After the peacock was bare, Qin Yan let go of the other party with satisfaction.

"Ding...Congratulations to the host for getting revenge, getting physique: 20, and acquiring talent: beast language!"

"Beast Language: You can talk to any evolutionary beast or even humans at will!"

After two consecutive system beeps, Qin Yan suddenly felt that all the muscles in his body began to be rapidly strengthened.

At the same time, a mysterious and mysterious power instantly enveloped Qin Yan's body.

In fact, other animals generally understand the animal language, but Qin Yan was a human in his previous life, and he has not learned this skill for a few months in this life.

After all, I hadn't even learned the bird language in English, let alone the more difficult animal language.

Fortunately, the system now gives.

"Forgive your life, Your Majesty, spare your life, spare your life!!!"

However, just after the reinforcement was completed, Qin Yan suddenly heard an exclamation.

The natural source of the sound is the peacock where it was originally screaming.

Annoyed, Qin Yan slapped the peacock with a slap, so that he almost met the King of Hell.

"What's it called! I won't eat you, the national treasure is vegetarian!!"

Immediately, Qin Yan slowly jumped off the opponent's body.

Peacock climbed up from the ground tremblingly, looking at the feathers around him, he suddenly wanted to cry without tears, it seemed that he would never find a daughter-in-law in his life.

"From today onwards, you are the subordinate of the national treasure! If you do a good job, I will directly snatch you a peacock garden. How many wives do you want by then!?"

However, after guessing the careful thoughts of the old single old peacock, Qin Yan said in a milky voice.

His words made the old peacock excited.

"I have seen the king, and I will be the king's son-in-law in the future, you let me..."

The old peacock immediately praised Qin Yan at the sight of the wind.

"Ding...Congratulations to the host for receiving the first little brother! Spirit +20, get talent: Beastmaster Fury!!"

"Beastmaster's Fury: With the majesty of the king of beasts, the active skill Beastmaster's Fury can explode, and the battle will be increased by 3 times within a short period of time after use! The effect can be increased with the increase of strength!"*

Chapter [-]: Healing! ! (three more for evaluation)

Two consecutive system prompts sounded, and at the same time, Qin Yan's body suddenly exuded a kind of coercion that only a king can have, which made the old peacock beside him feel terrified!

But more than that, he was glad that he didn't offend Qin Yan before.

Otherwise, with Qin Yan's strength, he can't stand it.

Qin Yan's eyes suddenly lit up after hearing this, and then he quickly turned his eyes to his backstage.

Sure enough, at this time, not only has his combat effectiveness improved, he even has two more talents!


Property sheet:

Name: Qin Yan

Race: Giant Panda

Realm: first-level evolutionary beast

Constitution: 34 (a point of constitution = 100kg strength, normal human: 1)

Soul: 32 (normal human: 1)

Skills: none

Talents: Beast Language, Beastmaster Fury


Seeing that his stats had more than doubled in just a few minutes, Qin Yan nodded his head in satisfaction, knowing that the more than half a month of cultivation that he had been cultivating since his spiritual qi recovery had only just increased his strength. Lifted to 400kg.

But now, in just a few minutes, he has increased his strength by [-] kg. This system is absolutely awesome.

"Since there is a bonus for taking a younger brother, let's go, it's great that those little raccoons have also recovered!"

Qin Yan's eyes suddenly lit up, and the little raccoon was also called the little panda. After all, the number of pandas in the giant panda breeding base was very small, and these little raccoons were bred nearby as a substitute, and they did not miss them. Panda's heat.

After the recovery of the aura, is it even more troublesome for the giant panda leaders.

"Old Kong, go on an expedition with the national treasure and collect all those little raccoons!!"

Qin Yan put his paws on his hips, pointed directly to the lush forest not far away, and said to the old peacock.

As soon as his words came out, the old peacock beside him jumped in his heart.

"Think again, King, there's a big boss in the group of diaosi little raccoons. He's very strong. If we go there, we'll be beaten in all likelihood, why don't we call the other giant pandas too?"

The old peacock panicked when he heard that Qin Yan a little panda wanted to sweep the little raccoon's territory, and quickly suggested to Qin Yan.

However, Qin Yan immediately turned his gaze to the giant panda gang that ate, slept, slept and ate not far away and shook his head.

"Forget it, expecting them to do it, it's better for us to be more reliable!"

After waving his little paws, Qin Yan directly grabbed the old peacock's neck and walked towards the little raccoon's territory.

The old peacock was dragged by Qin Yan and walked towards the little raccoon's territory in horror.

The giant panda's activity place is not far from the little raccoon's activity place, only a few hundred meters away. Soon, Qin Yan came to a lush forest.

"Huh? Isn't this the little brat from the fat guy next door? Why did you come here!?"

"Isn't the bamboo bad? Are you ready to come here and grab the fruit with us?"

"I told them a long time ago, what is delicious about bamboo, only fruit is delicious!"



Just as Qin Yan came here, he was seen by the little raccoons on the tree.

From their words, Qin Yan seemed to find that these little raccoons actually thought that they were the same species as the giant panda, but the giant panda was a little fatter.

"It's really ignorant and fearless. I'm a national treasure. How can you compare to a bunch of diaosi!"

Qin Yan shook his little head, and in shorthand he walked slowly under a big tree with three or four little raccoons.

The next moment he directly picked up the big tree and shook it fiercely.


Immediately, the big tree began to tremble wildly under his enormous power.

"Hey, kid, don't shake it, it's about to fall!!"

"Where did this little fat man get so much strength, help!!"



The little raccoon on the tree panicked and screamed quickly.


The sudden sound of breaking made Qin Yan stunned, and he shook the big tree that only one person could hold in front of him.


Amidst the terrified screams of a group of little raccoons, the tree fell to the ground.

The group of little raccoons were suddenly smashed to pieces and wailed on the ground.

Qin Yan scratched his head helplessly.

"Hey, I accidentally used too much strength!"

He said embarrassedly.

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, upside down the apple tree! Obtained attribute: Constitution +30! Skill: Healing!"

"Healing: It can quickly heal the wounded of the injured, and the healing effect is calculated according to the host's soul value!"*

Chapter [-]: Diaosi Little Raccoon! (Fourth more ask for a monthly pass!)

At this moment, two system prompts appeared in his mind instantly.

His physique immediately improved by another thirty points.

And there is one more healing skill!

"Huh? A skill that can heal any injury? Isn't that a national treasure so you don't have to worry about getting hurt in the future!?"

Qin Yan was immediately excited. Thinking of this, he immediately turned his eyes to the old peacock beside him.

Immediately, his small paw pressed directly on the head of the old peacock.

The old peacock suddenly panicked. Could it be that Qin Yan wanted to kill the bird?


However, in the next moment, an extremely warm force burst out from Qin Yan's hand.

What shocked the old peacock was that Qin Yan's energy suddenly poured into its whole body. After being ravaged by Qin Yan, the injuries on his whole body disappeared at an extremely terrifying speed.

Even the feathers that were plucked from the back of his buttocks grew out at a rapid rate.

The new feathers are even better looking than the previous ones.

When the old peacock saw this, his face changed greatly.

"I-I-I-I'm okay! My feathers are back!?"

The old peacock fiddled with his gorgeous feathers excitedly.

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