Shan Hui kept staring at the woman with a smile on his face. He obviously liked her.

Neither of them noticed the existence of Xia Yi and Duo Duo.

Xia Yi stopped Duoduo and stood at the door.

Then I heard the conversation between the two people inside, "you seem to have caused a lot of trouble in Shen's group recently, or can Shen Haotian beat you like this?"

"Nothing. He just doesn't like me. I just played with several female employees of his company. Before I did anything, I began to fight against me. I wrote down my revenge this time. When I have a chance in the future, I'll see what's going on and deal with him."

The woman smiled and rowed gently on his chest with her hand, "don't forget that what you are asked to do makes you close to a lot, but it has a purpose. Don't throw your whole heart on her and forget me."

Shan Hui stopped the woman's small waist and pulled her to his side. The woman deliberately fell in his arms. Shan Hui's hand touched her back and forth.

"Don't worry, I don't like her at all. It's disgusting to meet her every time. Being close to her is just for the people of the Shen family and getting some money, but speaking of it, their family is really rich, richer than any other family I've ever seen."

The woman's face stiffened, pushed Shan Hui away and said positively, "don't put your mind on money. We have a purpose to get you close to Duoduo. This purpose hasn't been achieved yet. They also said that you should be honest and don't get into any unnecessary trouble these days. Otherwise, you know the consequences."

At this time, Xia Yi grabbed Duoduo and left the door of the ward.

Until he came to the yard, duocai asked in an atmosphere, "Mom, why don't you let me rush in? This bastard lied to me. He said so many good words, which are false. I'm going to kill this bastard."

She was angry and wanted to go back to find Shan Hui, but she was stopped by Xia Yi again.

Xia Yi took her back to the car. "Calm down first. What's the use of rushing in now? He's such a scum. Even if you really kill him, you won't have a good result. Have you thought about it? What can you do if you beat him?"

Duoduo's hands hugged his chest. "What should I do now? I can't be fooled around by him, and then it's over."

"No, it won't be so simple." Xia Yi drove Duoduo home.

"Mom, what are you going to do? I really don't want to see this scum anymore. I quarreled with summer for him. I really..."

"Well, don't blame yourself. It can't blame you, but fortunately you have seen his true face now. You should be careful when you communicate with him in the future." Xia Yi said with a serious expression.

Duoduo followed Xia Yi to the study and asked, "Mom, aren't you going to let me stay with him? He's like this. How can I stay with him?"

"Duoduo, you used to be a smart boy. Why are you so stupid now?"

When Xia Yi said this, Duoduo began to calm down. Although she also helped summer deal with the company's affairs after she returned home in recent years, she also performed very well in business.

But more and more people paid attention to her, more and more people complimented her, began to make her change, become a little secular, and began to believe what others said.

Duoduo's own feelings are relatively simple and easy to trust others, so he was cheated by Shan Hui.

Xia Yi looked at her, "you sit down. Although you have suffered some losses this time, it is also a lesson. Just pay attention in the future. Don't easily believe what others say. Then you give me a good think about what to do next."

"I want to?" Duoduo points to his nose. He doesn't know what medicine Xia Yi sells in his gourd.

She was really dazzled by anger, so she couldn't calm down and think.

Duoduo really calmed down and began to think about these problems seriously.

In the past, Duoduo was a computer expert. She liked those high-end things very much, but since returning home, she began to indulge in material things.

She likes the feeling that people around her compliment her. She likes to talk about famous brands. She likes to open her mouth and get everything she wants.

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