And after this order of his disappeared, the phantoms of all the supreme gods present disappeared one by one in front of this conference table.

The next moment, all over the universe, the supreme gods broke through the void and teleported to the coordinates sent by the supreme god of destiny.

"Lingshang, let's go too!!!"

Looking at the supreme god of fate, it has become: an empty palace, slowly facing the supreme god of life on the side, Mu Lingshang said.

"Seniors, let's go first, I'm going to go to Earth!!"

However, at this moment, the supreme god of life smiled slightly and spoke slowly to the supreme god of destiny.

However, Mu Lingshang's eyes seemed to reveal a trace of memories.

And as soon as her words came out, the supreme god of fate raised his brows.

Then he sighed helplessly.

"Go, if you can't let go of that matter, then your heart won't be able to devote yourself to the next matter."

I don't know why he wanted to say something, but after seeing the look in the eyes of the supreme god of life, he couldn't say it anymore.

After hearing this, Mu Lingshang nodded slightly, and then in a wave of endless life fluctuations, her figure disappeared into the endless void.

And the supreme god of destiny looked at the place where Mu Lingshang disappeared, sighed helplessly, and then disappeared into the Tianyan Divine Pagoda.

When he reappeared, he was already outside the Tianyan Divine Pagoda.

The snow-white beard of the supreme god of destiny flutters in the wind, and the long white clothes set off a breath of immortal style.

"Old man, you still need to be dispatched this time!!!"

Looking at the Tianyan Divine Pagoda in front of him, which is directly connected to the sky, the supreme god of destiny spoke slowly.

And as soon as his words came out, the huge Tianyanshen Pagoda below suddenly trembled slightly.

The next moment, the right hand of the supreme god of destiny slowly stretched forward.


With a calm low drink.

The next moment, the boundless power of destiny on his body frantically emerged from his body.

The inexhaustible power of destiny madly shrouded the entire Tianyan Divine Pagoda.

“Boom rumble!!!!”

In an instant, with the waves of earth shaking, the Tianyan Divine Tower suddenly began to tremble wildly.

In a roar, the terrifying body of Tianyanshen Pagoda began to slowly fly up from the ground.

The terrifying gravitational force between the earth and the giant tower distorts time and space.

As Tianyanshen Pagoda flies higher and higher, the effect of gravity becomes smaller and smaller.

Heaven and earth returned to peace again, but there was a deep pit tens of billions of light-years deep above the earth.

In this deep pit... it's okay to drop countless medium-sized galaxies.

"Let's go!!!!"

The Supreme Deity of Fate smiled slightly, and then appeared directly in the Tianyan Divine Pagoda at his feet.


After a burst of powerful energy fluctuations, the Tianyan Divine Pagoda disappeared directly in place with a burst of distortion.

......................... Solar system, over the earth!! "Om!!!"

After a wave of space fluctuations, a round black and white panda instantly appeared in the endless starry sky.

"Huh, it's finally here. I almost exhausted me. Aunt Mo Ling is so unreliable. She promised to send me to the earth, and it's a deviation of tens of millions of light-years."

This person is naturally Mo Yu.

After sleepless and frantic teleportation, he finally arrived at his destination, the Earth.

And looking ahead, it was almost exactly the same as in his memory, but after the earth was a circle bigger, his mood suddenly became excited.

At the same time, it was more excited to see Chi You soon.

Thirty thousand years ago, he and Chi You had agreed to go out into the universe, and he had planned to return after he found a way to allow Chi You to break through the limit and reach the eighth level of strength.

However, after I went out to the universe and encountered some intermediate civilizations, I directly inquired about everything in the virtual universe.

Therefore, he went directly to grab a virtual universe connector of an intermediate civilization.

After obtaining the access device, he, the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast who had awakened his bloodline, was immediately informed by his parents in the residence of the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast family.

Soon, his parents teleported directly to the civilization of the Shadow God and took him away.

By the time he reacted, he had already returned to the residence of the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast Clan.

"Hey, if I had known earlier, I would have asked my parents to help me, Chiyou would bring me back!!"

Mo Yu scratched his head helplessly.

Returning to the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast clan, he started to practice hard in order to surprise Chi You, intending to clarify with Chi You the question of who is the eldest brother when he saw Chi You, this practice is... hundreds of years.

Later, when he heard that he could improve his bloodline, he went.

Who would have thought that this is going to end... tens of thousands of years.


If it weren't for the big brother, Chi You would be cold, and it seems that next time, don't do such unreliable things!"

Mo Yu shook his head helplessly.


However, at this moment, there was a sudden wave of spatial fluctuations not far from Mo Yu.

His small eyes suddenly looked in the direction of the spatial fluctuations.

After a wave of space fluctuations, a girl in a long green dress appeared in the space.

The girl looked at the earth in front of her, her eyes flashing slightly.

Her thoughts seemed to go back to billions of years ago in an instant.

"Muyuan, your descendants are on this planet and seem to be doing well!!"

Mu Lingshang spoke slowly.

In her mouth, if Mu Yuan was heard by those supreme gods who had participated in the space holy war, she would definitely break out in a cold sweat.

Because, Muyuan, is the name of the supreme god of space!! And the supreme god of space has another identity!! That is, the master of the supreme god of life is also a person who raised the supreme god of space from a young age!! This piece Only the Supreme God of Fate and the Supreme God of Death and the Supreme God of Destruction who died know.

The other supreme gods even know only one name of the space supreme deity.

Of course, it is impossible for someone to associate that... the killing god who madly slaughtered all the supreme gods in the entire universe and the supreme god of life, the ultimate supreme god known for his gentleness and love, with the same surname. Together! In her mouth, Muyuan is the descendant of the supreme god of space, and it is none other than all human beings on the entire earth.

Earth human is... a race created by combining the blood of the supreme god of space with her life force.

This is also the reason why the elf said that the blood of the earth's human beings is more noble than the blood of the ordinary supreme gods.

"Hey, are you under the eldest brother!"

And just when Mu Lingshang's green eyes were still looking at the humans above the earth in a daze, a curious voice suddenly reached her ears, and Mu Lingshang slowly moved towards Mo Yu who spoke out. Looking at it, Mo Yu, who was round and round, was holding a bamboo brought from the home of the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast Clan while eating and looking at him curiously.

"You are Mo Yu!!"

Mu Lingshang smiled slightly, and with her laughter, the surrounding void seemed to be alive and began to cheer.

This is the power of the law of life emanating from her inadvertently.

"Crack clap clap!!"

"How do you know my name? Are you the girl sent by my eldest brother to greet me!"

However, Mo Yu was still naively eating the bamboo after seeing this scene, and then asked curiously.

If her words were heard by those... Supreme Gods or Divine Kings, she would be scared to death directly.

This kid actually said that the supreme god of life in Tangtang is Qin Yan's girl.

These are the most honorable people in the world.

However, his words did not make Mu Lingshang unhappy in the slightest, but instead smiled.

"You little thing, you really dare to say anything!"

Mu Lingshang smiled and said helplessly.


However, at this moment, another spatial fluctuation came.


Brother, come as soon as you come, and what kind of maid do you bring!"

Chapter [-]: Comprehend the ultimate power, the power of life!Are you the supreme god of life? (one more)


However, at this moment, another spatial fluctuation came.


Brother, come as soon as you come, and what kind of maid do you bring!"

As a curious voice slowly fell, a curious voice came out from the endless void, and at the same time the surrounding space began to tremble wildly.

It was as if he had met a king.

Seeing this scene, Mu Lingshang was stunned.

This power is... the real power of space law.

And the purity of this power of space is stronger than when the supreme god of space just realized the power of space! I saw a little panda who was one size smaller than Mo Yu and looked more cute from the endless void.

And he is naturally... Qin Yan.

When Qin Yan slowly appeared in this starry sky, his eyes froze when he saw Mu Lingshang.

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