Looking back, I saw Shen Mohan staring at himself expressionless.

"Why don't you want to eat?" Shen Mohan opened his mouth, his tone was calm, and he couldn't hear joy and anger.

Xia Yi immediately sat up, like a well behaved child, "not hungry." she replied simply.

"Are you angry?" Shen Mohan hit the mark.

Xia Yi sneered, "where am I qualified to be angry? I just have no appetite." her perfunctory is obvious, which makes him a little upset. Why does this woman never do things according to her own ideas?

Shen Mohan didn't want to stand in such a stalemate with her. He brought the meals and put them in front of her. "Eat something. The doctor said your body needs a good rest, and eating is also part of the rest."

Then Shen Mohan pushed the food in front of Xia Yi.

Xia Yi really didn't want to eat, shook his head, "thank you, I really don't want to eat."

Shen Mohan's face was slightly heavy, but soon the dark cloud changed and disappeared on his face. He wanted to try his best not to annoy her and make her body get better quickly.

Shen Mohan stood up from the bed, condescending, with his hands in his pockets and a cold face, "it's up to you. Your body is yours, and you're not a child. You should know how to take care of yourself."

Then he left Xia Yi's room.

Inexplicable Xia Yi felt a burst of pain in her heart, but she held back and didn't let herself cry.

Xia Yi took a look at the food in front of him, which was carefully prepared.

She really didn't want to eat, but she listened to what Shen Mohan said. Her body is her own. If others don't care about themselves, only she can be good to herself.

Why torture yourself.

So Xia Yi picked up the food and began to eat.

When I was going to bed, I took a bath, cleaned myself up as usual, made my body feel more comfortable as much as possible, and took medicine according to the doctor's requirements, so I fell asleep.

She slept well that night and got up very energetic the next day.

Shen Mohan told the servant not to disturb Xia Yi's rest, so she didn't wake up until almost noon. There was no noise in the middle.

When I opened my eyes, I heard the birds singing outside. I felt much better all of a sudden.

When Xia Yi went downstairs, she thought Shen Mohan had gone to the company. When she saw Shen Mohan sitting on the sofa in the downstairs living room, she stopped downstairs.

Shen Mohan is talking to the business manager of the company about the theft of the project plan. He even called the people in the company home.

Xia Yi feels that she is not suitable to go on at this time. After all, she is a person suspected by Shen Mohan.

When she turned to go upstairs again, the business manager below noticed her.

Shen Mohan noticed from the eyes of the business manager that someone came down upstairs. Without guessing, he knew it was Xia Yi.

"Well, that's all I have to say to you. Do you understand?"

"Knowing the president, we will continue to investigate as you say." the business manager hurried up.

Why does this matter involve Xia Yi? No one knows why.

But all kinds of rumors have come out in the company, so the business manager is also very sensitive to Xia Yi, because there are a large number of beautiful women staring at Mrs. Shen Mohan.

Even some people just want to hook up with Shen Mohan, no matter what price they pay.

Naturally, the business manager who came to the Shen family was asked by many beautiful women to check Xia Yi's current situation.

That's why I paid great attention to the appearance of Xia Yi.

After those business managers left, Shen Mohan looked back and Xia Yi had returned to his bedroom.

Shen Mohan asked aunt Zhao to call Xia Yi downstairs.

"Madam, sir told you to go down."

Xia Yi paused, "isn't he discussing things with others below?"

"Those people have gone, and Mr. Zhao has asked the kitchen to start lunch. You must go down to eat." aunt Zhao has a shallow smile, but she is very kind.

Xia Yi quietly gets up and comes to the falling. Shen Mohan has sat at the table.

The meals are all ready. The others are not here, only she and Shen Mohan.

Xia Yi wanted to ask him how things were discussed.

But thinking of the unspeakable connection between this matter and myself, I finally shut up.

"Is the food still appetizing? You can tell the people in the kitchen what you want to eat." Shen Mohan took the initiative to speak, which is very rare, but for Xia Yi, such gentleness is just a moment.

"Everything is very good. Aunt Zhao's craftsmanship is very good." it's still perfunctory. Shen Mohan can hear it.

He almost wanted to say that in fact, he preferred the food she cooked, but he didn't say it. He thought that she was injured and there were some contradictions with herself.

If you say it, I'm afraid it will be perfunctory.

"Eat more if you like." Shen Mohan said.

The two men had lunch in silence. Xia Yi hesitated for a long time, but finally asked, "did the company's business manager come here to talk to you about the theft of the scheme?"

"Well," said the simple answer.

"There's something I want to tell you. I have a few doubts about this matter. I don't know if it's right." Xia Yi said carefully.

She is not a woman who only complains about her own experience. She will take the initiative and think about problems, and she is quite smart.

But Shen Mohan never really appreciated her.

"About this?" Shen Mohan repeated with surprise. Seeing her nodding, he continued, "I'll listen to what you think."

Xia Yi tells Shen Mohan his thoughts one by one.

Well organized, well grounded, and even where you guess, you have made several possible guesses, and even your guesses are based, not just wild guesses.

After hearing this, Shen Mohan immediately looked at Xia Yi with new eyes.

"What do you think?" Xia Yi said and looked forward to Shen Mohan.

Shen Mohan has been staring at Xia Yi, looking at her embarrassed bow.

Shen Mohan responded, "when did you think of these things?"

"Just these days, when I was sick and bored in the hospital bed, I began to think about it. After all, it has something to do with me, so I should also find a way to get rid of my suspicion."

Xia Yi looked at Shen Mohan with a serious expression, which was different from the ambiguous looking at him in the past.

This feeling makes Shen Mohan feel that she is just a customer or staff talking about it with herself, or any other relationship role, but not the people around him.

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