Ghidorah was immediately stunned.

"Your Majesty... Where are you, Your Majesty!"

Ghidorah screamed anxiously.

"The national treasure is on your head, be quiet, your voice is so loud!!"

However, a complaining voice came from above Ghidorah's head at this time.

Ghidorah's other two heads hurriedly looked towards Lei Ting's head, only to find that Qin Yan had appeared above his head at some point.

"Huh, Your Majesty, you scared me to death, I thought you were kidnapped by aliens!"

Ghidorah breathed a sigh of relief, but Ghidorah still didn't know how Qin Yan appeared above his head.

"You have done a great job this time. I found a lot of good things below, and I will be the first to use them later!!"

Qin Yan, who was sitting on Ghidorah's head, spoke directly.

And his words suddenly lit up in front of Ghidorah's eyes below.

"Thank you king, thank you king!!"

Ghidorah is excited and grateful to Qin Yan! Although he doesn't know what the good things Qin Yan is talking about, he is still very happy. After all, he can help Qin Yan! Qin Yan was not very worried about the influence of Ghidorah.

Because of this, the biggest impact of strengthening the chip is that it cannot make the opponent break through the level of the chip, but Qin Yan believes that all his younger brothers are... no matter how good they are, they can't surpass their own strength improvement speed.

, If you can really be put on the face of a king who surpasses yourself! Therefore, the so-called restriction is equivalent to.

And another point, the side effect is... will be placed in the chip control, which seems to be the same as there is no.

Originally, Ghidorah and the others were more loyal to Qin Yanbi, and there was not much difference.

Therefore, these... things that are extremely fearful to... other slaves, are definitely a good thing for... Qin Yan's younger brother to improve their strength.

"Let's go, you have killed all the old men, just leave them a few alive!"

Looking at the ruins below, Qin Yan showed no sympathy.

Before the Great Cataclysm, during the Chinese New Year campaign, there were unknown how many families were beaten to pieces by them.

Now that the country is destroyed by Ghidorah, will they think of the children in the family that was destroyed by them in their hearts, is it the same as they think now! "Om!!!!!"

The next moment, as Ghidorah's huge wings slammed toward the ground, the next moment his huge body rose into the sky, and soon flew up to a height of [-] meters, and then flew towards the distant sky.

All that was left were the ruins and the charred corpses in the ruins.

.................The Lostak civilization, which is hundreds of light years away from the solar coefficient, is an early developed intelligent race civilization. Planet Tucker is a hundred times the size of Earth.

It stands to reason that the larger the planet, the smaller the individual size of the species.

Because it is small: the individual can resist the gravitational pull that becomes: the bigger the planet.

But the Rostarks are the exact opposite.

They are dozens of times larger than humans, reaching tens of meters in height.

Everyone who comes to earth is a giant.

At the same time, because of the home planet of the Lostak people, the concentration of the aura of the sky and the earth of the Lostak star is very strong, almost reaching the concentration of the aura after the Earth Cataclysm.

Therefore, as long as the Rostarks are adults, they are all second-level peak evolutionaries, and with a little talent, they can reach the third-level.

Of course, this is because the Rothak people have been born to adulthood for [-] years. If the current human beings give them [-] years to achieve the third level of all members, it is not difficult. The concentration is a bit stronger than the Rostark's.

It's just that only about a hundred days have passed since the beginning of the cataclysm: time.

And most of the Losstars will be sent to other colonized planets when they reach adulthood.

Only those with powerful talents will be left on the home planet.

Because too many people absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, it will cause the aura of heaven and earth in Losstar to make ends meet, and eventually the concentration of spiritual energy will drop.

Of course, babies born on other planets will be sent back to their home planet as long as they pass the test and their talents are qualified, and if they are unqualified, they will continue to stay on other planets.

Compared to the parent star, the concentration of the spiritual energy of other planets is simply... dozens of grades lower.

Therefore, according to the records in ancient books, the Lostak people divide the level of life planets into first-level life planets, second-level life planets, third-level life planets, and fourth-level ones.

The standard of division is also very simple, that is... If the level and quantity of the concentration of the heaven and earth aura above generally reach the aura inside the first-level Yuan Lingshi, it is called a first-level life planet.

If the spiritual energy of heaven and earth reaches the level of the second-level Yuan Lingshi, it is... a second-level planet.

Cultivation in a fourth-level life planet is equivalent to holding a fourth-level soul stone with unlimited content all the time! Of course, let alone a fourth-level life planet, it is... a first-level life planet It is extremely rare in the universe.

It has been [-] years since the Losstars started space jumping and cosmic travel.

The region of the Milky Way they have traveled in these [-] years is farther than the region they have traveled in the past [-] years.

There are thousands of stars in the star system, and hundreds of planets with life, but all of them are the kind of planets that are similar to the earth before the cataclysm.

Only a small number of planets have reached the level of first-class life planets.

As for the second-level life planet, so far, only their Rostark planet is the second-level peak life planet.

And today, Star Lostar is conducting an unprecedented regular meeting! The opening of this regular meeting will directly call back all the senior generals who have fought on some small planets in the distance.

At this time, the Royal Council Center of the Star Imperial Capital of Lostar was filled with senior generals who had reached the fifth level, and the number had reached hundreds! The few sitting in front had already reached the peak of the fifth level. !"Boom!!!!!"

However, at this moment, a distant and deep bell came from above the parliamentary center, and the bell directly spread across most of the star of Lostar.

And all the generals who heard this voice looked serious, and at the same time they all stood up slowly and saluted slowly towards the front of the parliamentary center.

"Tread! Tread! Tread!!!"

However, with the sound of sonorous footsteps, an old man with a supreme aura slowly walked out from the depths of the parliament.

The robe of the Emperor of the Star of Losdar, represented by the old man, fluttered in the wind.

And he is... the current emperor of the Lostar civilization... the Emperor of Lostar! He is also the only sixth-level powerhouse of the Lostar civilization so far.

Up to now, it has lived for more than [-] years! The life of a powerhouse who has reached the sixth level can reach a full [-] years. The lifespan is only a few hundred years.

And in these hundreds of years, it is impossible for a second sixth-level powerhouse to appear.

The reason is... the concentration of aura began to decline ten thousand years ago. Even if they made a lot of remedies, they still couldn't restore it. It must be known that the star of Lostar ten thousand years ago was a three-dimensional one. Life-level planet! For the continuation of civilization, the Lostak people put all their power into the construction of the Lostal more than [-] years ago. Life-level planet.

It is a pity that the Lostar, which gave almost all hope on its first voyage, disappeared into the universe, and not even the slightest message was sent back! This is definitely a civilization that has been passed down for more than [-] years. Devastating disaster.

Because they have no more resources to build a similar spaceship, even if it is built due to lack of energy, they will only be able to go and can't come back! Unless they can determine where there is a third-level life planet, they will never leave ! And after Emperor Rostark walked out slowly, the surrounding senior generals slowly bowed to the front.

"Meet the Emperor!!!"

"Meet the Emperor!!!"

"Meet the Emperor!!!"

.................. A voice of respect came from the mouths of all the senior generals present! Facing the Rostark Emperor, even if it was slaughtered Some of the powerhouses of tens of billions of beings bowed their heads respectfully.

Because, this emperor, by his own power, slaughtered all the creatures in a first-level peak planet.

You must know that although it is only a first-level life planet, there are a large number of fifth-grade Yuan Lingshi mines on it.

There are dozens of fifth-level powerhouses, but all of them died in the hands of Emperor Rostark alone.

Compared to the other party, these of them...but they are only five-level generals who can be arrogant! At the same time, it was after that time that they obtained a large number of five-level Yuan Lingshi ore. Only in a short period of time did the Lostak civilization create such terrifying starships as the Lostak.

"Get up, no more politeness required!!!"

Emperor Rostark sat on his throne, and then spoke slowly.

As soon as his words came out, an invisible force immediately shrouded all these...... Fifth-level powerhouses, and slowly lifted them up.

At this moment, many of the newly promoted fifth-level powerhouses changed their expressions slightly. It was too terrifying. Just a single thought could make hundreds of their fifth-level powerhouses stand up without any room for resistance.

"Thank you my emperor!!"

"Thank you my emperor!!"

"Thank you my emperor!!"

................. After thanking Emperor Rostark, all the generals returned to their seats.

And looking at the seven or eight hundred that he had created in his thousands of years, the fifth-level powerhouse Rostark Emperor smiled slowly.

It was the happiest laugh he had ever had in thousands of years.

The people below all looked shocked when they saw this, as if they knew that something big had happened.

Under Rostark's eyes, the general Kadir, who was standing guard next to him, took a step forward slowly! "Everyone, if you come here this time, there is important news to tell. Everyone!"

Kadir spoke slowly, and he was selected as Rostark's guard because of his level five peak strength, so his status has reached the second level in the entire civilization.

As soon as his words came out, the next chapters......the fifth-level powerhouses all became serious.


At this moment, with a wave of fluctuations above the parliament, a holographic image was suddenly projected, and what was outlined in the image was the Lostar, which was highly anticipated by countless people three thousand years ago. It can be named after civilization. The title can be said to be the importance of the Lostar.

After seeing this missing spaceship for thousands of years, everyone present shrank violently, because they guessed that the matter this time was definitely related to this spaceship.

"You may have guessed it, yes, a few days ago, the Empire has received a request for help from the Lostak spacecraft! This spacecraft that covets the hope of our entire civilization has been found and is in good condition. No damage!!"

Kadir spoke slowly.


: Seeking self-determination, seeking self-determination, seeking self-determination!!!

Chapter [-]: The Ultimate Talent Ghidorah! (Two more!)


The next moment, as soon as Kadir's words came out, the bottom immediately boiled! "I found it, and it's still intact, it's just... God bless me Rostark civilization!"

"Yeah, because of the construction of this spaceship, my Lostak civilization has gone backwards for thousands of years, and it has only recently recovered!"

"I just don't know where the spacecraft is. If it's too far away, our current energy may not be able to support it!"

...................... Hundreds of people were all pleasantly surprised.

With the Lostak spacecraft, their civilization will have the opportunity to develop in a further direction, but if it cannot be recovered, and if a new powerful planet cannot be found in a short period of time, the level of the parent star will decrease as the level of the parent star decreases. The level of their civilization may even be regressed! And the biggest problem with the regression of civilization is... let them be destroyed by a more powerful civilization, and those who are present will either be enslaved or all dead.

And this is the cruelty of war! "The discovery of the Lostark is actually not the most important thing this time, but the most important thing this time is the planet where the Lostark is at this time!"

However, at this moment, Kadir spoke again.

As soon as his words came out, the originally excited parliament calmed down again.

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