Chapter 21 Four times the merit buff, but also to suppress evil! (New Book Seeking Flowers Evaluation Ticket)|Terrorist Recovery: Signing in from Dangcheng God|Terrorist Recovery: Signing in from Dangchenghuang Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

“Twenty poor people?”

When An Yuyuan heard the reward, he nodded involuntarily.

The yin difference given by the system is of high quality, and it is very different from the yin difference made by magic. Not to mention the ability to grow, the mind alone can crush the refined yin difference.

For An Yuyuan, the more the number of emissaries, the better. He has plans to let the day and night wandering gods and the emissaries go and catch the ghosts back. The more people there are, the more stable the land will be. There should not be too many yin differences, too much is difficult to manage, they are always refined, and there are some small defects.

Now that there are more errands given by these systems, it just happens that we can manage more little ghost errands.

(The unified refinement in the future is called Little Ghost Yin Cha, which is easy to distinguish.)

Then An Yuyuan checked another sign-in reward.

The City God incense burner is a useful thing when you hear it. Take the Seal of the City God as an example, this thing has infinite uses, and items with the word City God must be extraordinary.

After checking.

An Yuyuan said secretly, sure enough!

The City God Incense Burner helps to condense the incense, as well as the merit bonus buff, which has the function of Zhencheng God Temple.

There is also the incense burnt on it, the ashes that fall after the incense is burned, and wrap it in talisman paper. These incense ash talismans can protect people from being disturbed by little ghosts, and can exorcise and destroy ghosts.

In addition to these, there are also some abilities. For example, this incense burner is a magic weapon, and for example, this incense burner can achieve the effect of consecration. It has many functions. As I said before, it has infinite wonderful uses.

“it is good.”

An Yuyuan laughed.

Counting his current self-contained merit doubling buff, it means that he now has four times the merit buff bonus!

One merit becomes four merits, and just because of this, he will smile happily, not to mention other things.


He called out the messenger and replaced the censer in the Chenghuang Temple with a Chenghuang censer.

After doing all this, An Yuyuan went back to his room and read the book. There are many spells to learn.


The next day.

at noon.

Zhang Qiuyue went out to lunch with her best friend.

“Boss, I have a chicken rice bowl and a beef bowl rice bowl.” Zhang Qiuyue ordered the meal.

“Qiuyue, the sound we heard last night was heard from the City God Temple.”

The best friend looked at Zhang Qiuyue who was sitting down, and immediately leaned over and whispered.

Along the way, they heard a lot of people talking about what happened last night. There was an emergency evacuation near here last night, saying that there was some circuit problem, but the shrill screams behind made many people suspicious.

Some people said that it was the harsh sound of a circuit explosion, and some people said that it was not like it, but what kind of noise was it, especially when some people saw ghosts fleeing last night, and even took blurry pictures of ghosts. Several nearby villages are spreading the story of last night, and the discussionfly.

“The City God Temple?”

Zhang Qiuyue was stunned, and the next moment she thought about the Chenghuang.

“Did you say it was haunted last night, and that the big yin under the Chenghuang’s seat was catching ghosts? The ghost was caught and screamed out.”

Her best friend was startled when she heard Zhang Qiuyue’s words, and then she looked strange, “It’s possible.”

She had always been skeptical about Chenghuang’s affairs, and that voice made her unable to help it sound last night. Who is this who is really immortal.

“Last night, the voice was so loud that I felt that it could be heard in several villages. If this is really catching a ghost, this ghost is screaming loudly, and he must be very capable and cruel.” The girlfriend suddenly thought of this detail and whispered.

Hearing this, Zhang Qiuyue was dumbfounded.

She didn’t refute, but nodded, “It should be.”

at this time.

An uncle next to him who also came to the restaurant for dinner was saying that his friend’s child had photographed the ghost last night, which made Zhang Qiuyue and the two girls look curiously.

“Can this grandpa show us that ghost photo?”

The uncle agrees, the photo is a bit blurry, there is only a vague outline of a ghost, white clothes, floating in the air, it looks very intimidating.

“There’s really a ghost.” My girlfriend was really scared this time.

She actually believed it was mixed, but there was no evidence. She just thought that what happened last night was a little joke. Now that she saw the picture, she felt a little hairy in her heart.

Zhang Qiuyue’s eyes flickered.

She returned the phone to the uncle and asked him to send the photo to her via WeChat.

“Yes, but I’m a past person. Some things are better to be believed than to be believed. It’s better not to save this kind of photos, it’s not lucky.”

After the uncle took the mobile phone, he said such a sentence with deep contempt in his words.

Save pictures of ghosts?

No matter how I think about it, I feel hairy.

“I just sent it to my friends, I won’t save it.” Zhang Qiuyue smiled.

Immediately, she looked at the photo and became a little more convinced of finding Lord Chenghuang.

“If there are really ghosts, we should be very safe here. It’s not close to the Temple of the City God, but it’s not far. The Lord of the City God will definitely protect us.”

Girlfriend seems a little scared.

Zhang Qiuyue nodded and tapped her best friend’s head, “Master Chenghuang will definitely protect us, and…”

She thought of some ancient histories of the city’s city gods that she investigated.

Yong Ru Bo City God.

His surname is An, his name is Yuyuan, and his word is Bowen.

The ancients in the era of Zhu Yuanzhang in the Ming Dynasty, a generation of great Confucianism, and later generations still have their masterpieces and poems circulated, which were included in Chinese textbooks.

This peerless great Confucian, he was devoted to charity all his life. After his death, the people of Cang County cried out incessantly for three days. This incident was sung by many people in later generations, translated into many versions, and became a myth.

Such an ancestor did not have the amazing deeds of those great heroes, but hearing his deeds also made one’s heart tremble, lamenting his life as a man, otherwise how could people in the past, not relatives, cry for his death.

“After eating, we will go to the Temple of the City God.” Zhang Qiuyue was full of fighting spirit.


The best friend nodded, she planned to go to the Chenghuang Temple to ask for a talisman to keep her safe.

“But can you really find it?” My girlfriend looked at Zhang Qiuyue.

Zhang Qiuyue smiled bitterly, she didn’t know if she could find it, “I don’t know, it’s been filming for a few days, if you can’t find it, forget it.”

She wants to live, so she can’t die on this material.

Speaking of videos, she was helpless. She found that the video traffic was suddenly low in the past few days, which made her wonder if the traffic was limited, but she had no real evidence, so she could only think about it.


After the two of them finished their meal, they went home without stopping, took the equipment and went to the Temple of the City God.

On the way there, they saw an old grandmother holding a broken fruit bag, and the apples inside slipped out.

Zhang Qiuyue and her best friend went up to help pick it up.

“Thank you.” The grandmother thanked.

Zhang Qiuyue waved her hand and said that it was a trivial matter, and then she learned that the old grandmother was also going to worship at the Temple of the City God.

“My grandson is often injured at work, so I’m going to ask him for some incense ash charms to keep him safe.”

“Frequently injured?”

My best friend was surprised, “Grandma, what is your grandson’s job?”

“Xiaoxiang said he was a criminal policeman, but he didn’t know exactly which one.”

The old grandmother sighed, “I asked him about his specific job, but he didn’t say anything vaguely every time. Hey, when I asked Hongwen, he didn’t say anything.”

Seeing that the grandmother became a little talkative when she talked about her grandson, and there was deep worry in her words, Zhang Qiuyue smiled, which made her think of her dead grandmother.

“Your grandson is also afraid of your worries.” Zhang Qiuyue said with relief.

“Yeah, and grandma, your grandson is a criminal policeman. He looks so handsome when you think about serving the people.”

Girlfriends are also the way……

PS: Take my little three rounds and collect the remaining flower evaluation tickets today, (づ ̄3 ̄)づ

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