The tower is still as empty as the whole city.


However, at this moment, a beam of light suddenly descended from the sky and fell directly on Qin Yan and the others. The next moment, a gravitational force slowly pulled Qin Yan and the others towards the sky.

This tower has a terrifying height of dozens of kilometers.

Under the pull of gravity, Qin Yan and the others flew towards the sky at an extremely terrifying speed.

Soon, several people came to the so-called top floor.

And the feet of several people slowly closed.

"Tap Tap!!!"

The group of people suddenly fell on the ground slowly.

The top floor is... the top floor can directly see everything in half of the underground city! "Everyone, welcome to the witch world!! Of course, according to what you humans call us, it can also be called Sumerian civilization or geocentric civilization!! "

However, at this moment, a calm voice slowly reached the ears of Qin Yan and his party.

The next moment, with the... levitating instrument in front, an old man with an Asian face appeared in front of Qin Yan and the others.

And this old man seems to have consumed almost all his vitality, and his body is wrinkled. At the same time, his whole body is filled with countless tubes and some precise instruments to monitor his body condition! At the same time, these... ......The pipe is connected to this huge pipe several meters thick, and from the pipe, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is injected into the body of the old man frantically.

It is precisely because of such a huge supply of heaven and earth aura that the old man's lifespan was maintained.

"It's actually alive, old man, don't you suffer in such a life!" After seeing this old man, Qin Yan was surprised to find that this old man actually had a faint trace of vitality.

Qin Yan immediately knew that this old man lived for a very long time, but he used powerful technology to completely block his lifespan.

And Qin Yan's words suddenly made the old man smile helplessly, but he clearly knew that this cute little panda was definitely a terrifying existence that could destroy this underground city in an instant.

"Small food iron beast, we finally meet!!"

However, the old man did not answer Qin Yan's words but spoke calmly.

Immediately, he turned his eyes to look at Zao Wou-Ki! "The descendants of that brat, Zhao Yun, it has been over a thousand years!!"

However, the first sentence he said when he looked at Zao Wuji made Zao Wuji's complexion suddenly change.

Listening to the other party's tone, it seems that he knows his ancestors.

"Don't be surprised, I don't even know how long I have been alive!!"

The old man sighed slowly, and then said calmly.

"Old senior, didn't you say that when we come here, we can know everything? Also please let me know!!"

Zao Wou-Ki spoke solemnly.

Looking at the old man with instruments all over his body in front of him, I don't know why Zao Wou-Ki had a feeling that it would be miserable if he killed the opponent himself.

Perhaps, even Qin Yan couldn't save himself...

Therefore, he did not act rashly, but respectfully asked the other party.

However, the old man didn't answer them directly, but looked at Xi Yun next to Qin Yan and the others with a serious look.

"Yes, yes, old man, hurry up and tell me, the national treasure still wants to know, how did you come up with these spirit gathering formations and this set of life support devices!"

Qin Yan on the side also spoke excitedly.

However, as soon as his words came out, the old man's hole shrank violently, and his eyes turned back from Xi Yun's body.

"I didn't expect Snack Iron Beast to know about the Spirit Gathering Array!!!"

The old man was a little surprised and said, you must know that the spirit gathering formation is a very top-level formation. At the beginning, the Sumerians used up almost all their wealth to obtain knowledge from the materials obtained from a more ancient civilization. Build it out.

In the end, this set of life support devices finally made his dying body survive.

However, at this time Qin Yan actually knew about the Spirit Gathering Array.

"Di Di Di! I'm too excited, please calm down, please calm down!!"

However, at this moment, a loud alarm sounded to everyone's ears.

Apparently it was the sound of that life support device bursting out.

"It's not just with the garbage gathering spirit formation, old man, don't get too excited, you will kill yourself!" Hearing the harsh voice, Qin Yan immediately rolled his eyes.

It's a pity that he doesn't know the importance of the Sumerian civilization or some advanced civilizations of the formation teammates! Because this has been designed into a field that cannot be explained by science.

After hearing Qin Yan's words, the old man took a few deep breaths and calmed down his excitement.

"Small food iron beast, you really have many secrets that I don't know!"

The old man gave Qin Yan a deep look.

However, the old man did not do anything wrong to Qin Yan.

"Since you have already come, then I will give you a good explanation of the cause and effect! After all, you are the first creatures to come to the ground in the past [-] years!"

The old man spoke well, and his first sentence made Qin Yan and others stunned. He was hanged for [-] years. That's not how this old man has lived for [-] years! "I'll tell you about us first. Sumerian civilization! In a strict sense, our Sumerian civilization can be regarded as the ancient Chinese civilization in your mouth! And the name of this old man, you may have heard of a name!"

But after the old man's words came to this point, he stopped, and his eyes became: deep.

"Back then, the old man's name was called! Chi You!! Just as the old man's voice fell, everyone's eyes narrowed sharply.

That is... Qin Yan opened his small mouth and looked at the old man in front of him in disbelief.

"Chi chi chi ......"

Qin Yan stammered a little when he spoke.


If it is true, it seems that he has played a big game. Will this old man catch himself as a mount and Xi Yun, who is not far from Qin Yan, is suddenly sluggish.

Chiyou, the legendary demon god, is also the great ancestor of the Miao people and the only ancestor of the Miao people.

However, at this time, the old man said that he was... Chi You.

"But but...but you haven't..."

Xi Yun opened his mouth in disbelief.

"Yes, according to the historical calculations I handed down, I am indeed dead, but how could I have been killed by the leaders of two small tribes when I obtained a sixth-grade Yuan Lingshi!! As for what you call A lot of history has been compiled by me!"

Chi You smiled slowly! His words suddenly made Zao Wou-Ki and the others feel that they were suspicious of all history.

"Wait..., old man, you said that the sixth-grade Yuan Lingshi you came from there is a national treasure to see how it looks like!"

Qin Yan immediately said to Chi You excitedly.

The sixth-grade Yuan Lingshi, this is the first time I have heard of it. Even the Rostark civilization has only seen a fist-sized sixth-grade Yuan Lingshi, and finally became the sixth-rank powerhouse of the Rostark Emperor.

However, in the face of Qin Yan's question, Chi You smiled slightly, looking very kind.

"If you want to see it, then I'll show it to you! I told the old man that we would train him a qualified offspring. It seems that you are much better than the old man!"

Chi You spoke slowly.

The old friend in his mouth is naturally the ancestor of the panda family, the iron-eating beast, "That's nature, the national treasure is on the earth, but it's the only one!!"

However, after hearing Chi You's compliment, Qin Yan immediately proudly put his paws on his hips.

But Chi You smiled, and then the giant tower under Qin Yan and the others began to crack open.

That's right, this tens of thousands of meters high terrifying giant tower began to slowly crack from both sides.

Qin Yan could hear that the entire underground world was in motion.

Then a light suddenly enveloped everyone present, and several people flew towards the sky.

And that tower is getting more and more cracked.

The next moment, a trace of white light emerged from the bottom of the tower.

A huge Yuan Lingshi with a diameter of several thousand meters also appeared in front of everyone.

: Seeking self-determination, seeking self-determination, seeking self-determination!!!!

Chapter [-]: Chi You!One million units of the sixth-grade high-grade spirit stone! ! (four more)

Qin Yan's eyes widened in disbelief after looking at this huge Yuan Lingshi.

This Primordial Spirit Stone is actually so big, so what is it like a stone? This is a mountain, a Primordial Spirit Stone like a hill! Item: Primordial Spirit Spirit Stone Level: Grade 10 Advanced Content: Sufficient Units: [-] ...... [-] million units, yes, that is... [-] million!! In other words, if there are enough If you have enough time and enough talented creatures, this million units of rank [-] high-level spirit stones are enough to train a million rank [-] powerhouses!! Of course, it is difficult to have spirit stones to reach rank [-], Strong talent is required.

According to the calculation method of the Rostark civilization, at least, it is possible to have advanced talents.

However, there are so many Yuan Lingshi, enough to make almost everyone in the entire earth reach the limit of their strength, without wasting any talent! "Forty thousand years ago! I was just an ordinary tribal patriarch!"

However, at this moment, Chi You began to speak slowly about his own affairs.

How many years have passed, [-] years have passed since he was in this state of being worse than death, and today he can finally say it! Qin Yan heard this and took out a few chairs and popcorn and sat directly in the void. Just listen.

And don't forget to eat popcorn by the handful.

"Forty thousand years ago, according to the division of civilization, the earth was still in a primitive age, and at the time, I was just the patriarch of a primitive tribe of several thousand people.

There are two tribes that are hostile to me, one is the Yan tribe and the other is the Huang tribe.

That is to say, the two small tribes led by the Yan Emperor and Yellow Emperor in your mouth.

Both tribes were about the same size as my barbarian tribe.

The three 3-tribe wars break out from time to time, but it can be considered peaceful, and large-scale battles have never happened.

However, just one day [-] years ago, a meteorite fell from the sky.

And that meteorite landed dozens of kilometers away from our barbarian tribe."

Chi You slowly spoke to Qin Yan about what happened back then.

His eyes slowly deepened.

Qin Yan's small eyes lit up, and he listened very seriously.

"At that time, meteorites were ominous things, and people from the other two major tribes did not dare to explore, and my barbarian tribe was the same.

But I was not afraid. One night, I traveled dozens of miles and came to the location of the crater. However, when I came to the center of the crater, I found a milky white hill.

This is the sixth-grade high-grade Yuan Lingshi in front of you! At the same time! There is also a...! Snack Iron Beast!!"

Chi You said slowly, as if he had once again returned to that day more than [-] years ago.

And when he said this, his eyes turned to Qin Yan.

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