Seeing this, Qin Yan finally understood why the previous state said that the life fluctuations in this dome became weaker and weaker as time went by.

What they are exploring is the life force of the giant egg, not the life force of the alien creatures inside. As the life inside becomes more and more complete, the power of the eggshell is also absorbed more.

As a result, the strength of the eggshell becomes less and less.

And now Qin Yan estimates that... a third-level evolutionary person can easily open this giant egg.

However, when he saw Calles from above the ground, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"It's now! Let's do it!!!"

I don't know when he hooked up with the one from the country... the transformation person, with a low shout, the two moved instantly.

"Metal Cannonball!!!"

With a low drink from Calles, his whole body instantly turned into metal.

The next moment, his whole body slammed towards the dome like a missile.

And the... genetically modified man beside him didn't say a word, just squeezed his fist and blasted towards the giant egg.

Only then did Qin Yan realize that his speed was very terrifying, much higher than the third level, six or seven, and the level of a star.

No wonder the body survived in a nuclear bomb.

And the figures of the two of them instantly smashed into the crack of the giant egg.


A loud, earth-shattering sound occurred in an instant.


Under the terrifying power of the two, the giant egg was smashed with a shattering sound and a huge hole was instantly smashed.

Even Calles both entered the dome directly.

Of course, Qin Yan in the sky expressed regret for the performance of the two of them giving away their heads.


The next moment, an earth-shattering roar came from the dome.

"Crack clap clap!!!"

However, in the next instant, the entire dome began to shatter rapidly from the inside.

Dense cracks spread all over the dome in an instant.


Then an explosion sounded, and the fragments of the entire dome instantly turned into countless fragments and shot out in all directions.

"Boom boom boom!!"

Each piece of egg smashed on the ground like a Tomahawk missile fell on the ground, smashing the ground into huge deep pits.

And the place where the dome was originally was also shrouded in dust from the sky.

As the dust slowly fell on the ground, a behemoth of several hundreds also appeared in front of Qin Yan and the others.

It was a...the whole body was blooming endlessly like a...the terrifying creature of the western giant dragon, a pair of huge fleshy wings flapped slightly in the air, and his most conspicuous was his head, with a total of three 3.

One of the heads in the middle has the endless power of thunder, and these...... the power of thunder runs through its whole body.

At the same time, in the mouths of his other two heads, he was holding Calles and the previous...transformed person.

Qin Yan in the sky was stunned when he saw this.

"I'll give it a go, isn't this the one from Godzilla... the King of Monsters, Ghidorah!"

Looking at Ghidorah Qin Yan, who was full of thunder, he touched his little head with some doubts.

It was recorded in some legends and films in the parallel world where Qin Yan lived before, this thing is real.

Originally Qin Yan thought it was just nonsense, but he didn't expect that the special meow was true.

It's just that this one... Ghidorah is several times bigger than the one depicted in the Godzilla movie.

The wingspan reaches hundreds of meters, and the height on the ground also reaches a terrifying height of hundreds of meters.

This is already a real mountain on the ground. If Godzilla really came, I would be trampled into a pancake.

At this time, the two heads beside Ghidorah, who was on the ground, swayed slightly, and instantly swallowed Calles and the...transformer.


The next moment, with a roar of Ghidorah, his whole body instantly burned into a terrifying thunderous flame.

At the same time, he also slowly raised his head and looked towards Qin Yan. Obviously, he had noticed Qin Yan in the sky at this time! Because he felt a strong threat from Qin Yan! A trace of threatening power made him feel that his life was in danger, but, in the eyes of him who was just born, Qin Yan was just an inconspicuous little person, why would he be afraid in his heart.


Therefore, without any culture, he can only roar into the sky.

And Qin Yan also discovered that Ghidorah on the ground seemed a little afraid of himself.

"Hey! Strange thing, this Ghidorah's strength doesn't seem to be as strong as imagined, and the realm seems to be only four levels, seven or eight, and the level of a star!!"

Suddenly, Qin Yan discovered something that puzzled him. You must know that the power that emerged from the giant egg Qin Yan knew that Ghidorah's realm was at least level five, otherwise there would be no such horror below level five. energy fluctuations.

"It's only level four, then I'll go down and tease it!!"

Seeing that the opponent's realm was not as strong as he thought, Qin Yan's back straightened immediately.

I like to bully the weak.

“Boom rumble!!!!”

As Qin Yan's thoughts moved, an endless purple thunder burst out from his body in an instant.

Then, driven by the purple thunder, Qin Yan's body flew directly.

And the speed is also extremely terrifying, with a thunderous sound, Qin Yan has already appeared in the sky in front of Ghidorah.

"Fuck, the king can fly!!"

Lao Kong in the sky exclaimed when he saw this.

"Wow, the king can fly, it's amazing!!"

"Hahaha, Lao Kong is going to lose his job!!"

"I didn't expect the king to actually fly, it really is our king!!"

......... The girls in the sky exclaimed with excitement after seeing this scene.

Everyone's eyes are shining brightly.

"Old Kong, lift off!!!"

However, at this moment, a mid-air voice slowly reached Lao Kong's ears.

Everyone looked at the speaker.

It was found that it was Zao Wou-Ki who had just fully recovered from his injuries.

At this time, the aura emanating from Zao Wou-Ki's whole body was stronger than before.

The realm has also been upgraded from the original three-level six-star 6 to three-level seven-star.

It can be said that the strength has been greatly improved.

However, at this time, Zao Wou-Ki looked down with a very serious expression.

The increase in strength allowed him to feel the terrifying aura emanating from Ghidorah on the ground even more.


Although Lao Kong didn't know why, he still listened to Zao Wou-Ki's words, and immediately flew his wings into the higher sky.

Several people have reached seven or eight kilometers, and only slowly stopped in the high sky.

.................. At this time, Ghidorah on the ground was watching Qin Yan flying in the sky with very vigilant eyes. .

"You are Ghidorah and you were just born, so the national treasure will call you Xiaoji!"

However, Qin Yan spoke up.

His own words made Ghidorah bewildered, unable to understand.

Qin Yan was stunned for a moment! "Well, the national treasure speaks the standard Ghidorah language, are you Ghidorah!!"

Qin Yan also had a question mark on his face.

From the animal language given by the system, Qin Yan will speak the language of the other's race whenever he sees the other party.

Therefore, what Qin Yan spoke was absolutely the standard Ghidorah language.

However, he has forgotten that the one in front of him... Ghidorah is a... Ghidorah, a turtle born on earth.

It's like you expect a child who was born in the wild to communicate with you fluently in human language. Ghidorah, who heard Qin Yan's questioning, thought Qin Yan was protesting against him, and his face suddenly changed again: vicious stand up.


The next moment Ghidorah burst out with a roar.

At the same time, the head in the middle began to frantically condense out a terrifying thunder force.

A huge thunder ball of light also quickly condensed out of his mouth.

"If you don't agree with each other, it's too much, you brat."

Qin Yan was suddenly speechless, but since he couldn't influence it with love, he was going to use a stick to influence it.

Immediately, the hair on Qin Yan's body began to slowly stand upside down, and the next moment, frightening breaths burst out from Qin Yan's body.

“Boom rumble!!!”

There was a roaring sound all over the world.

And Qin Yan's momentum also skyrocketed wildly.

Feeling Qin Yan's momentum, Ghidorah, who was rapidly increasing, suddenly showed a trace of fear.

He was just born without the so-called king of monsters, so he naturally had some fear in the face of beings stronger than himself.

"Beastmaster Fury!!!!"

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