"We naturally did our best to do what the king ordered, so we also have some clues about the things you asked us to pay attention to! This is where alien civilizations may exist! Please take a look at the king!!"

After Zao Wou-Ki finished speaking, he tapped on his watch, and then a virtual projection shot out from the watch.

It is worth mentioning that this watch is... one of the research results of those human scientists in this month.

Has the virtual projection technology of the Rostark civilization.

It's not perfect, but it's still usable.

In the projection, a virtual map projection suddenly appeared.

This map is a new map drawn by the latest topography of the earth. It not only records the locations of the major beastmasters, but also the locations of some special evolutionary beasts.

It's just that in the location where the base city of Chuanshu is located, there is a portrait of such a red panda, and at the same time a forbidden word appears on the head of the red panda.

The explanation for the forbidden word is very simple, that is... the forbidden place, if you break into it at will, you will be punished by the laws of the Earth Alliance.

"Look, Your Majesty, these places are all the places we searched for where anomalies have occurred on Earth, and there are almost all remnants of alien civilizations here!!"

Zao Wou-Ki immediately circled a full seven or eight points on this map! And each of these seven or eight points is very famous.

There is Bermuda, there is the gate of hell, there is the Egyptian pyramids! These seven or eight, these points, basically every Qin Yan before has thought about it.

Of course, there were just a few more places that Qin Yan had never heard of.

"And that's all!!"

Dear, he asked Zao Wou-Ki curiously, originally he thought there would be dozens of points.

"Your Majesty, these......points are all places where anomalies have occurred before, so I listed them out! As for other places on the earth, they have never appeared before. Anything is wrong, therefore, I did not list it, and please forgive me!"

Zao Wou-Ki spoke to Qin Yan slowly.

After all, the places Qin Yan asked him to find before were all places where alien civilizations might appear.

"Alright, let's go to these places first, if there are any abnormalities, it is best, if there is no alien civilization, look for other places! Qin Yan also nodded slightly, after all, if there are too many goals, it will waste time.

Perhaps, the alien civilization you want to find may be in these places.

As for why Qin Yan is so sure that there must be other alien civilizations on the earth, the reason is very simple.

That is the box of enhanced chips, these... Enhanced chips Qin Yan asked Xiao Luo directly, and she had never heard of such a thing in her master brain records.

It is even more unlikely that it was brought by the Rostark civilization! Therefore, the owner of this box of enhanced chips is definitely someone else! And now Qin Yan is going to bring this enhanced chip to the alien civilization on the earth. The spaceship was found.

"Alien civilization, please take me there this time!!"

When he heard that Qin Yan was about to set off, Lao Kong immediately said to Qin Yan excitedly.

It seems that he hasn't gone out like this since Ghidorah.

"Alright, Xiaoji's size is getting bigger and bigger now, it's too cumbersome to take it with you! In that case, Xiaoji can watch the house at home!!"

Qin Yan spoke slowly, and Lao Kong nodded excitedly and quickly after hearing Qin Yan's words.

"Xiyun, Alice, come with me this time, you two may be able to use your abilities!"

Shorthand Qin Yan has designated two nurses, and of course he also has his own imperial younger brother, Zao Wou-Ki! It seems that he has lost his identity by taking full control of the fight. He is a national treasure!! It is natural to let the younger brother come to the matter of fighting with others. Do the best.

Of course, Yi Qianxuan was also with him.

Yi Qianxuan's strength reached the peak of the third level in just a few days after obtaining the fourth-level wood source essence. Now, after passing Qin Yan's top-level strengthening chip, not only has there been an additional wood-type spirit. Elemental power, and at the same time, the strength has also been upgraded to four-level four-star 44! It can be said that she is a powerful cook who cooks deliciously! The most important thing is that Qin Yan is used to lying in someone's arms every day! "Very good , In this case, the personnel this time is confirmed!!!"

After calling the team they prepared, those who were not selected were suddenly disappointed.

"Great, I can hug the king again!!"

On the other hand, Alice's face was flushed with excitement.

"Alice, that's enough, you sneak up to the king's room every night to sleep with the king, you think we don't know!"

However, Alice's words suddenly made Xiaoling who was beside him speak viciously.

"Ah! And why don't I know about this!"

However, Qin Yan, the most involved party, was stunned.

"Your Majesty, of course you don't know that you sleep so soundly every night, but Alice doesn't come every day, but only every two days!"

However, Yi Qianxuan, who sleeps with Qin Yan every day, said slowly with a smile.

After hearing this, Qin Yan was stunned, and he slept so deadly that he didn't even know if it happened once in the past two days! "By the way, I just said that when I slept for several days, I felt a little hard behind my back, and it turned out that it was Ellie. Silk your airport!"

Suddenly, Qin Yan's small eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but complain.

However, as soon as his words came out, the people around were stunned, and then all of them couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha, yes, Alice, you little brat hasn't developed yet, you're not the type that the king likes!"

Xiaoling, who got the opportunity, hurriedly laughed at Alice, and Alice, who was still very happy, suddenly shrunk her small mouth.

"Hmph, when I grow up, I will be bigger than you!"

Angrily Alice said viciously! "Alright, alright, stop teasing the little girls one by one, let's go too, king!!"

Xiyun, who was looking at Alice angrily, touched her little head helplessly, and then slowly said to Qin Yan.

After hearing her words, Qin Yan also nodded.

"Well, if I don't go, I'm afraid I won't be able to come back today! Let's go!!"

After Qin Yan finished speaking, he jumped directly into Yi Qianxuan's arms.

Yi Qianxuan's arms became more comfortable after the awakening of the new wood-type power, just like returning to the embrace of nature.

Qin Yan originally planned to give Yi Qianxuan an ultimate chip, but Yi Qianxuan felt that good things were best used by those......combatants, and, these...... ........Most of the elemental power contained in the ultimate chip is of the attack type. It's a bit of a waste to use it when she doesn't fight much! Qin Yan, who thinks it's right, is not forcing it.

Soon, the group had all sat on the back of the old hole, which had grown to a wingspan of several hundred meters.


With Lao Kong's cry, his body instantly rushed, and then turned into a streamer and flew into the distance.

Although Lao Kong, who was loaded with the wind-type ability and the speed ability by Qin Yan, was only an evolutionary beast of level 6, [-]-star and [-], his flying speed was completely comparable to the average level of [-].

Even if Qin Yan gave him a pair of sharp claws, his strength would not necessarily defeat the fifth-level evolutionary beasts of the previous group.

And this is the average strength of all Qin Yan's younger brothers so far.

In the past month or so, everyone has not been mixed up.

"Let me take a look. Our first stop is to go to Antarctica:! It is said that previous reports said that there is an alien spacecraft in the ice layer of Antarctica! I don't know if it is true!"

Qin Yan looked at the map, and then touched his chin! "Your Majesty, the one you saw... the report should have misread a submarine during World War II. I remember that it was excavated by our Heavenly Dynasty!"

However, just after Qin Yan's words were finished, Zao Wou-Ki came out to refute the rumor.


They all say those... unscrupulous self-media bullshit can't be listened to!!"

Qin Yan immediately said helplessly, yes, even if there really was a spaceship, it would have been suppressed long ago, who would dare to release the news! "Actually, this time Antarctica: it's... . Really need to go once, because a lot of unknown metal fragments were found in the Antarctic:

Those...unknown metals were first discovered, and it seems that some incredible results have been obtained later. The metals used in the lunar exploration plan seem to be...and the metals found in Antarctica: have some similarities !"

However, Zao Wou-Ki did not stop Qin Yan from wanting to go to Antarctica first.

Instead, he said something to Qin Yan that made his little eyes light up.

"There is such a thing! The Antarctic: there must be something tricky!!"

Qin Yan said with certainty that the storage box that he found was... Guocong from the South Pole: If he found it, he would be able to find the spaceship this time! If so, he can let Xiaoji stay at the top of the country first, and first ask them where they got the enhancement chip.

But now that everyone has turned to ashes, Qin Yan can't possibly revive the other party!......" Brothers, hold on, We'll be there soon! I've seen the shore!"

Antarctica: In the sea, a huge crocodile...hundreds of meters long, looked at the large ice sheet in front with excitement, and said excitedly to a group of crocodiles that were a circle smaller than him.

"The boss is awesome!!"

"It's finally here, the boss is amazing!!"

"The boss is mighty, the big brother is awesome!!"

.........................Seven or eighty, the huge crocodile all roared excitedly after hearing the words of the crocodile king.

That's right, their group is... Qin Yan returned from the Amazon rainforest to the Crocodile King and his younger brother.

However, the Crocodile King and his younger brother who should have come to Chuanshu base city long ago are still wandering around.

No, I actually found the South Pole today:.

The reason is very simple. The Crocodile King, who has never traveled far, and his younger brother lost their way within a few hours of going out. However, the Crocodile King, who is full of self-esteem, never admits that he is lost, and still takes his younger brother to open the world. wandering.

Of course, in this one and a half month period, the strength of the Crocodile King has also reached the current level four and five stars from the peak of the original level three to the current level of 55.

All of his younger brothers have reached level three! "Boss, something is wrong, why does the continent in front seem to have snow! Is it winter now!"

However, at this moment, a... crocodile found that something was wrong! He asked quickly.

However, the crocodile king, who was born short-sighted, was stunned for a moment when he looked at the white snow in the distance.

"This, this, maybe the place where the king is now happens to be winter! Damn, why do you care so much, why don't you believe me!"

The angry crocodile king slapped his little brother heavily on the head.

The terrifying force directly hit the opponent and rolled a few times in the sea.

"Boss, look, that... is it big brother!!!"

However, at this moment, an exclamation suddenly reached the crocodile king's ears, and the crocodile king's complexion suddenly changed.

All the crocodiles hurriedly looked towards the shore.

However, I saw a black and white, and then a small, round figure standing on the seaside not far away! The Crocodile King suddenly widened his eyes.

"That's right, King, definitely King! We finally found it!!"

The Crocodile King immediately burst into tears of excitement. It turned out that he was not Lu Chi, but was really looking for Qin Yan's hometown.

However, at this time, a little penguin on the shore was tilting its head and looking at the lump of wood floating towards him! "Yeah, what are these things?"

I have only seen this one of seals and penguins since I was a child... The little penguin was immediately puzzled.


However, at this moment, the sea water around Mu Touga...da suddenly madly rolled back, and the next moment, the terrifying giant beast that was hundreds of meters long and more than [-] meters high slowly rushed out of the sea! The terrifying scene suddenly made the little penguin's eyes widen, and then he rolled his eyes, and his body was stiff and passed out.

The little penguin that passed out was still standing tall and straight.

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