Shenfeng Mountain, the top of the mountain.

The giant panda Xiong Er Xiong Xiong looked very satisfied because he was slowly eating delicious bread. Although the amount of bread this time was a lot, he wanted to enjoy these delicacies slowly.

Except for Professor Li who dared not speak and only stared with wide eyes and quietly observed the surroundings, there was also Erha Dahei crawling on the ground in the corner of the mountain top.

Li Minmin and Ran Xiaoyue were very happy. They kept surrounding Ye Yang's huge body, laughing and discussing something.

Because they knew that no matter how powerful the little phoenix was, it would be fine as long as it didn't hurt them.

Ye Yang was a little speechless about the two girls in front of him who were not even as big as his claws.

If he was still a human, he would be very happy to have two beautiful girls around him.

The problem is that he is now a beast... or a big bird!

He can't ride on people, but these two girls can't ride on him either!

Forget it, just treat it as a youth idol drama...

The voices of the two girls are like orioles, melodious and lingering.

Ran Xiaoyue stretched out her white little hand and touched Ye Yang's white jade-like giant wings, with a look of amazement on her face, as if she was touching some exquisite work of art.

"I feel that the little phoenix is now much bigger than the fighter jets on TV!"

"Of course! The wingspan is at least eight meters!"

"Even the prehistoric pterosaurs might not be as big as the little phoenix!"

"It's hard to imagine that Little Phoenix……"

Ran Xiaoyue quickly shut up. She suddenly remembered that Professor Li was still around. She couldn't let anyone know that Little Phoenix was still a sparrow two months ago.

"Minmin looked up at the sky and saw that the shadow of the shallow moon had already turned a little red. She was really looking forward to the red moon phenomenon in a month!"

"Yes, it’s an astronomical phenomenon that only happens once every few years, and my classmates have all bought astronomical telescopes!"

Li Minmin agreed

"I wonder if the little phoenix can take us to play on the moon……"

"Xiaoyueyue, wake up... stop daydreaming……"

The speaker may not mean it, but the listener may take it seriously!

Ye Yang almost yawned when listening to the conversation between the two girls before, but the few words now made Ye Yang tremble all over.

He looked up.

In his sight, the light white moon shadow had revealed a dazzling red glow!

Human vision can see it clearly, not to mention his eagle eyes that are dozens of times better than humans!

He looked more carefully, and the deep red shadow of the light moon made him so uneasy!

Two months ago, he noticed that the white moon shadow in the sky was a little red, but he didn't care much...

After two months of being a salted fish, he gradually forgot about the red moon. Now the words of these two girls sounded a wake-up call for him!

Li Minmin raised her head and squinted her eyes, wrinkling her little nose

"It is said that the astronomical phenomenon of the red moon this time is not as simple as before. Some people on the Internet said that because the appearance of spiritual energy caused the animals around the world to mutate, the astronomical phenomenon of the red moon this time may mean the coming of the end of the world.……"

"Others say that the appearance of the red moon may lead to unknown disasters.……"

"Anyway, nothing good will happen!"

Ran Xiaoyue's delicate white smiling face was full of indifference.

"With the little phoenix here, what are we afraid of?"

"Besides, it was just an astronomical phenomenon. Foreign media like to bluff people. Don’t they keep saying that aliens are monitoring our blue planet?"

Ye Yang didn’t listen to the conversation between the two girls at this time. He raised his head and kept his attention on the sky.

He thought to himself

"It would be nice if this red moon was just an ordinary astronomical phenomenon……"

But as he stared at the red moon in the sky, his body instinctively revealed desire, fear, longing, fear...all kinds of complicated emotions.


He heaved a sigh of relief and shook his head.

No matter what happens in the future, he is not afraid!

Besides, as long as he doesn't wander around, what danger can there be?

He can predict and avoid human missiles...

Moreover, according to the two girls, there is still a month before the red moon scene. In this month, his strength will be greatly improved again.

Host: Ye Yang

Race: White Feather Eagle

Talent: Deterrence (D+)

Level: D

Bloodline: Unawakened (9,000 Supreme Breath Cells)

Skills: Basic Breathing Method (Great) (Buff: Double efficiency for half a month) - Telepathy (Mastery)

"One month is enough time for the number of Supreme Breath Cells to reach ten thousand!"

"The evolution level may also be improved……"

While Ye Yang was thinking, Professor Li, who had been observing him quietly, was very confused.

Why did this terrifying ancient creature, the white-feathered eagle, keep looking up at the sky?

The golden eyes seemed to be alert to something...

Did it sense some danger from the sky?

That's right! The white-feathered eagle can understand human language. Could it be caused by the red moon astronomical phenomenon that his daughter and her friend just talked about?

The red moon... Or maybe there really is some secret.

Professor Li carefully recorded this information in his mind and observed the surroundings carefully.

As an expert in zoology, he knew that the habitat environment in which a creature lives can reflect the habits of some creatures. The surrounding environment is very special... clean, without the stench of urine and feces that creatures use to mark their territories...

What shocked him even more was that there was a glowing bamboo in the cave!

Then the cave was empty, with no skeletons of food at all...

What does this ancient creature, the white-feathered eagle, eat with such a large body? What he didn't know was that since Ye Yang's evolution level reached"D-"After that, the body ate very little.

It's not that the appetite has decreased, but the nutrients contained in the flesh and blood of ordinary animals can't meet Ye Yang's physical consumption. Fortunately, the spiritual energy on the top of Shenfeng Mountain is abundant, so he only needs to eat some flesh and blood to meet basic physical needs.

Otherwise, according to his appetite, he would eat at least tons of food a day.

Professor Li, who was observing the surroundings, suddenly brightened up.

He walked to a place inadvertently, bent down and quickly picked up a huge feather.

The feather was very huge, with a length of thirty or forty centimeters. He wanted to fold it, but found that it was very hard and could not be deformed at all under pressure, so he had to stuff it into his clothes.

The group of people stayed like this for a while, and then consciously left the top of the mountain.

Ye Yang narrowed his eyes and watched the giant panda carrying the three people away.

He glanced at the Erha Dahei in a corner of the top of the mountain.

"Gugugugu... You are not allowed to go up the mountain anymore... You can go anywhere in this territory.……"

""Woof woof woof!!!"

The big black Husky was startled! He nodded very cleverly and ran down the mountain tactfully.

He did not reveal his ability to speak in front of the three people. After all, this was simply a monster in the current human cognition.

Ye Yang looked up at the red shadow of the moon and slowly walked towards the cave...

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