Shen Mohan looks at him. Although Peijun says so, he can clearly see that he is very worried. Shen Mohan has never seen him like this, which shows that Peijun still cares about the girl named Lily.

"Not to mention anything else, at present, we just want to rescue lily as soon as possible. Do you know who may be the person who kidnapped her?" Shen Mohan asked calmly.

Pei Jun thought of the people who bothered him when he had an accident at his home last time.

But he didn't know their identity, so he shook his head at Shen Mohan, "I don't know, but it's certain that these people came for me." he lit one, but couldn't help laughing, "After so many years on this road, I knew that one day those people would come to me. No matter who came to me for revenge, it was expected. I just didn't think it would involve others."

Looking at Pei Jun's helpless eyes, Shen Mohan understood his idea at the moment.

It turns out that for so many years, he has been unwilling to leave anyone around him, just worried that one day his own affairs will involve others.

In fact, Shen Mohan also understands Peijun's idea very well. After all, he feels the same as Peijun. He also involves his family because of the hatred he has forged for so many years. He knows what the pain is.

"Whoever it is, save lily for the time being," Shen Mohan said again.

Sometimes men should shoulder these responsibilities.

After that, Peijun took out his mobile phone and sent a text message from the other party, which clearly recorded the place where he met, "this is it. Let's go."

Peijun drove directly to the place of the transaction with Shen Mohan and five million cash.

On the other hand, Xia Yi is waiting for Shen Mohan to go home at home, but it's past work time, and Shen Mohan hasn't come back. She thinks he's going to have a party, but she's always a little nervous. No matter what kind of Party Shen Mohan has, he'll call himself in advance.

Moreover, in the past few years since his marriage, Shen Mohan will go home for dinner on time as long as there is no necessary entertainment. Xia Yi waits left and right. He can't wait for Shen Mohan. When he calls him, there is no answer.

Xia Yi, standing at the landing window and staring at the outside all the time, "Mom, don't always stand here and watch. Dad must have something, so he came back late."

"But he didn't answer my phone, and didn't tell me in advance." Xia Yi's voice trembled, and she was very worried.

"Maybe dad is socializing, so he doesn't have time to call you."

Xia Yi's tightly locked eyebrows didn't stretch at all. She shook her head and turned her eyes to the door again, but Shen Mohan still didn't appear there.

Seeing the sky getting late and late, coupled with the dark clouds outside, it will rain soon, which makes Xia Yi's mood more depressed. She kept calling Shen Mohan and the people around him, but she didn't know where he went or what he was doing.

The sky outside and the dark clouds have completely darkened. The heavy rain is coming, but Xia Yi wears a coat and is ready to go out.

"Mom, where are you going?" summer stopped her.

"I'm going to find your father. There must be something wrong with him. I can't wait here all the time." Xia Yi said and walked out in a panic.

Summer stopped her at the door again and blocked the way, "Mom, it's going to rain outside. There's a storm forecast today. It's dangerous for you to go out like this. Otherwise, you can wait. If dad doesn't come back, let the driver take you out."

"No, I'm going to find him. Get out of the way." Xia Yi was confused. She had a very bad hunch in her heart.

This feeling is going to make her lose her mind.

Summer is not allowed. At this time, the housekeeper saw the two of them arguing here and hurriedly came over and asked, "what happened, madam?"

"Housekeeper, take my mother back to the house quickly. She wants to go out to find my father."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a deafening thunder outside. Even in summer, I couldn't help shrinking my neck. Then I heard the sound of heavy rain outside. The storm was bigger than expected. Yes, the strong wind was raging in the rain. The vegetation in the garden was broken by the strong wind. It was dark and I couldn't see anything.

"Madam, it's dangerous to go out in this weather."

Xia Yi looked at the outside sky and was more flustered, but finally returned to the villa under the persuasion of summer and the housekeeper.

There was a violent storm outside. For about 20 minutes, all the electricity in the house stopped and the house became dark. The housekeeper checked the other conditions of the villa and returned to Xia Yi after confirming that everything in the window was intact.

"Madam, I called to inquire. There was something wrong with the nearby power line, so the power was cut off. When the storm is over, they will have someone to repair it."

Xia Yi sat at the midpoint of the darkness and nodded, but her eyes always looked straight out of the window. Summer sat beside her, "Mom, don't be afraid. My father must be sheltering from the rain, so he can't come back for the time being."

The housekeeper also looked at the lightning and thunder outside and sighed, "it's the first time I've seen such a big storm. It's rare in a hundred years!"

The room fell into silence again. There was a small generator at home. Before long, there was electricity at home again.

At this time, summer saw that the expression on Xia Yi's face was pale and terrible. Just looking at her expression, we can know how worried she is about Shen Mo cold now. "Mom, my father will be fine." summer grabbed Xia Yi's hand and comforted her.

Xia Yi suddenly looked back at summer and took him into his arms. I don't know why, but his tears flowed. "Your father said he wanted to protect us. He'll be fine, absolutely not."

This storm has caused great losses to the whole city. Many trees in Shen's villa have been broken. After the storm, it is the morning of the next day. In the evening, Xia Yi always refuses to go upstairs to sleep. She said she would wait for Shen Mohan to come back.

So she lay on the sofa and slept all night. Summer was worried about Xia Yi, so she accompanied her to sleep here.

The next morning, everyone was busy cleaning up the damaged things in the villa. The first thing Xia Yi woke up was to ask whether Shen Mohan was back, but the housekeeper shook his head directly. Xia Yi immediately called Shen Mohan. This time, someone answered, but it was not Shen Mohan but Peijun.

"I'll go to Shen's villa right away. Wait for me there and I'll tell you when I get there." then he hung up the phone.

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