Xia muxue was very unwilling, but after Shen Mohan said these words, he directly left her and went back to the villa.

I don't know how he feels about himself. She can't help looking in the direction of Xia Yi's departure and gnashing her teeth.

Xia Yi left the Shen family and cried like a tearful man.

Unexpectedly, in Shen Mo Han's heart, he was so unbearable, let alone trust.

She stumbled forward without direction. She didn't know where to go and went back to Xia's house?

But at this time, that was the last place she wanted to go, because the people there were more indifferent and ruthless. If she came back to Xia's house in such a mess.

What they get must be the ridicule of Xia Moxue and Peng Li. They want to end up like this.

Why give them the chance to laugh and satirize themselves again?

However, where else can she go except the Xia family?

At the thought of these, Xia Yi felt as if she had been abandoned by the whole world. There was no time she missed her mother more than now.

If the mother is still alive... At the thought of these, Xia Yi's heart hurts.

Originally thought she would get a trace of warmth from the man she loved, but she went into hell.

Memories, pain, satire, and his insults and practices on her kept tearing her strong and deep into the bone marrow. She felt pain all over her body and hurt to her bones.

She can be strong. She can pretend that it doesn't matter. However, the pain makes her numb and has forgotten how to be strong.

Crying for too long, Xia Yi's brain was lack of oxygen, his head was painful, and his sight was blurred by tears.

When she noticed the dazzling light in front of her eyes, she was a step late.

Only a scream and a burst of rapid braking sound, Bang... Then the whole world seemed to fall into silence.

After Shen Mohan returned to the villa, he was inexplicably worried about Xia Yi.

However, he was angry. Since she wanted to go, she would spend the night outside. She asked for it, stupid woman.

Shen Mohan tries hard not to think about Xia Yi, and he is very indifferent to her on weekdays. However, the tossing and turning all night seems to betray his mind.

When he got up the next morning, he rubbed his sore head and went downstairs with his red eyes open.

"Did aunt Zhao see Xia Yi yesterday?" she asked as soon as she came downstairs.

"Sir, I didn't see my wife. Didn't she... Leave last night?"

The servants in the family know that Shen Mohan doesn't like Mrs. Xia Yi, and the two often quarrel, but they are only servants working here, so they don't interfere in the affairs of their master's house.

At most, I just talk behind my back and never talk about it positively.

Shen Mohan felt that the temple was in a blue vein riot, and the pain made him a little irritable. "Haven't you come back all night?" with anger, what the hell does this damn woman want to do.

"I haven't seen my wife come back," said Aunt Zhao carefully

"Well, you go and help yourself. I'll go out for a walk and come back later." Shen Mohan took a look. It's still a little early. He wants to go out for air. Usually, he also has the habit of getting up and jogging in the morning.

Aunt Zhao thought he had gone jogging, and so did Shen Mohan. She wanted to go out for a breath of fresh air to calm his irritability all night.

However, the route he left was along the route Xia Yi left last night.

Where will this woman go? Did you go back to Xia's house? Or a hotel?

If she goes to the hotel and doesn't take a penny with her, what if she goes back to Xia's house? Maybe. Maybe she'll go back to Xia's house. Otherwise, where else can she go?

Inexplicably, I thought of the scene that Lin Xuan sent Xia Yi home last night. Damn it, she asked for it.

When the two thoughts in Shen Mohan's heart were fighting with each other, he noticed the blood on the road. It seemed that there was a car accident here.

And this is the only way. Xia Yi left here.

Shen Mo's cold heart sank. He hoped that he just thought more. Xia Yi was so big that there should be no accident.

But another voice denied his idea. When Xia Yi left last night, his mood was very unstable and he cried badly

Shen Mohan frowned again. He looked around and asked a nearby person.

"What happened here last night?"

The man was stunned. "There was a car accident here last night. A taxi hit a woman. A lot of people came at that time. It was very chaotic."

Shen Mo's heart tightened, "what kind of person is that woman?"

The witness roughly described the woman's appearance. Shen Mohan's heart seemed to be caught by someone, and his breathing was a little short.

"Do you know that woman? She looks very beautiful. It seems that she ran out after a quarrel with her family."

"How is she? Where is she now?" Shen Mohan interrupted his words and asked anxiously.

"Well, I don't know. I just went out for a walk that night. What I saw here is not clear about other things." the stranger seems reluctant to have anything to do with himself.

Seeing something wrong with Shen Mohan in front of him, he left immediately after he said that.

Shen Mohan asked several other passers-by nearby. Most of them didn't understand what happened last night.

But he was sure that Xia Yi must have had a car accident here, but why didn't anyone contact him? She is his wife. Didn't she contact her first time after the accident?

He asked many people around the accident, but no one knew where Xia Yi had gone.

Shen Mohan took out his mobile phone. He was surprised to find that his hand holding the mobile phone was shaking. He dialed his hand.

"Mobilize all manpower to investigate Xia Yi's whereabouts. No matter what method you use, you must find her for me."

After Shen Mohan hung up the phone, he sat down on the roadside and supported his forehead with both hands.

Last night, he stayed up almost all night. Coupled with the anxiety of this morning, he felt that his head was going to blow off.

Blame this damned woman. When you find her and see how to clean her up, you'd better live for me. Shen Mohan clenched his teeth and frowned.

His men soon called. They had found someone, but it was not clear where to find someone. They didn't know what happened yesterday.

Shen Mohan said simply, "she had a car accident. No matter it's the police, the hospital or the taxi company, all you can find are for me. If you can't find anyone, get out of here."

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