Qin Yan nodded lightly, and suddenly seemed to have thought of something, staring at the skeleton in front of him with a curious expression.

"You haven't told us yet, who is the object of your revenge, and where is it?"

Skull took a deep breath, and there was a hint of a wry smile in the corner of his mouth, and said, "Hey, I really don't know if you can go to him."

"However, I've been waiting for so long, and I don't want to wait any longer."

"And looking at your performances, you are still very good, and you are barely qualified, so I will ask you to help."

"The person I want to take revenge should be living in the sky cave now, but there is still a distance from here to there, and there are quite a few beasts, you must be careful."

Huo'er suddenly revealed incredulousness in his eyes, and asked: "The purpose of our visit to Cangqiong Cave this time is to enter Cangqiong Cave. We never thought that our location is the same."

"If that's the case, don't worry, since we all have the same destination, then I will definitely help you."

After he finished speaking, he patted his shoulder directly, but the whole person appeared unusually relaxed, no longer feared before.

Skeleton said: "Fortunately, you met me today. If you didn't meet me, I dived directly into the cave of the sky. Your strength is not enough at all... Others fight."

"But you can come here, you can be considered a fate, maybe you are my lucky star."

After he finished speaking, he threw the Immortal Corpse Grass directly to Qin Yan, and the whole person's hand speed became abnormally random, as if this kind of thing was not in his eyes at all.

Qin Yan took a deep look at him, put it away, and said slightly, "Senior Skeleton, don't worry, since you have already handed him over to me, then I must keep it well and use it against him later."

The skeleton nodded lightly, smiled bitterly, and his whole body looked very tired.

"Hey, let's go, it's been so many years, I feel that my great revenge can finally be repaid."

"I feel very excited when I think about it now. After all, as long as I get my revenge, I won't have so much pressure."

Qin Yan said: "Don't worry, I am very good at acting, so since you have already handed this thing over to me, then I will definitely handle it for you."

"But I'm very curious, what is the existence of that thing in the cave, at least knowing yourself and knowing the enemy can win a hundred battles."

There was a wry smile in the corner of the skeleton monster's mouth, and he said, "Hey, it's just a big snake that I raised back then."

"I just didn't expect that after such a long time, this guy turned out to betray and attacked me at some critical moment."


Chapter three hundred and sixty fifth bad

Chapter [-] Difficult Events

Chapter [-] The token of the skeleton

Chapter three hundred and sixty-eight good things

Chapter [-]::::Good thing "I do have a good thing here, and it's quite in line with you, but this thing can only be used once."

Then he directly took out a talisman paper from his body and handed it to Qin Yan in front of him, his eyes also revealed a deep reluctance.

After a wry smile, he said, "This talisman paper, if I guessed correctly, it should be about [-]% of my lifetime cultivation base: cultivation base."

"But this thing is a one-time use after all, and it is precisely because of this that it is used less than once."

Qin Yan's eyes lit up, and at the same time, this guy has already said so, and finally he understands why this guy has been very reluctant from the beginning until now....

After all, this guy is already close to death. This thing is... use one less time, of course he is reluctant to give it.

If it wasn't because of his own soft and hard bubbles, he knew that there must be no hope at all.

So at this moment, his eyes are also full of deep joy, at least he is more optimistic about the situation in front of him.

Huo'er smiled bitterly and asked, "Even if you say that, we don't know what your best strength was at that time."

"This talisman may not be as high as our attack power. If it is really like that, then everything will become: very ugly."

There was a trace of disdain in the corner of the skull's mouth, and he said, "Do you think it's possible, no matter how unbearable it is, it must be much stronger than your current strength."

"At least with this talisman, there will be no problems with the two at all. You can rest assured on this point. I am very confident about... this."

After hearing these words, Qin Yan's eyes suddenly lit up, and this is exactly what Bi wanted, at least it's worthy of this... It's normal now, so everyone's double at this moment. His eyes were full of deep joy, which made Skull stand aside and shook his head disdainfully.

"However, you have already obtained so many treasures from me. Are you already satisfied now?"

Qin Yan smiled lightly and said, "Since we have already taken so many treasures from you, eldest brother, we must still do things for you."

The skeleton monster was still in a bad mood at first, but when he heard this suddenly, there was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

It can be regarded as a little comfort for my current situation, and it can be regarded as the whole person's mood has improved a lot.

Qin Yan said: "Since we have all got what we want, then we will not continue to waste here."

"Staying here for a long time will inevitably affect your mood, so I think we should just leave."

Skeleton waved his hand in disdain and said, "Then why are you still here, why don't you leave me now?"

"You will only be an eyesore here, so I advise you to leave quickly now."

......After a while, the two of them left the place timidly and continued to rush forward, but everyone's eyes were also full of excitement.

After all, they can still see that the skeleton is really bleeding this time.

Huo'er smiled lightly and said: "This skeleton monster, although it looks fierce, and it is particularly unfriendly to people."

"But according to the overall situation, it's still relatively good. At least our attitude is relatively good."

Chapter [-] Help along the way

Chapter [-] The characters who suddenly appeared

Chapter [-] Hole Cards

Chapter [-] The growth of power

Chapter [-] Good strength

Chapter [-]::::The fat man with good strength heard Qin Yan's words, and he really didn't care...

If there is any action, the whole person stays in place obediently, and even looking at Qin Yan's eyes is full of fear.

Because until now he can still see that although the guy in front of him is not very strong, he has always had that kind of... miraculous means.

Such a miraculous method made him unable to guard against it, and even felt that this guy's talent has always been very superb, which made him feel that he didn't know what to say in the end.

Qin Yan couldn't bear to see this, and finally sighed helplessly, and said, "I advise you to leave the place. After all, the crisis here is not as simple as you think."

The fat man thought for a moment, and suddenly seemed to have made up his mind, shook his head gently, and said, "No, I won't leave, if it wasn't for your reminder, I'm also a corpse now, so If you really want me to leave, that's fine."

"No matter what, I will continue to stay here to repay you. If I can't repay you, I will feel very uncomfortable in my heart. Even if I want to break through this point, it will become a problem for me."

Qin Yan's expression suddenly became cold, and he said, "As for the issue you mentioned, it has nothing to do with me, now you just need to leave my side, after all, I don't need your presence here. ."

Huo'er, who was standing on the side, felt that there was something wrong with this approach, after all, he could feel it, and the opposite seemed to be sincere.

So at this moment, his twins also showed a trace of unbearableness, so he could only helplessly smile and look at Qin Yan in front of him.

He opened his mouth and said: "Qin Yan, I think this guy is quite pitiful, and his companions are already dead, or let him follow us."

"After all, this is the first time I have seen such a poor family, so it is only natural that we should help him if we can."

"And the two of us usually walk alone, so it's a good thing to have someone to accompany all of a sudden."

Qin Yan instantly wrinkled his brows, his eyes revealed a trace of solemnity, and said slightly: "Are you sure, do you know that taking him is likely to bring great danger to our lives, wait until When you are in danger, this guy is likely to abandon you directly."

Huo'er shook his head gently, a slight smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, and said, "I have already thought about this, but I think this guy is too pitiful, so I want to help Hit him."

There was a hint of a wry smile on the corner of Qin Yan's mouth. Until now, he still didn't want to accept this request.

The fat man seemed to have seen something, and immediately shook his head hurriedly, and said, "I am in particular danger here by myself, it is the greatest happiness to meet you all, how could I do it with you? right."

"And abandoning you at the most...should time is like abandoning myself. I still understand this very well, so I know better how to do it."

Qin Yan looked at the fat man in front of him, and saw Huo'er's very longing eyes, and there was also a wry smile on the corner of his mouth.

He opened his mouth and said, "Hey, since this is your decision now, then you have to pay for your decision. No matter what the final situation is, you will have to bear the pressure."


Chapter three hundred and seventy-five actions

Chapter [-] Resentment

Chapter [-] Site

Chapter [-] The road is different

Chapter [-]::::The roads are different and the purple fox said coldly: "Yo, if you really say it like this, you still look pretty cool, but the road ahead is different, you If you want to pass, it's almost impossible."

After speaking, the purple fox looked unusually indifferent, as if and felt that everything was not in his heart.

Qin Yan said slightly: "Then if we really have to go, what can you do?"

The purple fox smiled coldly and said, "If you really want to insist on doing this, then I can only deal with you in a tough way."

"After all, it's your problem, so I won't blame me, so even if you want to deal with you, you can only bear it."

After speaking, the purple fox instantly threw a light-blocking ball from his body, and the light ball just hit Qin Yan, which instantly changed Qin Yan's complexion.

However, because the speed was too fast, he didn't even have time to react, and he immediately turned into a different appearance.

Then the other people also deeply frowned, and until now they still can't accept the current general situation.

Qin Yan used his body energy to quickly block in front of him, trying to use such a method to block the attack.

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