Summer smiled, "there is no small place here. This is not the best house. You live here. There is a 24-hour supermarket downstairs. You can buy things there. This is a shopping card. You can buy whatever you want. You can tell the security guard downstairs."

"Is that the man we saw just now?"

"Yes," summer explained.

Lin Nuan recorded what he said one by one. In the summer, he gave her two emergency calls to call anyone when she realized the danger.

When I arranged these things for Lin Nuan in the summer, I never thought about anything safe, and I never entrusted her like this.

So this further confirmed her idea, but Lin Nuan never said it.

"I see," she replied seriously.

"You're going to live here alone. I fired the nanny, but you don't have to worry. I live next door."

"Ha?" Lin Nuan was stunned.

A smile appeared on his face in summer. This is his private apartment. When he is upset alone, he often comes here. Sometimes he doesn't want to go home, he will come here alone, and there are many secret things about him. Therefore, generally speaking, he won't bring other people here.

Bringing Lin warm up is an exception.

"Don't you live in Shen's villa?"

"I live there occasionally. In fact, I live here most of the time, so you can come to me directly."

After that, the two talked about something else. At first, Lin Nuan's face was still worried, but when she heard that she lived next door in summer, her mood suddenly got better.

With regard to the project, the bidding has ended and the results have been obtained in the summer. Shen's group must be in the list of bidding results. In addition, Feng's group and angle's group have been excluded.

"I didn't expect to become a partner with Fengshi group." Liao Dan looked at the published list, sat at his desk in the summer and said.

"Ankang and fengzeyu have a cooperative relationship, which has been confirmed. It's just that we can catch them all, and no one will bother us again in the future." Nian said coldly and proudly, and he always had such a plan in his heart.

In fact, he knew the grudges between his family and Feng Zeyu a long time ago, but at that time he was still young and Shen Mo was cold, so he didn't have to worry about those things at all. When he just took over Shen group, his ability was limited, so he couldn't fight them directly, but his growth in the past three years, Has changed him too much.

Now he meets Feng Zeyu and Ankang again. He also wants to try whether his ability in the past three years is enough to compete with them.

And the resentments left by his father should be cleaned up by him.

Be sure to keep an eye on their every move. No matter what they do, they must tell me. In addition, has there been any news from my father?

Xia Xia stares at Liao Dan and asks.

Liao Dan said bluntly, "I've sent someone to keep an eye on Feng Zeyu and Ankang. Don't worry. Their actions are under our control. I have some eyebrows about your father's affairs." after that, Liao Dan took out a photo from his body and put it in front of summer. On the photo is an ordinary man in his forties.

Summer didn't know the man, "who is this?"

"I learned from him that he said he had seen your father."

"When did it happen?" Liao Dan stood up nervously in the summer, and looked at him calmly. "It should be more than a year ago. He said he had seen a man who looked like your father. I showed him a picture of your father. He said he knew this man because he had bought things from him. But..."

Liao Dan can see that summer attaches great importance to this matter, but he is still a little skeptical, "although he said so, that person is not necessarily your father. There are many people who look like you in the world."

"No matter how much." Xia said seriously, "this matter must be found out. If he has seen my father, even if he looks very similar, he should continue to follow this clue. My father must have appeared nearby."

"I will follow up. Although it was a year ago, there will always be some clues left."

After that, Liao Dan stood up and prepared to leave the office of summer. Summer stopped him, "there will be a party tomorrow night about the project. At that time, Feng Zeyu will go and our other partners. I think Ankang will go too. You will come with me."

Liao Dan nodded and his face became serious.

After he left, summer fell into meditation. There was an uncontrollable palpitation in his heart. That mood came because of his father.

Up to now, he is more convinced that his father must not have died. The reason why he didn't come back to them is definitely something premeditated behind his back. But he wants to find Shen Mohan and know what he is doing in the past three years. Even if he is not mature enough, he is absolutely capable of helping him.

When he came home from work that summer, he saw a familiar red sports car in the yard as soon as he entered the door. When he saw the car, he knew who was in his home now. This sports car was rare in the city. Coupled with its red eyes, it was more conspicuous.

Walking into the villa, I saw Duoduo and Xia Yi sitting in the living room talking to a man. This man is no other than Shan Hui. He is sitting there with a smile and chatting with Xia Yi.

Originally, I thought that after the last thing, Duoduo would break up with Shan Hui. Xia Yi would never like Shan Hui again, but I didn't expect that he would still appear in his own home. And the two women sitting there didn't mean to dislike him at all.

Is the last time I apologized to myself false?

"Who let you in? Go out." summer came forward with a face and said coldly.

"Summer, you must have misunderstood me. I came here today mainly to solve this misunderstanding, okay?" Shan Hui stood up and looked a little embarrassed, "I really like Duoduo, and they come to me and slander me for those things in the company. I can't do that at all. I really want to work well and give Duoduo a happy future."

When Shan Hui said these words, he looked at Duoduo. It can be said that Shan Hui is really a master of flirting with younger sisters. He can say everything.

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