“General Kyle is right, I can testify to that!” In the incredulous eyes of everyone, General Anderson stood up and said loudly.

“General Kyle, General Anderson, I definitely didn’t question the military spirit of the two of you.” At this time, a tall soldier in his forties stood up and said. “I just feel incredible, do you mean that once in the East China Sea, one person destroyed four fighters alone?”

“That’s ridiculous!”

“Isn’t it just ridiculous? It’s just fooling us! ”

“According to what you mean, do you want to say that Hancheng, the capital of the Southern Stick Country, was not attacked by nuclear weapons, but was destroyed by the man who wore a shawl and dressed strangely to the extreme?”

“You think you’re making a superhero movie?!”

For a while, there were many opinions, and almost everyone questioned Kyle and Anderson.

“Quiet, quiet.” In this case, the Oba cow had to stand up and maintain order.

“Guys, I know you won’t believe what I say. Therefore, I told you at the beginning that I promise with my own career that everything I say is true! General Kyle said in a deep voice.

“Of course, the two of us are not talking nonsense, but there is strong evidence.” General Anderson also said.

“What evidence? Can you show us? A middle-aged man wearing black-framed glasses looked Sven said.

“Yes, we have already brought the evidence.” General Anderson said. “Not long ago, two warthogs and two F22s of our army crashed, and we have searched for the wreckage of three of the planes and removed the black boxes carried on the planes.”

“I’ll go get a computer.” The middle-aged man in Sven said.

When General Anderson played the contents of the black box, everyone was stunned. One by one, their eyes widened, staring at the computer screen, their faces full of shock and incredulity.

They couldn’t believe their eyes!

On the computer screen, a man with a shawl and strange clothes to the extreme, was standing on top of the Warthog fighter with great might. His eyes were cold, and there was no trace of human emotion in his eyes, which was chilling.

With just one punch, he knocked the Warthog fighter to pieces!

And, even more terrifyingly, he could turn his arm into a steel arm and launch countless miniature missiles from it. These miniature missiles are very powerful, not only can they easily intercept the “Sidewinder” missiles launched by F22 fighters, but they also follow them without destroying the target!

“This… How is this possible?! The middle-aged man muttered with a look of horror.

“How can such a person exist?!” A middle-aged woman said with trepidation. “My God, this is not true, is it?”

“Is he really human?”

“I’d rather call him Superman than I’d rather call him Superman!”

“Angel?! Or the devil?! ”


“Ahem…” At this time, General Kyle coughed twice and said. Based on the monitoring of our spy satellites, we found that the F22 flying in the capital of the Southern Stick Country was one of the four fighters that crashed in the East China Sea. ”

“That is, that F22 fighter did not crash, but was captured by that weirdo and used as a mount!”

The crowd was amazed.

What an amazing means to use the F22 fighter as a mount!

“Everyone!” Suddenly, Oba Niu raised his voice and said loudly. “That’s the basic situation, and then we’re going to talk about how to deal with it.”

“Mr. President, I think this matter is very bad for us.” General Anderson said. “In addition to our country, Erros and Huaxia also have their own spy satellite systems. I believe that the F22 fighter that flew to the capital of the Southern Stick Country must not be able to hide from their eyes and ears. ”

“And once this kind of thing is exposed, we will be in big trouble!”

“Yes, General Anderson is quite right.” General Kyle said. “Once this matter is made public, our United States will immediately become the target of everyone, and bear the stigma of attacking the South Stick Country with nuclear weapons!”

“We didn’t do it, so why should we endure such infamy?” The middle-aged man in Sven said. “What’s more, even if this happens, can’t we publish the truth of the matter?”

“Get the truth out there? Hehe. General Kyle smiled and said. Who do you think will believe? ”

“This…” The middle-aged man in Sven was immediately speechless.

General Kyle is right, who would believe such a strange thing?

The special effects of movies in the United States are extremely developed, almost to the extent of being fake. Whether it is “Superman”, “Thor”, “Iron Man”, “Hulk”, or “Captain America”, “Avengers” and so on, they are all popular all over the world.

The special effects of these movies are so powerful that they are almost exactly the same as the real thing.

If they broadcast this video, I am afraid that countless people will immediately accuse the United States, saying that they are too shameless, and in order to shirk their responsibility, they deliberately made a heroic movie as evidence!

Once that time comes, they really can’t argue!

“Mr. President, what should we do?” An old general with gray hair asked.

“I think we should strike first.” Oba Niu pondered for a moment and said. “Before Erros and Huaxia Guo make this matter public, we must turn everyone’s attention to others!”

“Mr. President, do you mean we’re looking for a scapegoat?” The middle-aged man in Sven said.

“In fact, we are scapegoats too.” Oba Niu said with a wry smile. “We have to do this, otherwise, once Erros and Huaxia Guo join forces, we will be completely passive.”

“Mr. President, who do you think is the most suitable scapegoat?” General Kyle asked.

“Northern Stick Country.” Obaniu said. “First of all, the northern sticks are all nuclear weapons. Secondly, the leader of the North Stick is a madman who often clamors internationally for the use of nuclear weapons against the South Stick. Third, the North Stick and the South Stick have a deep blood feud and have the motive to attack. ”

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