After the investigation, she learned that Shan Hui was with a woman named Duoduo. She was going to find Duoduo, but she didn't expect to be stopped by Shan Hui. Shan Hui proposed to break up with her and told her that the person he really liked was Duoduo. He and she were just playing.

Liu Min was very business and left heartbroken. Later, she met Shan Hui's godfather. At first, Liu Min didn't know who the man was, just because he was rich and good to herself. Although she was a little older, she still liked him very much, so she followed the man. She didn't know until she met Shan Hui later that he was Shan Hui's godfather in order to revenge Shan Hui, Liu Min also continued to be with his godfather.

From time to time, he speaks ill of Shan Hui in front of his godfather. Many times, what his godfather asks Shan Hui to do is encouraged by Liu min.

So Shan Hui hates this woman very much, but as long as godfather is away, he will still touch this woman. After all, Liu Min's flirtatious is unmatched by other women. Duoduo can't compare. Although Duoduo is also very beautiful, Shan Hui likes that kind of Sao woman.

Shan Hui had no choice but to do as Liu Min said. The information to be obtained from Duoduo is a very important information in the project, which is only understood by several important executives involved in the project.

Ordinary staff can never see it.

Because Duoduo is summer's sister, she knows a lot of information in her hands. Summer is also very new. She asked her to do these things.

On that day, Shan Hui returned to work in Shen's group. After work, he sat down in his office and did nothing, because he didn't know what he did. Other employees in the company were very nervous when they saw him coming back.

Shan Hui sat all morning. Towards noon, he hurriedly took out his mobile phone and called Duoduo. "Do you have time at noon? My work is finished. How about having dinner together?"

Duoduo seemed a little embarrassed and said on the other end of the phone, "I'm not finished with my work. I'm afraid I can't go out to dinner. Why don't you go and have dinner with you after I finish my work in a few days."

Shan Hui was slightly stunned. "It's nothing to eat with me. I'm just worried about your body. You're so tired. Your body can't stand it. You must eat on time. Are you really so busy? Can't you cook after lunch?"

"I'm afraid not. I attach great importance to this material in summer, so I have to finish it. It's this project. I'm in a hurry. You go to eat first. I'm sorry this time."

Duoduo hung up without saying much because he was busy with his work.

But just after I bowed my head and wrote a few words, I heard someone knocking at the door. The person who opened the door was Shan Hui.

After seeing him, Duoduo immediately combined the information on his desk. Shan Hui clearly saw this action and was very concerned. He thought that the information was probably the one he wanted.

"Why didn't you go to dinner?" Duoduo asked.

"I came to see you. I'm worried about you. How busy the work is. Do you want me to help you?" Shan Hui slowly approached Duoduo and protected his data. "No, I can handle it myself. Besides, we don't do the same work. I'm afraid you can't help me even if you want to help me."

Shan Hui stopped, feeling that he shouldn't be too anxious, so he didn't say anything, "well, I'll go to dinner first. I'll bring you what you want to eat. At least I can't make you hungry."

Duoduo smiled gratefully, ordered some things he liked to eat, and Shan Hui left here. After he left, Duoduo's face sank and he bowed his head to continue his work.

After Shan Hui went out, he casually ate something. According to Duoduo's requirements, he went to several places to buy what she liked to eat, but he couldn't find one place. Shan Hui cursed in his heart, "you can't eat anything. You shouldn't have bought it for her."

Scolding and scolding, I suddenly saw this place, hurriedly bought a lot of things and returned to Shen group.

This time is the lunch break, so there are not many former employees in the company.

Shan Hui also thought that at this time, he might find a chance to check those materials.

He came to Duoduo's office with something. She was still busy with her head down. "Don't be busy yet. Have something to eat."

Duoduo stretched, then stood up, smelled the delicious lunch and said with a smile, "I'm really hungry. Thank you for buying these things for me and running a lot of places?"

"Nothing. It's natural to run errands for your girlfriend. Eat quickly and don't be hungry."

Duoduo then began to eat. Shan Hui wanted to go to his desk and see what Duoduo was busy with, but Duoduo hurried over and blocked another piece of information with the information. He deliberately didn't let Shan Hui see it and talked about other things with him.

Shan Hui glanced at the name above and was covered by Duoduo, but he still saw clearly that the information was the one Liu Min asked him to take.

"Is there anything I can do for you? I can handle it for you. Don't worry. I'm familiar with this aspect." Shan Hui was ready to get the information and open it.

But Duoduo stopped him, "no, I'll do it myself."

"What's the matter? Can't you even trust me?"

"No, it's just that this is the company's regulation, and it has been said many times in the summer. I can't casually show others the information here."

After the two men looked at each other for two seconds, Shan Hui finally stepped back and put down the information pressed by Duoduo in his hand, "well, respect the company's regulations and eat quickly. In fact, I'm just eager to help you."

"Thank you." after seeing him leave, duojian sat back in his seat to eat again. Shan Hui began to read other magazines. The two said nothing, but the corner of Shan Hui's eye kept turning to the information on the table.

In the middle of Duoduo's meal, her mobile phone rang. Duoduo looked at it and said with a smile, "it's my mother. It must be asking me if I can go back to dinner at night."

Saying this, Duoduo answered the phone, "Mom, I'm not going back to dinner tonight. I didn't say before. There's a party to attend in the evening and summer. Well, it's very important. It's related to a project. What do you say? Huh? What's the matter?"

While asking, Duoduo glanced at Shan Hui. Finally, he made an action to him with his mobile phone and asked him to wait for herself here. Then she left the office with her mobile phone and spoke in the corridor.

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