Skill: Healing

Talents: Beast Language, Beast King Fury (combat power*4)


At this time, Qin Yan had successfully become a powerful secondary evolutionary beast.

The power that burst out with a slap is a full forty or fifty tons!

Even a building may be smashed by Qin Yan with a slap.

At the same time, because Qin Yan has the anger of the beast king, if it erupts, I am afraid that the third-level evolutionary beast will be scum in front of him!


On this day, a panicked scream came from the sky.

The next moment, a peacock with a wingspan of several meters and a colorful and extremely gorgeous peacock descended from the sky.

"Old Kong! What's the matter, you are so panicked! Don't you know that the national treasure is taking a nap?!"

Qin Yan rolled over lazily and asked the old peacock, at this time the old peacock has successfully become a first-level evolutionary beast.

The strength is also extremely powerful.

For some reason, these evolutionary beasts treated by Qin Yan's healing technique became more respectful to Qin Yan, and at the same time their strength increased faster.

After discovering this problem, Qin Yan used a healing technique on all his subordinates.

At present, [-]% of the animals in the giant panda breeding base have reached the level of the first-level evolutionary beast.

"Boss, when I was patrolling, I found that there seemed to be humans at the gate, and there were quite a few. It seemed that they were chasing and killing a big python!"

The old peacock said to Qin Yan excitedly.

PS: Thank you readers for your great support. It is said that a thousand flowers will be added to a chapter. Because the flowers have passed one thousand, the fifth update will be sent! ! *

Sixth more: Grab the cook!Pick up the snake skin! ! (one more)

After hearing the word "human", Qin Yan's eyes lit up.

He wanted to arrest some people for a long time. After all, he, a giant panda with a human soul, couldn't stand eating fruit every day. He wanted to eat hot pot and braised fish! !

"How many people do they have? How about the other strengths!?"

Qin Yan did not act rashly, but asked quickly.

"I took a look. In terms of human beings, there are a total of fifteen, and they are all first-level evolutionaries. There are no second-level ones, but they all carry some fire-breathing weapons, which seem to be the guns you mentioned.

In addition, the big python is already a second-level evolutionary beast, but it must be much weaker than the boss! "

The old peacock quickly told Qin Yan everything he knew.

"What? Just this lineup? That feeling is good, let's go, bring Da Mao and his little brother, as well as those seagull little brothers who called you, let's go grab the cook and get rid of the snake skin!!"

Qin Yan waved his small paw in high spirits and jumped directly onto Lao Kong's back.


The old peacock screamed excitedly, and immediately followed a long whistle and led Qin Yan to the sky.

The seagulls near the artificial lake not far away heard this long roar and flew up in a turbulent manner. Each of these seagulls had a wingspan of more than one meter, and their feathers all exuded a cold light. This is Qin Yan. air force.

At the same time, the big hair in the forest, which had grown to seven or eight meters high, suddenly kicked his feet when he heard Lao Kong's call, and the whole person turned into an orange lightning and rushed towards the gate.



On the road outside the giant panda breeding base, more than a dozen purifiers armed with firearms surrounded a giant python that was [-] meters long and more than a meter thick.

And this giant python seems to have a huge wound on the waist as if it was hit by a shell.

"Everyone, be careful, although this second-order evolutionary beast giant python has been hit by rockets several times in a row, his vitality is still very strong, and he must not be allowed to run into the forest!"

I saw a valiant and unusually beautiful girl headed by this evolutionary team speak. The girl looks only seventeen or eighteen years old, but her strength is the most powerful in this evolutionary team present.

It is a first-order late-stage evolutionary.

He is also one of the most talented evolutionaries in the entire Sichuan-Shu base city, named Yi Qianxuan!

And the evolutionary team she led was actually all women. It was Yi Qianxuan's evolutionary team composed of more than ten most powerful women in the entire Sichuan base city so far.

It is called Scarlet Rose by all the evolvers in the base city of Sichuan and Shu.

"Knowing the boss, we will be careful!"

The vice-captain beside Yi Qianxuan said solemnly.

The other team members were also on guard, each holding cold weapons in their hands, protecting the team members holding bazooka and sniper rifles in the middle.

In the early days of aura recovery, these thermal weapons are the greatest weapon for human beings to survive and still control the situation.

Of course, maybe in the near future, even a nuclear bomb will not be able to hurt the top evolutionary beast.


The python looked at the evolutionary people around him with cold eyes, but of course his eyes were fixed on the team member carrying the bazooka!

He knows that only the bazooka can hurt it among the people present, but it is very difficult for it to pass other evolutionaries and kill the evolutionary ones with the bazooka, unless...

Suddenly, the giant python opened its bloody mouth, and the next moment, a pair of fangs were instantly exposed.

In an instant, a corrosive venom shot out from its teeth, and the venom shot at the girl carrying the bazooka at a terrifying speed.

The expressions of all the evolutionaries present changed suddenly.

"No, he's mutated into venom! Xiaoling, get out of the way!!!"

Yi Qianxuan exclaimed, but it was already too late.

The venom had already shot in front of the girl named Xiaoling.



With a scream, everyone present was stunned.

I saw that Yi Qianxuan didn't know what to do and blocked all the venom in front of Xiaoling.

The bulletproof suit behind her was instantly corroded by the venom.

"team leader…………"

"team leader!!"

"team leader!!!"



In an instant, the members of the Rose Evolution Squad around all exclaimed.

"Quick... quick attack!!!"

However, Yi Qianxuan said with a trembling voice, and the next moment, she rolled her eyes and fell towards the ground.

Fortunately, the vice-captain Luo Xue on the side quickly supported her.

"Little Spirit, attack!!!"

Luo Xue gave a low voice to Xiaoling who was already stunned.

Xiaoling, who was relieved, hurriedly aimed the bazooka at the python.


With a flame wake, the cannonball burst out.

The giant python is extremely difficult to avoid with its huge body.


PS: The new day is here, if you have a flower evaluation ticket, please give it to readers, thank you very much! ! *

Seventh more: Gong... Kung Fu raccoon! ? (two more)

With a loud noise, the python was directly hit in the tail by the shell.

In an instant, a huge blood hole appeared on his body!


A painful hissing sound instantly spread throughout the battlefield.

However, the next moment it began to frantically crush the players one by one.

Because he knew that the gap between each shell was a good time for it to start.


With one of his tail sweeps, the leader of the team holding a fine iron giant shield was beaten up and flew out.

Without the protection of the giant shield, she would be swept into blood mist in an instant.

"Blade of Wind!!"


"Wood spirit is entangled!!"



At this time, the power users are also finished.

In an instant, the fireballs, the wind blades all vented towards the giant python.

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