A few minutes later, Zao Wou-Ki had already told Qu Yunyi and the others about the basic situation. As the most powerful group of people on Earth so far, Qu Yunyi and others were also completely shocked at this time. Only then did they know that it was because of Qin Yan's help that Zao Wou-Ki's strength increased so terribly.

And now Qin Yan has also shot to subdue Ghidorah.

Although Qin Yan is also an evolutionary beast, perhaps because of the healing technique, these... strong men from various countries trust Qin Yan very much.

Besides, Qin Yan was their savior anyway.

"Thank you for your life-saving grace, Your Majesty, if there is any dispatch in the future, I will never refuse!!"

Qu Yunyi slowly bowed his hands to Qin Yan and said gratefully.

"That's right, if the king needs help, just order it directly, and we will do our best!"

The powerhouses of other countries also expressed their opinions quickly.

in spite of....

For any reason, since Qin Yan possesses such terrifying strength, and a younger brother like Ghidorah, they all need to show all their sincerity.


There is no need to be so polite with me, I saved you all but I have a question to ask you!"

Qin Yan looked at these....... the attitude of the human race powerhouse did not care too much.

As long as others don't do things for them, Qin Yan doesn't care what they do.

Qin Yan's words immediately made more than a dozen strong men from various countries nervous.

"Your Majesty, please speak!!!"

"As long as we know, we will definitely know everything!"

"That's right, if you have any questions, just ask!!"

..............One after another, the strong men quickly responded respectfully to Qin Yan.

"It's not a big deal, I just want to ask, you guys are losing so much human beings right now, do you have to... unify or prepare for each country to do its own thing as before the cataclysm!!"

However, Qin Yan asked something that made them all a little confused.

More than a dozen powerhouses looked at each other in dismay. Because of this problem, they really hadn't thought about it.

Of course, the main reason is that if all are unified, then whoever acts as the ultimate leader and whoever becomes the leader will make others dissatisfied.

At the same time, they never thought about giving up their current status before.

"Yeah, it's an extravagant hope for human beings to even survive in the cataclysm. Not to mention the current situation. If we don't... unite, we may not be far from exterminating our clan!!"

Qu Yunyi, as the original leader of the Celestial Dynasty, sighed helplessly.

"That's right, if it continues like this, my human race may all perish. This is definitely not what we want to see!"

"It's time to unify!!"

"Yes, several leaders of our countries are here now. If you agree, we will announce it to the world in a few days!!"

"Makes sense, I agree!!"

"Me too!!!"

...................... The powerhouses of all countries have reached a consensus in just a few minutes after experiencing this battle.

And the new country has a new name, that is the Earth Alliance!! "As for the leader of the alliance, I am now recommending Zao Wou-Ki, you have no opinion!!"

But at this moment, Qu Yunyi said with a smile.

Immediately, the powerhouses of the other countries on the side were stunned.

"Yeah, Zhao Wuji is the strongest human being in my human race so far. Being the leader of this alliance definitely deserves his name!"

"I agree, this position belongs to him!!"

"I agree too!!"

................. Qu Yunyi's proposal was immediately approved by the surrounding human powerhouses.

You must know that in the battle just now, they were completely convinced by Zao Wou-Ki's strength and aura, and even though they lost one-on-one against Ghidorah, the aura of the Human Race was pushed to the top by him.

Such a person with both strength and virtue is definitely worthy of his name as the leader of the human race.

"Everyone, listen to me!"

But at this moment, Zhao Wuji, the strongest man in the human race, walked out slowly and said with a smile.

"The position of the leader of the alliance, you can choose another one. I will only guard the king's side all the time. Of course, if you can think of it, the decision-making level of the Human Race Alliance will just give me a place!!"

After saying this, Zao Wou-Ki silently stood beside Ghidorah.

And his decision suddenly silenced these human race powerhouses.

"Okay, okay, this is not your conference room, and I have finished asking about the national treasure. Since Lao Zhao still wants to follow me, I will take him away. In addition, I don't want anyone to disturb the life of the national treasure in the future. You just need to understand!!"

However, at this moment, Qin Yan interjected directly.

The reason why he asked this sentence could be considered as the last thing to do for mankind. With this sentence of his, all the people present were not fools.

Naturally they know what Qin Yan means... let them be unified, and they at the highest level naturally know who is the king of this world! Otherwise, when the following people who are not open to the eyes come to provoke Qin Yan, the loss will only be would be the human race.

As a former human, Qin Yan naturally did not want himself to be on the opposite side of human beings.

"Remember the words of the king!!"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, no one will come to provoke Your Majesty from now on!"

"Congratulations to the king!!"

.................In the respectful salute of a strong human being, Qin Yan sat on Ghidorah's back and rose into the sky. , fly into the distance.

And Lao Yan and the others also ran quickly towards the distance.

Qu Yunyi and the others were slightly relieved when they watched Qin Yan leave.

Although I know that Ghidorah has been accepted as a younger brother by Qin Yan, the feeling of standing in front of a giant monster that is more terrifying than a mountain is definitely not good! "Let's go, this matter is over for the time being, the king will explain it. We still need to resolve the matter, I hope this time, the country will not have anything to do! Qu Yunyi looked at Qin Yan and the others who were leaving and then spoke solemnly.

"If the country is really incompatible, then let them destroy the country!!"

Zhang Zhidao, who was on the side, said something that didn't quite fit his temperament at this time.

As soon as his words came out, the strong men around him all laughed.

If you don't cooperate, it can be destroyed.

Now the country is no longer the first powerful country before the cataclysm that can intimidate other countries at will!......"Ding... ..Congratulations to the host, star alien, Ghidorah is the younger brother! Obtained attributes: physique +50, soul +50!"

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, for saving the biggest disaster on earth! Obtained attributes: Physique 500, Soul +50! Obtained skill: Lei Ling Zhan!!"

"Lei Ling Battle Body: Level [-] top skills, quality: perfect! You can use the power of thunder to bless yourself and greatly improve your speed and strength!"

........................Qin Yan, who was sitting above Ghidorah's head in the sky, heard a system prompt, After the prompt sound, Qin Yan suddenly felt that his whole body strength began to increase wildly.

At the same time, the use of Lei Ling's combat body was also passed on to Qin Yan's mind at this time.

This Lei Ling battle body is almost the same as the previous Beastmaster Fury.

But the anger of the Beastmaster is a talent, that is to say, this power is directly implanted into Qin Yan's body, and it consumes the power of Qin Yan's blood.

At the same time, no one else can learn.

However, the Lei Ling battle body is a martial skill that uses the power of the thunder element to activate, and it can be taught to those who also have the power of thunder.

That is to say, Qin Yan can teach it to Ghidorah under his feet.

Moreover, the talent can be improved with Qin Yan's strength, but the martial skills... are impossible.

At the same time, a martial art has a level, and the level limits his ultimate power.

However, Qin Yan, who has the strengthening technique, can improve the level of his martial arts, just like the Dragon Spear Technique before.

"Although it's not as good as Beastmaster's Fury, it's definitely a good thing!!"

Qin Yan's small eyes lit up slightly, knowing that he was already angry with the Beastmaster, and if he added the blessing of Lei Ling's battle body, his strength would definitely be terrifying! "I haven't looked at my attribute table for a long time, and now I'm also improving. It's a lot!!"

Qin Yan thought of this and immediately opened his attribute table in the background! It can be said that the improvement this time is more than any previous time.

Of course, it was also because Qin Yan's strength had improved.


Above Ghidorah's head, Qin Yan asked Zao Wuji curiously after reading all his attributes.

At this time, Qin Yan's combat power has undergone extremely terrifying changes, but for the current Qin Yan, his strength is... the most powerful in the world anyway, and it doesn't seem to make much difference if he improves it! "Your Majesty, this I know one thing during the battle, that is, only strength is what determines everything, without strength, everything is in vain, so I hope to continue to strengthen my strength by following the king!!"

After listening to Qin Yan's words, Zao Wou-Ki spoke to Qin Yan very seriously.

And his words also made Qin Yan nodded slightly, to be able to figure out these things....... the best.

"In that case, your training will be more serious from today onwards.

Don't tell your national treasure that you can't hold on, your strength has also been raised to level four in this battle, which is a big gain!"

Qin Yan looked at the slowly setting sun in the distance and said with a smile.

"Yes, Your Majesty!!"

Zao Wou-Ki slightly cupped his hands and answered very seriously.

"By the way, Xiaoji, wait a moment and stop in front!!"

Suddenly, Qin Yan seemed to remember something and slowly said to Xiaoji.

"Good king!!!"

Xiaoji answered quickly, to be honest, Ghidorah was always in fear after escaping from Qin Yan that day, for fear that Qin Yan would find him and kill him.

Although Qin Yan had also found him now, he was not dead. On the contrary, Qin Yan would still feel this way in the future, which made him very relaxed.

He was even a little annoyed at why he didn't speak the Ghidoran language in the first place.

Otherwise, you don't have to be beaten and run away.

And Ghidorah hovered in the sky after coming to the previous Hmong gathering place.

Immediately, Qin Yan and Lao Zhao jumped directly from its back.


Just like before, with the two loud noises, the bodies of Zhao Wuji and Qin Yan had slowly landed on the ground.

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