


When Chengmei, Xiuhui, and Chen Yao saw this scene, they shouted in horror at the same time, and they all widened their eyes and looked at Tang Yu deadly, as if they had seen a ghost, and they were terrified.

“Uncle, you… You…” Chen Yao looked at Tang Yu without blinking, and said in disbelief.

The adoration and adoration that were originally filled with her eyes had turned into a trace of fear at this time. Only now, she seemed to understand one thing, she and Tang Yu were not people of the world at all.

She would never have imagined that Tang Yu’s move was so tyrannical, almost cruel!!

Tang Yu swept Chen Yao with cold eyes, but did not speak. His gaze crossed Chen Yao and fixed on Chengmei and Xiuhui.

The next moment, the faces of Chengmei and Xiuhui became as white as paper, and their cold hair stood on end, and they felt like lambs being targeted by a fierce tiger, and they could die tragically at any time!

“No… There can be no mistake, he… He must be me… The one we’re looking for… That man! Seungmi said in a trembling voice.

“Well… It’s terrible! Xiuhui murmured.

“You’re looking for me?” Tang Yu said indifferently.

“Yes… Yes. Seungmi gritted her teeth and nodded and said. We are from the country of Nanbangzi, and the adult sent us to take you home. ”

Saying that, Seungmi took Xiuhui’s hand and knelt down on the ground in unison.

“Nan Bangzi Country? The adult sent you to take me home? Hehe. When Tang Yu heard this, he couldn’t help but sneer.

“According to the research of our greatest archaeologists and biogenetics, you carry the noblest blood of our Southern Bangzi Kingdom flowing in you.” Jomi said excitedly.

“Oh? How did you figure it out? Tang Yu asked.

“Look at your slender and perfect body, unruly long hair, and invincible superpowers in the world, apart from our great Nanbangzi country bloodline, is there any nation that can create such a great person as you?!” Seungmi said in a fanatical tone.

“Please come home with us!” Xiuhui also seemed to be infected, she said loudly. “That lord, he has already said, if you come back with us, he can meet all your requests!”

“He can fulfill all my requests?” Tang Yu asked.

“Yes, the adult said that he can meet all your requirements!” Seungmi nodded vigorously and said.

“If I want him to give me his wife, will he also fulfill my request?” Tang Yu said mockingly.

“This… Please don’t joke with us!! Chengmei was stunned at first, and then said. If you really want a woman, our Nanbangzi Country has thousands of peerless beauties that can definitely satisfy you! ”

“You say that your Nanbangzi Kingdom has thousands of peerless beauties?” Tang Yu grinned, pointed at Xiuhui with his finger, and said. “Are you talking about someone like her, who doesn’t know how many knives have been moved on her face, and how many silicone colors have been stuffed on her chest?”

Hearing what Tang Yu said, Xiuhui almost didn’t faint on the spot.

Although, she had moved a lot of knives on her face, and her chest was also filled with some silicone. However, not many people know about this at all.

Where did this Tang Yu know about it?

Moreover, what do you mean by saying this in public?

“You… You think too much, although there are many artificial beauties in our Nanbangzi country, and the plastic surgery industry and shaping industry are extremely developed, our natural beauties are also many, definitely more and more beautiful than the beauties in the China country! Seungmi said hard.

“Is there a more beautiful girl than her in your Nanbangzi country?” Tang Yu pointed at Chen Yao, who had a pale face, and asked.


Hearing what Tang Yu said, Chen Yao’s miserable white face suddenly blushed.

She was originally beautiful and beautiful, and at this moment, she is even more beautiful!!

“There is… Yes! There are many!! Chengmei first glanced at Chen Yao, and then stiffened her head and gritted her teeth and said.

“You’re lying.” Tang Yu said coldly.

“I… I’m not lying! Seungmei refused to admit it.

“You know what? My usual practice for liars is to take them and feed them to the dogs! Tang Yusen said.

“You… What do you say?! Hearing what Tang Yu said, Chengmei and Xiuhui’s faces immediately changed. An unprecedented fear rushed straight to their brains from the soles of their feet, making them can’t help but shiver.

“What I’m talking about, you’ll find out soon.” Tang Yu said.

“Brush brush brush!” ……

Tang Yu’s hands were together, and quickly formed a complicated handprint.

The speed at which he sealed was so fast that he left one afterimage after another in the sky!

“Psychic!” A moment later, Tang Yu finished his seal and gently pressed his right hand in the void.


In an instant, an extremely complex rune pattern appeared in the sky.


With an earth-shattering roar, a huge vicious dog with three heads and a height of more than ten meters appeared out of thin air.

“This… What kind of monster is this?! Chengmei said in horror.

“This… This is the three-headed dog of hell! This is the mythical and legendary three-headed dog of hell!!! Xiuhui’s two legs were soft in fear, and she collapsed directly to the ground.

“Eat them!” Tang Yu reached out and patted the body of the three-headed dog of hell and said softly.


The three-headed dog of hell raised its head to the sky and let out a loud roar, then extended a long tongue and rolled them into their mouths before Seungmi and Xiuhui could react.


Then, this huge three-headed dog of hell turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared!!

“Uncle, you… What the hell are you?! Chen Yao’s eyes were full of horror as he looked at Tang Yu, and he asked in a trembling voice.

“Leave Cangyi City immediately!” Tang Yu didn’t answer, he just dropped such a sentence and turned away.

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