Peijun nodded and asked, "Mr. Shen, are you sure you don't want to leave here?"

"No, I'm used to living here. I don't have to leave. If they are so interested in me, let them come. Then see how they deal with it, not to mention it's almost time for us to appear, so it's not wrong to have a face-to-face confrontation with them. Look at the strength of each other."

Then the corners of Shen Mo's cold mouth aroused a smile.

Peijun left the villa without saying anything else.

In the next few days, he was more sure that someone followed him. Fortunately, he had a plan, so when those people followed him to the suburbs, he informed his men and arrested the two men who followed Peijun before they reacted.

Because this is a suburb with few people and many forests around, Peijun asked people to take them directly to the forest after catching them.

The eyes of the two people were covered. After Peijun's men took them to the forest, they made them kneel in front of Peijun. The two people seemed to be frightened and trembled. Pei Jun stepped forward and removed the black cloth covering their eyes. His indifferent eyes glanced at their faces.

"Tell me, who asked you to follow me?"

The people who were caught didn't know Peijun's power, let alone his means. So at the beginning, he refused to speak, "you caught the wrong person. We're just passing by. Besides, you should let us go quickly, otherwise we'll call the police."

Pei Jun sneered and kicked the speaker hard in the stomach. The kicker rolled on the ground and didn't even have the strength to speak.

Then he turned and walked towards another man. Instead of talking nonsense, he directly asked, "who hired you to follow me and what's the purpose of following me?"

The man was already frightened. They probably didn't expect that the man they followed was so cruel and cruel. Looking at his partner lying on the ground who hasn't slowed down until now, he couldn't help shaking all over, "I, I don't know who it is. Our boss said to let us follow you and give us a sum of money. As for who hired behind it, we have to ask our boss."

Pei Jun frowned. He knows a lot of people in the underworld, and he is also famous in this way. Who knows his identity and dares to follow him?

"What's your boss's name?" Peijun lit a cigarette and smoked.

"Guo Tao!" the man said the boss's name directly. Although he knew that he couldn't explain it when he went back like this, it was better than dying in the man's hands.

What's more, even if they were really killed here, no one would know who killed them.

So it's better to tell the truth.

Pei Jun knows Guo Tao. He is also famous in the road. A few years ago, there was a small festival between the two people because of one thing, but they didn't contact again later. Their strength is equal to Pei Jun's strength. Just didn't expect Guo Tao to get involved.

He usually only looks at money. As long as he gives money, he will do anything.

Therefore, the person who bought Guo Tao behind his back definitely gave him a lot of benefits, otherwise Guo Tao would not easily let people follow him. After all, if he had a festival with himself on this road, life would not be easy.

Peijun didn't embarrass the two people any more and left here directly.

After he reported it to Shen Mohan, Shen Mohan said with great certainty, "you don't have to pay attention to Guo Tao. He just took the money to do things for others. In addition, the person who bought Guo Tao must have come for me. This person is probably Enron."

Peijun didn't expect Shen Mohan to directly say that Enron did this thing. However, it is speculated that if it is not Enron, it must be Ankang. At present, no one will pay so much attention to the affairs of the Shen family.

Although Shen Mohan has said that he doesn't need to pay attention to Guo Tao's affairs, Peijun is still very uncomfortable. He has been in a bad mood since he came back from Shen Mohan. He is famous on the road anyway. No matter where he goes, someone will give him some face, but he didn't expect Guo Tao to start investigating himself behind his back.

If you don't pay Guo Tao, won't you lose your face?

So Peijun didn't listen to Shen Mohan. After he came back, in addition to helping Shen Mohan deal with his affairs, he began to find a way to deal with Guo Tao.

The other side.

After Xia Yi learned that she had returned safely, the whole person seemed to have changed. She became more and more silent. She often took some old things in a daze and sat all day.

Summer and Duoduo are also aware of this. The housekeeper is a little worried. This day he said to summer, "madam, if she wants to continue like this, it will be bad for her health, just like it was three years ago. If she has time, she should accompany her more to make her feel better."

Of course, summer also knows that it must be very bad for her to let Xia Yi go on like this all the time.

But he also knows where Xia Yi's disease is, that is Enron.

"I know, housekeeper. I'll try my best to spend time with her." summer nodded.

But even when summer comes to Xia Yi, she just looks at her in a daze. Sometimes she talks with her, and she doesn't even respond.

"I know you're worried about me, summer!" Xia recalled that when he had nothing to do in summer these days, he talked to himself. He knew that he came to accompany him. So she comforted summer.

"Mom, when you're free, ask my aunt chumeng for a walk. She hasn't been married for long, and she's still your best friend. Didn't you always go shopping before?" summer suggested. If you go out more, it may be a good thing for Xia Yi's mood.

"I will. I'll find her tomorrow." Xia Yi smiled calmly.

The next day, she went out early in the morning to find Chu Meng. Chu Meng met Xia Yi as soon as he came to the company. He was a little surprised.

"What brings you here?"

"I haven't seen you for several days and I haven't heard from you, so I came to see you to see if you are Jinwo cangjiao. Even my best friend has forgotten."

Chu Meng came to Xia Yi with a smile, sat down with her, and asked his assistant to bring in coffee and some snacks.

Looking at Chu Meng as if she was going to have a long talk with her, Xia Yi was a little surprised. "Don't you work? Is this going to talk with me all morning?"

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