The black fighter planes at an altitude of 10,000 meters were like the dark god of death, violently piercing through the towering clouds, causing them to churn and leaving white trails on the curtain of the sky!

Although the black fighter planes were extremely far away from the helicopter that reporter Wang Xiaoyan was riding, and the flying altitude was at least several thousand meters higher than them, the violent sound of breaking through the air still allowed them to discover the black dot flying above the sky. The young photographer also noticed this huge movement, turned the lens to lock on the top, and zoomed in, and the face of the small black dot was clearly exposed on the screen.

"Oh my god! This is really a black fighter plane!"

"The little cow is flying, so awesome!"

"I saw on the Internet that the military operations of other cities were all done by the land forces. I didn't expect that when we eliminated the beasts outside the suburbs of Jianghai City, the military general actually sent out fighter jets directly!"

"No wonder our Jianghai City has not taken any action these days, it turns out they are mobilizing fighter jets!"

"Maybe this fighter jet is just one of the highlights, and there are many war weapons that have not yet been exposed.……"

"Yes, after all, there is a powerful ancient creature, the White-Feathered Eagle, outside Jianghai City. This military general is really a safe guy.……"

"It's so stable!"

"Why does it seem like this black fighter has never been seen in China... Is there anyone who can explain the combat effectiveness of this black fighter?"

"Um... this is hard to say.……"

"Brother Understand! My dear brother! Don’t keep me in suspense, just tell me now!"

"Well then...if I'm not mistaken, this is the Black Shadow fighter from the Lighthouse Country……"

"Boss, you are not seeing things, are you? How could fighter jets from the Lighthouse Country appear in our Great Xia country?"

"The cause of this probably an accident that happened 20 years ago.……"

Ten years ago, the Lighthouse Country conducted a fighter flight test. The fighter pilots accepted the orders from the upper echelons of the Lighthouse Country, relying on the weak air defense technology and weak air force of Daxia at that time, and the supersonic speed of the black shadow fighter they were driving.

The fighter flew directly across the border of Daxia. The Lighthouse Country wanted to show off their power to Daxia and demonstrate their powerful air force and high-tech weapons.

But man proposes, God disposes...

In fact, just as the Lighthouse Country expected, Daxia had no way to deal with the black shadow fighter that crossed the border.

But what no one expected was... The black shadow fighter actually had a flight failure and crashed directly at the border of Daxia.

This made the Lighthouse Country dumbfounded. The value of the fighter is at least tens of millions of high-precision machinery. Each flight is tested layer by layer, and generally there will be no problems after flying 10,000 times.

What's more, it is a black shadow model fighter worth hundreds of millions?!

What made the Lighthouse Country vomit blood was! The black shadow fighter that crashed at the border of Daxia could not be recovered!

The response from Daxia was that the Black Shadow fighter crashed in an uninhabited area and could not be found...

At that time, the Lighthouse Nation was furious, because if the technology contained in the Black Shadow fighter was obtained by Daxia, it would be something they definitely did not want to see and it was an unacceptable result.

However, facing Daxia who insisted that the fighter could not be found, the Lighthouse Nation had no choice but to hope that it was really as Daxia said.

But now...

In the Lighthouse Nation, a large white building

""Assholes! The people of Daxia are all a bunch of liars! Bastards!"

The leader of the Lighthouse Nation roared, and the whole room was filled with angry roars!

The congressmen next to him were also embarrassed. They were still very united in Daxia and held a hostile attitude towards Daxia.

A lieutenant general said,"Don't worry! In my opinion, Daxia has not cracked the technology of the Black Shadow Fighter in the past ten years. Now it has only repaired the Black Shadow Fighter.……"

Before I finish my words, my eyes widen!

"How can this be!"

"How can there be so many Black Shadow Fighters!"

On the screen, several Black Shadow Fighters that looked the same as before appeared!

This meant that the Great Xia Kingdom had completely cracked the technology of the Black Shadow Fighters!

"The Great Xia Kingdom is just a bunch of cunning liars! FUCK!"


"A bunch of thieves!"

There were waves of angry shouts in the meeting room.……


"Damn! I just searched the Internet for the Black Shadow fighter, which is an ace fighter developed by the Lighthouse Country at a huge cost ten years ago! In modern air combat or at sea with aircraft carriers, it is definitely an air strike sword!"

"Damn! You don’t know until you see it! This Lighthouse Country’s Black Shadow fighter is really awesome! Not only does it have the ability to mimic stealth, but its speed has also reached the standard supersonic speed of combat fighters. The most surprising thing is that this type of fighter can actually launch missiles with nuclear warheads!"

"Oh my god! Brother, are you kidding me?! Nuclear warhead?! Is that general crazy to dare to use that outside Jianghai City?"

"Don't panic, the Shadow fighter is only capable of launching nuclear warheads, and it is definitely not equipped with something as dangerous as a nuclear warhead.……"

"That's good……"

"You know what, this guy from the Lighthouse Country is really capable. This black shadow fighter looks like it's not a needle in the grass.……"

"Thank you to my friend from Lighthouse Country for sending me a Black Shadow Fighter!"


The live broadcast room was getting more and more popular, because at this moment the number of viewers in the live broadcast room had exceeded two million, which meant that not only the millions of people in Jianghai City were paying attention to this place, but also people from Daxia and even other countries were watching everything that happened here.

Fortunately, this live broadcast used the official channel, which had the best communication equipment in the country, so the live broadcast did not freeze.

"So many black shadow seems that the ancient creature White Feather Eagle is doomed this time……"

Female reporter Wang Xiaoli looked up at the shadowy fighter jets piercing through the clouds in the sky. One by one, they appeared from the high-altitude clouds like ghosts.

For some reason, she didn't want the ancient white-feathered eagle to die.

Maybe it was because the ancient white-feathered eagle had accidentally saved her life in front of the golden lion king, or because the ancient white-feathered eagle was too beautiful...

Then Wang Xiaoli looked at the ground.

At this time, there were densely packed Daxia troops gathering on the ground. Looking down from the sky, there were a large number of heavy weapons and equipment on the Jianghai City Highway.

She was not a military fan and couldn't name them at all.

"So many weapons and equipment... This is like going to war with other countries.……"

"Huh? What are these things?"

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