"Report to the Captain! These beasts are like spirits!"

"There were some monkeys similar to golden monkeys, which kept throwing stones at our heavy firepower infantry, causing heavy casualties.……"

"If we continue like this, even if we can reach our destination, Shenfeng Mountain, we won’t have enough fighting power to lure the ancient creature, the White-Feathered Eagle!"

The five field squadrons were attacked by wild beasts at the same time, and now the attack was particularly fierce!

Because they were less than 20 miles away from Shenfeng Mountain, they could see the shadow of Shenfeng Mountain when they looked up.

"Continue the attack!"

The five squadron leaders did not hesitate and led the troops to continue the attack, because they knew General Zhao's temper. As long as the military order was not changed, they would obey it even if they died!


Time passed quickly, and no one paid attention to time in the fierce battle.

The ground was covered with blood, and the bodies of wild animals could be seen everywhere. The bodies of Daxia soldiers were no exception and lay in a pool of blood.

Even in the corner of the dense forest not far away, wild animals could be seen greedily eating the bodies of Daxia soldiers.

The cruel scene on the ground was clearly captured by the camera on the helicopter. When the millions of viewers in the live broadcast room saw this scene, they all fell silent, and it took a while for someone to speak.

"Oh my god... How come there are so many powerful beasts outside Jianghai City?……"

"I remember that a few hundred miles outside Jianghai City is the Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve, which is one of the world's top natural environment reserves. These powerful beasts must have come from the Changbai Mountain Reserve.……"

"But... the animals in Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve are hundreds of miles away from here, and if I remember correctly, Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve is connected to the Qinling Mountains of Daxia Kingdom. The Qinling Mountains are called the Dragon Vein by Daxia Kingdom, and are larger than the area outside Jianghai City... Why don't the wild animals in Changbai Mountain go to Qinling Mountains but come here?"

"How would I know this?……"

"Stop talking! I suddenly understand why the upper echelons of our Great Xia have ordered the entire country to clear out the wild beasts outside the city!"

"Look at this... It's not the beast we imagined, it's just a spirit! The natural enemies of the beasts have united to attack us humans, and they also know how to leisurely attack the soldiers with heavy firepower.……"

"All this is because of the spiritual energy in the air. It has only been nearly three months. Before long, these beasts will become even more powerful and difficult to deal with because of the spiritual energy!"

"Did you notice that just now on the screen, there was a big brown bear rushing around, completely ignoring bullets and even able to dodge heavy firepower such as grenades and grenades... What if more creatures that are even more powerful than this big brown bear appear later?"

"Brother, you are not a native of Jianghai City, right?"

"What's the meaning?"

"There is no need to wait any longer, there is a creature in this forest that is more powerful than this big brown bear!"

"Could it be that the beautiful big bird that is circulating on the Internet really exists?!"

"Nonsense! The ancient white-feathered eagle is the target of this military operation! Otherwise, do you think the Daxia military would send a general and many personnel to carry out this mission?"

"Looking at this situation... isn't our Daxia army doomed?"

"Are you kidding? We are only in the mountains and forests now. Many heavy missile weapons cannot be transported on the roads. Once the ancient white-feathered eagle is hunted, that will be the death of these beasts!"

"I see……"

Wang Xiaoli on the helicopter had a pale complexion.

She was trembling slightly."I feel a little cold... It seems the crisis is getting worse."……"

"Fortunately, the helicopter was in the sky, so as long as the golden lion did not appear, there would be no danger.……"

Suddenly, her face felt wet.

She looked up and saw dark clouds rising from the cloudless sky. A drizzle began to fall from the sky. What shocked Wang Xiaoli even more was that she didn't know if it was an illusion, but she always felt that these dark clouds were coming from far away.

And that direction was the direction of Shenfeng Mountain.


"Report to the General! After testing... the electromagnetic field strength in the sky above Shenfeng Mountain is rising sharply, and there will be a huge thunderstorm soon!"

"Request to retreat!"

At an altitude of 10,000 meters above Shenfeng Mountain, the pilots of the three black shadow fighters that formed a triangle surrounded the general immediately reported to him when they found the sudden appearance of dark clouds.

General Zhao, who was in the command post outside Jianghai City, walked out of the command post and looked up.

Sure enough, he saw dark clouds in the distant sky.

He was full of doubts. He had checked the weather forecast. Today was a good day with clear skies. Moreover, it was sunny and cloudless just now. How could there be a sudden thunderstorm?!

He shouted into the communicator.

"Good! Retreat a distance and keep a safe distance! Keep your eyes on the target! We must not let the ancient white-feathered eagle escape our sight!"


Although the Black Shadow Fighter is not afraid of thunderstorms, if it is too close to a very strong electromagnetic field, the probability of an accident is too high. It's okay if the Black Shadow Fighter breaks down, anyway, Daxia has cracked the technology and can mass-produce it.

But if the ancient creature White Feather Eagle escapes because of a malfunction of one of the three Black Shadow Fighters, this is a consequence he absolutely cannot accept!

Now the Daxia army of one thousand people, not to mention how many wounded there are, the death toll has exceeded four hundred.

"After this mission is completed, this general's military career is doomed to end.……"

"Therefore... I must complete the mission! Put a perfect end to this general's life!"


Just as the Daxia army was struggling to break through the beasts' attack and marching towards Shenfeng Mountain, no one noticed a group of people rushing in from the outskirts of Jianghai City.

These people were dressed in ordinary clothes, but they all wore hoods so that their faces could not be seen.

"Ulla! The Great Xia army is too weak. They have so much heavy firepower lying around, but they insist on carrying fire sticks into the mountains and forests.���Fighting in close combat is simply a brain problem!"

"Speak less... According to the intelligence of the informant, the Jianghai City military has dispatched all its troops to cooperate with the operation outside Jianghai City. Now Jianghai City is an empty city! We can get what we need as long as we enter Jianghai City……"

"Russell, you stay here and help us keep an eye on the situation here.……"

"All right……"

No one noticed that this group of people quickly rushed towards Jianghai City...

At the same time, a loud thunder suddenly sounded in the forest!

But this huge sound was a terrible roar...

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