my Husky look at me in a strange way recently?……"

"What's so strange about this? A serious Husky would be truly abnormal!"

"No... Have you ever seen Erha showing a wolf-like cold look?!"

"Damn! My fat orange cat has been acting a little weird lately. He has gained weight and become bolder. He even dares to bite me!"

"Could it be the influence of the spiritual energy in the air?……"

"may be……"

It has been nearly three months since the aura appeared on Blue Star...

People all over the world gradually discovered that it was not only the animals in nature that were affected by the aura, but also the pets living with them in the city. They became bigger and smarter.

None of this mattered, and no one cared. Some people even thought that pets were stronger and more spiritual, which was a good thing. It was not until the incidents of pets injuring people continued to occur that humans realized that the cute pets they had originally kept had changed!

There are also many countries in the world, like the suburbs of Jianghai City in Daxia, where wild animals have attacked and devoured humans. They also know from research that wild animals can eat humans and obtain the evolutionary factors in the human body, that is, aura, to make their own evolution stronger. What they didn't expect was that pets living in the city actually began to attack them humans!

Immediately, all countries in the world began to issue notices prohibiting the keeping of pets in cities and sending them to official agencies for burial and killing or becoming experimental specimens.

For a time, it aroused strong condemnation from countless people who love to protect animals, but in the face of the official tough attitude, it was useless.

However, considering that not all pets will attack and hurt people, and that some pets have lived with humans for several years or even more than ten years and have deep feelings for them, some countries still choose to release these pets back into nature out of humanitarian considerations.

Daxia has issued a nationwide notice prohibiting the keeping of all pets in cities. Except for experimental animals required for laboratories and university-related subjects, all other creatures, including mice, are not allowed to be kept!

"Holy shit! That’s great! I’ve been a shit scooper for more than a decade and now I’m finally free?!"

"Xiaobai, I can't bear to leave you.……"

"Dahei must be careful when he goes out!"

"Remember, when you are in the wild, don't waste time. When you grow into a fierce beast, remember to come back and repay me!"

"Woohoo... the dream of the animal-eared girl is gone! Last night I dreamed that my cat turned into a human and came to marry me!"

Most people in Daxia are very smart. Recently, there have been many incidents of pets attacking humans on the Internet and in the news. For their own safety, they have no choice but to release their pets.


Jianghai City, Daxia.

The citizens received the official notification and were not surprised.

Unlike others, they witnessed the evolution of lions devouring people with their own eyes, and they have guessed how attractive these creatures are to humans.

So a large number of pets quickly rushed to the outskirts of Jianghai City.

However, even if these pets are affected by the spiritual energy, their wildness and bodies are not as strong as the animals in the mountains and forests. Most of them become food and find it difficult to survive.

On the highway outside Jianghai City, a car slowly drove from Jianghai City.

After getting off the car, two beautiful figures appeared in the field of vision.

Li Minmin looked at the particularly dense forest with some fear. God knows if there are any terrible beasts lurking in this dense forest. Her fair and delicate face was full of tension. The double eyelids at the corners of her eyes couldn't stop twitching.

"Xiao Yueyue, are you sure that Little Phoenix won't hurt us?!"

"Don't worry, if Little Phoenix wanted to hurt us, we would have died long ago.……"

"But I always feel that the dense forest is too dangerous!"

The two girls are Ran Xiaoyue and Li Minmin.

Li Minmin sighed and looked at the dense forest with fear. Through the live broadcast of the lion group not long ago, no one living in Jianghai City did not know that there are a large number of ferocious wild animals living in the mountains and forests outside Jianghai City.

Not to mention tigers and leopards, even if a wolf jumped out, the two girls would become meat.

Ran Xiaoyue was a little helpless.

"There is no way. Who told you to worry about your Husky? Don't worry. I believe the little Phoenix will not hurt us.……"

""Woof woof woof!"

A dog barked.

Seeing his mistress looking at him, the big black Husky wagged his tail and barked a few times to please her.

After three months of nourishment from the spiritual energy, even though the concentration of spiritual energy in the city was low, he had grown taller than before, and was now the size of a large dog, looking like a Tibetan mastiff.

"Dahei has been in our family for almost ten years. If he lives alone in the wild, he probably won't survive."

Li Minmin looked a little sad.

The main purpose of their coming out this time was Dahei, Li Minmin's husky.

It was impossible for Li Minmin to send Dahei to the authorities to kill him, so they could only release him into the wild.

Then they thought of the little phoenix on Shenfeng Mountain outside Jianghai City, and wanted the little phoenix to help them take care of Dahei.

Although it sounded incredible, asking an ancient white-feathered eagle to take care of a husky, but Li Minmin and Ran Xiaoyue were sure that the little phoenix, who could understand human language, would be able to do it.

"Hey...you young people are really crazy. Let me make it clear...if I hadn't seen the honest giant panda you mentioned, I wouldn't have let you go into the forest."

Professor Li, who was standing next to them, said.

He looked at his daughter with suspicion.

A small truck-sized giant panda actually surrendered to the paleontological white-feathered eagle, and that giant panda actually took them to Shenfeng Mountain safely. This is simply too fake.

"Don't worry, Dad. If the giant pandas don't come out, we definitely won't go to Shenfeng Mountain."

"That's good."

He took out a few loaves of bread and tore open the packaging. The smell of the bread began to drift towards the forest with the mountain wind.

But after waiting for a few minutes, there was still no movement.

Professor Li smiled and shook his head,"The general sense of smell of bears is four or five kilometers. Even if what you said is true, there is a strange giant panda in the forest, but it is dozens of kilometers away, it is impossible to smell this smell.……"

Li Minmin and Ran Xiaoyue looked at each other. Li Minmin pursed her lips, a little unwilling to give up.

"It's okay, Dad will just wait a little longer... Just treat it as a picnic to see the scenery……"


Professor Li couldn't help but twitch his lips. There were so many wild animals in the suburbs now. Every extra second he stayed here was dangerous.

If he couldn't bear to see his big black Husky wandering around, and his daughter and her friends were so sure and firm, he would never have come here.

A few minutes later.

Just when Professor Li was getting a little impatient, the leaves on one side of the road began to shake violently.

""Woof woof woof!"

At the same time, the quiet big black Husky beside him made an anxious call...

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