In the past summer, he always came to this restaurant when he wanted to be quiet, and he came here on foot every time, not many times, but people here knew him.

Since Lin Wenhe met in summer, the number of times he came here for dinner has obviously increased. Although he didn't notice it himself, the staff in the restaurant obviously felt it.

Although summer is now the owner of this high-end restaurant and has sent people from the company to take over and manage the restaurant, his habits have not changed much from before.

The restaurant waiter saw that summer came from there. The people around Lin Nuan couldn't help touching her arm. "Your prince charming is coming! He often comes here now, more and more times."

Lin Nuan is a high school student who comes here to work. He still has to learn at ordinary times.

She will come here to work on weekends. Basically, she will come here in summer, but she seldom comes at other times.

"Don't talk nonsense. He is the president of Shen group. He is young and promising. How can he like me." Lin Nuan has no confidence in his heart, but his eyes shine when he looks at summer.

And when he comes here to work every weekend, he always thinks about summer. If he doesn't come at the weekend, Lin Nuan's heart always reads opinions and things can't be put down.

When he walked into the restaurant in summer, a special person opened the door for him, "President Shen, you're here!"

Lin Nuan had already been waiting there. "Good afternoon, Mr. Shen, this way please." then he took him to his inherent seat. As soon as he sat down, Lin Nuan was anxious to order for him, "what would you like to eat this time, Mr. Shen?"

"Don't worry about dinner. I have something to tell you. Sit down first."

Lin Nuan was slightly stunned and embarrassed. "There are rules in the restaurant that we can't sit with guests. Just say what you want."

Summer looked down with a smile, looked at her curious eyes and said, "I'm the boss here. I can modify the rules for you. Besides, what's wrong with the boss talking to the employees?"

Lin Nuan was speechless for a moment, and it was reasonable to think about it. Then he sat down in the seat opposite in the summer, but he still seemed a little stiff. The waiters in the distance gestured at her as if they were still talking. Lin Nuan took back his eyes, "President Shen, do you have anything to tell me?"

She looked a little shy. His figure was reflected in her clear eyes. "This is the book you lent me last time. Now give it back to you."

Lin Nuan took the book in summer's hand and smiled faintly, "in fact, I painted it casually. It's ok if you don't have to return it.

"You must return the borrowed things. I took your design draft to some professional designers. She said you have great potential. If you can, I hope to invite you to dinner."

Lin Nuan was stunned by his words in summer. As if he didn't understand him, he stared at him with big eyes, "ah? Why invite me to dinner?"

"In short, it is to reserve talents for her company. In fact, she has begun to recruit new people in professional design colleges, and has been doing so for so many years. Many companies do. She has a crush on your design draft. If you want to develop in fashion design in the future, she can help you a lot."

"I'd like to. I've always liked fashion design. I usually read a lot of fashion design magazines, and..." Lin Nuan suddenly came to the spirit, but halfway through, he began to realize that he shouldn't be so presumptuous in front of him, and became a little restrained and lowered his voice, "But I'm only in high school now. Whether I can go to college in the future is a problem. I don't know. I don't know whether my dream can come true."

"If you had realized your dream in the past, it might be as difficult as you think, but now it's very easy for you to meet me." Xia said very definitely, looking at her clear eyes all the time.

Lin Nuan suddenly looked up and looked at him. With a trace of ambiguity and surprise, he quickly explained in summer, "I can help you go to college. My company also helps many people go to college in order to retain talents."

"But your company doesn't do fashion design. If I learn fashion design in the future, I can't work in your company."

"But some people need talents in fashion design." Xia said bluntly, with a slight smile on his lips.


"My mother."

Lin Nuan didn't know what to say for a moment, but this time his mobile phone suddenly rang in summer. He looked down and saw that it was Peijun. He came to find himself. There was definitely something wrong. "I have something to go first. Come to my house for dinner after work next Saturday. My mother wants to see you."

After that, he got up and left. When he left, he answered Peijun's phone, "well, it's in the restaurant downstairs. OK, I'll go back to the office right away and wait for me."

Lin Nuan has been staring at his back in a daze, and his words are still echoing in his mind. At this time, other colleagues in the restaurant came, "what did President Shen tell you just now? You two sat here and talked for so long?"

Lin Nuan thought very simply and didn't think much. He blurted out, "he said he would let me go to his house for dinner next Saturday. His mother wants to see me."

"Ah? I invited you home. It seems that he really likes you."

"It's time to see your parents? You're going on so fast."

"Yes, Lin Nuan, tell me quickly. How did you keep president Shen Da? It is said that he is a cold genius. He doesn't even have a gossip girlfriend around him. He's only 18."

Everyone started talking when you said something to me.

Lin Nuan interrupted them, "don't think about it. He won't like people like me. What's more, how can my family compare with others? Even if he wants to find a lady in the future, he should find a rich family."

In this way, Lin Nuan's heart is inexplicably lost. She doesn't know what kind of person he is in the summer rumored by others, but in her eyes, he is a very warm and gentle person. He suppresses a lot of things in his heart. He rarely laughs. When he doesn't laugh, he seems to be cautious.

But he smiles very well. Every time she can be happy for a long time because of his casual smile.

But her inexplicable feeling is that he is not really happy, and the cold, work is popular, and the rumor of a gifted teenager should not be the real him.

Back to the company in the summer, Peijun has been waiting in his office.

"What happened?" summer asked after sitting down, staring at Pei Jun across the street seriously.

"Ankang is back!"

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