Lin Nuan feels more distressed about summer. When he is free, he will send him some happy messages. I hope he can be happy after seeing it.

Summer rarely reply to her text messages, but he will seriously read every text message.

That day, Duoduo came to his office in summer. "What brings you here?" Xia looked at Duoduo and smiled.

"My mother, I and aunt Chu Meng went to buy some things. I was tired to death. They both agreed to go shopping with me. In fact, they found a free labor force and asked me to pick up things for them."

With that, Duoduo sat down on the sofa in the reception hall, took off his high heels and rubbed his feet.

"Then you should go home and rest. What are you doing here?" summer came to her and asked.

"I have something to tell you. Do you still lack a project manager? I recommend someone who has experience in this field and wants to change jobs. If he can come, he can certainly help you, as long as you are willing to reuse him."

Hearing this, summer sat down in front of Duoduo and asked curiously, "really? Who do you want to introduce to me?"

Duoduo said with a smile, "Shan Hui."

The moment I heard the name, summer frowned, "are you talking about your new boyfriend?"

"Yes, you've met him. He's all experienced in this field. You're short of executives in the company. I'll introduce him to help you manage the company."

Summer is not very happy, "I don't know this person very well."

"You don't have to give him special treatment, just treat him as an ordinary person and let him work in the company." Duoduo said again.

If it weren't for Duoduo to say so, Shan Hui would not be accepted in summer. But since Duoduo put forward it, it's hard to refuse in summer.

"Well, you let him come to my office tomorrow and I'll arrange a job for him, but you know my character. If a newcomer comes, there will be a probation period, so he may not get much reuse in the company for the time being."

Smile a lot, "of course, I understand. It's also right not to do so. You just give him a job and my task will be completed. Whether you get your important task or not depends on his own ability."

After the two talked for a while, Dodo left his office.

After waiting for Duoduo to leave, he immediately called Liao Dan in the summer, "help me investigate a person, Shan Hui. I want to know his situation, as well as his previous company and background."

Liao Dan hung up the phone and his eyes sank slightly. He had already seen Shan Hui's delay. This time, he had the opportunity to investigate who the man was.

Before long, Liao Dan investigated Shan Hui's identity.

"This is his information. He used to work in a multinational enterprise and worked as a project manager. From the information, he is still very experienced in this work. His family is in the United States. He was adopted by an American family. His university grades are very good. He has been working since graduation. He should know a lot during his university."

After Liao Dan briefly introduced Shan Hui's identity, he didn't speak again and waited for summer to speak.

Summer looked at the information carefully and didn't see any clues.

"Why investigate him?"

Summer looked up at him, "he wants to work in the company. He's introduced a lot. There's no way to refuse. Since there's no problem, when he comes, you can take him around the company to make sure he has a problem."

Liao Dan nodded. Although he didn't have a good impression of Shan Hui before, and he could see what kind of person he was at almost a glance, it was all a private matter, so he didn't say much.

When he left, he mentioned another thing, "I've already checked something you asked me to follow up and investigate."

In summer, the body was suddenly stunned and hurriedly asked, "how was the investigation?"

"Things may be as you guessed. Peijun is hiding something from us. Your father Shen Mohan is probably not dead. It may also be a scam."

Summer frowned tightly. He didn't know how to face it. His heart beat faster and he felt a little difficult to breathe. When he stood up, he sat heavily on the chair, "you mean, my father is not dead, he is still alive? But why doesn't he come back to us?"

Liao Dan looked at the summer when his mood fluctuated greatly, and his expression was still very calm, "I don't know about this, but we can infer from various signs and our tracking of Pei Jun over the years that someone behind him must be instructing him to do something. Judging from your previous description of the relationship between your father and him, your father is likely to be alive, but he is not around you, but watching you secretly."

Speaking of this, Liao Dan paused slightly, and waited for the summer's expression to calm down before he continued to speak again.

"I guess your father probably did it on purpose to protect you in the dark."

Summer frowned and didn't speak.

Then Liao Dan took out another piece of evidence and handed it to Xia Xia, "This is my investigation of the wind group and the angle group over the past two years. During the investigation, they seem to have a very big opponent who has been causing them trouble. Moreover, after Feng Zeyu returned home this time, more than half a month ago, that is, after you met him at the party last time, he had a car accident."

Liao Dan put the picture of the car accident in front of summer, "One of Feng Zeyu's bodyguards died on the spot in the car accident. Feng Zeyu was slightly injured. Fortunately, the bodyguard, otherwise, Feng Zeyu would probably die in the car accident, and Ankang's life was not smooth. Although he bid for this project, there were big loopholes in his bid, which has been rejected by the official. It is likely that Andersen group can't take it at all this time To this project. "

Summer's eyebrows wrinkled deeper. He just knew these things.

"Feng Zeyu concealed the accident. He may also know that the accident is very strange, so he doesn't want to make it public. Moreover, he has just returned home and doesn't want to be concerned by too many people. Ankang's project has only been rejected in recent days, and the government has done a good job of confidentiality, so it hasn't been made public for the time being."

When Liao Dan said these things, summer didn't speak. After Liao Dan finished speaking for a long time, he slowly opened his mouth, "that is to say, as long as they are close to me and threaten me, someone will deal with them behind my back?"

Liao Dan nodded, "To be exact, it is to deal with Ernst's group and wind group, people from other companies, and people who have conflicts with you. There has been no similar problem, so I suspect that the person in the dark is probably aimed at the two companies of wind group and angle group. Think about it. Who will target the two companies except your father and you? With Pei Jun's ability And strength, he should not be able to do this. "

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