Blinking his eyes to make sure that he was not mistaken, Niu Jingyu stared at Xin Yuan who looked like a normal person.

There is something wrong with this person, even if he has resistance, isn't it a bit too disrespectful to yawn.

You can't possibly play games all night last night, can you?

He glanced at Xin Yuan a few more times, but immediately moved his eyes away and continued to pay attention to other students.

In just ten minutes, quite a few people had already lay down, and the beautiful black silk assistant quickly stepped forward and took them aside, so as not to turn into idiots for a while.

Those who can still stand here are basically the top students of that wave, and they are all recommended players.

Among them, Liu Peng is still holding on.

At this moment, he was already feeling extremely uncomfortable, and inadvertently glanced at Xin Yuan next to him from the corner of his eye.

I happened to see him drooping his eyelids and yawning in boredom.

Liu Peng:?

I have a saying that I don't know if I should say it or not!

This outrageous is a bit too much, we are almost dead, are you okay?

At this time, this shocking feeling even diluted some of the trembling in my heart, and Liu Peng muttered helplessly:

"Boss... you, you are such a pervert, are you all right?"

Xin Yuan turned his head and looked at Liu Peng, who was a bit indifferent at this moment, and said in a low voice:

"Actually... I don't really know why you guys are so honest. Wouldn't it be okay if you just lie on the ground and pretend to be dizzy?"

Liu Peng:? !

Hearing this, his pupils shrank instantly, and his eyes straightened!

Can you still do this?

Why are your lazy thoughts always so strange? Is this really possible?

After thinking about it for a while, Liu Peng decided to accept his suggestion, and slapped it squarely on the ground, so that his nose was not crooked.

However, after waiting for a few seconds, he did not wait for someone to save him.

The reason is simple, what Xin Yuan said was heard by Niu Jingyu.

"Leave him alone, let him lie down."

After giving instructions, he continued to observe other people directly, leaving the teaching assistant beside him to cast a sympathetic look at Liu Peng on the ground.

Liu Peng: ...Why no one cares about me! Biqu library

After a few more minutes, Liu Peng's physical and mental state was really a little unbearable at this time, but

Still no one cares about him. hurt me! ! !


Muttering meaningless notes in his mouth, Liu Peng finally passed out.

Niu Jingyu moved to his side in an instant, picked him up like a drowning dog, and threw him outside.

"Hmph, opportunistic, you are so awesome, and you follow suit?"

"Okay, today is the first time, let's go here."

With a loud roar, the terrifying pressure on everyone disappeared in an instant, and everyone fell to the ground in an instant, like a gust of wind blowing down a piece of wheat.

The feeling just now was like drowning or a nightmare, and under the sudden relaxation, everyone felt that they were out of strength, gasping for breath, as if they lacked oxygen.

As the only standing student in the crowd, Xin Yuan was speechless for a few seconds, then sat down cross-legged very interestingly, blending into the crowd.

But Niu Jingyu took the initiative to walk to his side and motioned him to stand up.

"Boy, what's your name? It's quite resistant."

"Xin Yuan."

"Well... But you dare to yawn in my class, it's a bit embarrassing, please give me a reason, why?"

Niu Jingyu showed his standard ferocious smile, obviously using his old trick of scaring children.

"Ah, sorry, I didn't have a good rest, because I played games all night last night." Xin Yuan replied.

? ? ?

Niu Jingyu was dumbfounded, and even the fierce expression began to be a little uncontrollable, "You...Should I praise your honesty?"

"Haha, there's no need for that, teacher."

Niu Jingyu:......

"What's your power? Psychic?"

"Me? My energy chain."

Niu Jingyu:......

Niu Jingyu didn't want to say a word anymore, he turned around sullenly and came to the front of the line, and began to watch the students resting on the ground.

After only a few minutes of rest, Niu Jingyu stood up and shouted to stand up.

There were several wailing sounds from the crowd, they were not mentally prepared for such intensity, this is not going to school, this is more army than the army!

"Stand up, don't act like a bitch!" Niu Jingyu yelled, forcing everyone to stand up in an angry tone.

"You are superpowers, you know? You

We want to protect the world, not let others protect you! "

"Last night, when you bastards were sleeping, did you know what happened?"

"The Eastern Academy was suddenly attacked. It was your seniors, teachers, and the dean who blocked these things for you, so that you can sleep peacefully."

"Still playing games all night...huh! How dare you say it?!" When he said this, he took a special look at Xin Yuan.

Xin Yuan:...

"Do you think that there is a lot of time left for you? The world is changing drastically, and the human union is meeting every day. Once the critical moment comes, you are not students, but soldiers."

"Do you think I'm counterproductive? I'm giving you devil training and giving you a crash course?"

"No! This is a basic class!"

"Everything you are doing now has only one purpose, and that is to let you stand still when facing the gods, instead of lying on the ground directly!"

Listening to Niu Jingyu's stern voice, all the students stood up straight, no longer daring to complain or act lazy, and became much more orderly and serious than when they first came.

Niu Jingyu nodded. The college made him this "wicked person" with the intention of quickly washing away the delicacy of the students.

Home can be delicate, but the battlefield and gods and servants will not make you delicate.

"The content that follows may seem harsh and cruel, but this is what each of you will have to face in the future."

"You...will see blood after all."

"But just now, I happened to get a thorn in my head. The one named Xin Yuan, come here!"

After the words were finished, all the freshmen turned their heads in unison, looking at Xin Yuan standing in the crowd. Biqu library

In order to treat all students equally, Niu Jingyu never knew each student's situation in advance, but the students had already heard of Xin Yuan's name.

Xin Yuan walked up to Niu Jingyu, and said:

"Actually, I wasn't exactly playing games yesterday..."

"Okay, I'll talk about it later, let me ask you a question."

Niu Jingyu interrupted suddenly, his eyes met Xin Yuan's, and there was a red light in his eyes.

In an instant, Xin Yuan seemed to be in a sea of ​​corpses and blood, and even his nose could smell a trace of blood.

A voice came from beside my ear—"Have you ever killed someone?"

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