Thinking about it carefully, the other party doesn't seem to have taken the initiative to provoke the Chuanshu base city. The first time the four evolutionary teams were wiped out, they were the ones who rushed up and sent people's heads.

After all, if you go to trouble others, don't you allow others to kill you?

And the second time...

It seems that there has not been a second time. Long Xiao and the others fled for their lives when they saw the flaming lion more than a week ago. There was no battle at all, let alone casualties.

But now, looking at this flaming lion who is so conscientious and conscientious that he even eats by himself, they suddenly have a feeling.

Are you going too far?When people come out for dinner, you're ready to bomb them with missiles.

"Mr. Shi, are we still doing it? People from the military sent a message to ask for instructions!"

At this moment, the person in charge of the control center said solemnly to Chang Shi.

Shi's long brows furrowed slightly.

"Do it!!!"

However, after only considering a few seconds, Shi Chang made a decision in an instant.

Although the flaming lion has never provoked human beings, since the opponent is an evolutionary beast, he can't use the lives of millions of citizens in the entire Sichuan-Shu base city as a bet.

And just after his order was issued, dozens of missiles shot into the air instantly from the military base several kilometers away.

It can be said that these missiles are already [-]% of the inventory of the entire Sichuan and Sichuan bases.

These missiles soared into the sky at a terrifying speed and flew into the distance at a terrifying speed.

At the same time, this picture also began to be broadcast on all the media in the entire Sichuan-Shu base city.

Even dozens of other base cities have begun to broadcast the footage of this time.

Every time a third-level evolutionary beast is killed, or an evolutionary beast with third-level potential, it will be watched by countless humans.

Because the third-level evolutionary beast has almost surpassed the understanding of human beings, and ordinary thermal weapons have no effect.

And every third-level evolutionary beast is also a disaster for the entire human race.

"The strength of this flaming lion is definitely not weak, but I don't know if this attack will work!"

"If it fails, perhaps, the tragedy of the base city in northern Thailand will happen in the next moment!"

"Oh...hope it works!"



Under the watchful eyes of countless surviving humans, the missile has reached the sky above the flaming lion.

At this time, the flaming lion, who was still fishing for fish at the bottom of the water, also suddenly stuck out a head from the reservoir.

"Humph! Stupid humans!!"

PS: There are four updates, and there are two more chapters to be added today. I beg all readers to wait a moment!Ask for collection, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for rewards, ask for everything! ! *

Chapter [-]: One-on-one legion!Global Live! (Five more!)

"Humph! Stupid humans!!"

The flame lion snorted coldly.


The next moment, a terrifying power of flame burst out from his body!

The flames soaring into the sky directly boiled the surrounding lake water instantly.

"No, it's hard to find such a place that the king of fish tastes likes, it must not be ruined!"

Suddenly, looking at the big fish that were cooked by himself, the flaming lion's face changed.

Then his feet suddenly a little, and the huge figure rushed out of the reservoir, and instantly rushed towards the opposite direction where the base city of Chuanshu was located.

His actions instantly changed the expressions of the people in Chuanshu Base City, but they didn't expect the other party to find out so quickly.

This high-level missile naturally has a tracking function, but if the missile is led to the Sichuan-Shu base city by the flaming lion, it will definitely be a devastating disaster for the base city, and no less than [-] people will die by then!

"Send a fighter jet to intercept him, and don't let him enter the city!!"

Shi Chang let out a low voice. As a former provincial-level unit, the military strength of Sichuan-Shu Base City was extremely strong at this time.

It is precisely because of this that the Chuanshu base city was so stable during the cataclysm, and not many people died because of the attack of evolutionary beasts.

And following his order, in less than a few seconds, several fighter jets rushed out of the base city and rushed towards the location of the flaming lion.

After approaching the Flaming Lion, all the fighter jets madly bombed towards the Flaming Lion at the same time.

The densely packed ammunition enveloped the entire sky directly.


However, at this moment, with the roar of the flaming lion, a fireball instantly condensed in his mouth.

The huge fireball instantly shot into the sky and slammed into the ammunition in the sky.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

In an instant, a series of terrifying explosions spread throughout the sky.

The fireball erupted by the flaming lion exploded instantly and turned into a sky full of sparks, which fell on the earth and directly blasted the earth into huge potholes.

This round of fighter attacks did not do any damage to the Flame Lion at all. However, their role was not to kill the Flame Lion.

Because of this round of attack, the flaming lion stayed in place for dozens of seconds, however, these dozens of seconds were fatal.

Those dozens of missiles have come to the head of the flaming lion.


The flaming lion roared instantly, and its roar turned into a terrifying sound wave that soared into the sky.

Those fighter jets who originally wanted to escape were instantly swept away by this sound wave.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

In an instant, several fighter jets exploded directly in the sky.

This scene instantly made Chief Shi and Long Xiao in the command center clench their fists.

At the same time, dozens of missiles also smashed directly on the body of the flame lion.

"Boom rumble!!"

With a terrifying loud noise that shook the world, the entire world began to turmoil.

In the next instant, a terrifying mushroom cloud hundreds of meters high rose into the sky, and the endless heat instantly melted the earth.

The terrifying wave of destruction directly swept the surrounding area for several kilometers.

Its power is terrifying, almost catching up with Qin Yan's previous move, the panda palm.

That's right, even with such power, the damage to evolutionary beasts is not as powerful as Qin Yan's previous move.

Not to mention Qin Yan, whose strength has skyrocketed now.

"Finally successful!!!"

Shi Chang slowly exhaled a turbid breath and said excitedly.

It is really not easy. They have had the idea to kill the flaming lion for a long time, but the strength of the other party makes them have no certainty.

Fortunately, the ambush was set up in advance this time, and the unexpected action made those missiles directly on the body of the flaming lion!

"With such a powerful attack, even an ordinary third-level evolutionary beast cannot survive!!"

The commander of the command center also said with a smile.

From the data he knew, this terrifying power was enough to kill the flaming lion.

Even more than enough.

"Although seven fighter jets and seven pilots have been sacrificed, since they can kill the flaming lions, it is still worthwhile, and their sacrifices will bring precious respite to the citizens of our Sichuan base city!! "

Shi said in a heavy tone.

This battle can not only solve hidden dangers, but also boost the morale of the entire human race.

However, at this moment, one of the investigators who controlled the reconnaissance drone suddenly changed his face.

"No, the flaming lion is not dead!!"

A word that made everyone stiff instantly spread throughout the entire command center.

PS: The fifth watch is over, please collect, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for rewards, ask for everything! ! *

Chapter [-]: Killing, Crazy Killing, City Destroyer! (six more)

With a cry of exclamation, everyone was shocked to find that in the bombing screen being broadcast around the world, a bloody figure slowly walked out from the endless flames and explosions.

Everyone was horrified to find that this [-]-meter-tall, terrifying creature was not only repairing its own injuries at this time.

At the same time, its volume is also skyrocketing rapidly.

Thirty meters...

Forty meters...

This huge figure began to inflate rapidly like a balloon.

"Promoted, impossible, he actually advanced!!"

"Damn, why did he not only not die after the missile bombing, but also advanced!?"

"Flame!? Wait, he is an evolutionary beast of the fire attribute. Could it be that he just absorbed the power of flame from the explosion of the missile and advanced!?"



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