Although Xia Yi has been in awe of his identity, he still stands behind Enron and flatters.

Xia Yi glanced at them coldly, didn't pay attention to them at all, stared at Enron and said, "Yes, I have money. As long as I want it, I can't buy it. But when it comes to quality, I'm afraid you still don't know. Enron, who claims to be a good friend, is a murderer and kills a child."

Speaking of this, Xia Yi clenched her hands and stared angrily at Enron in front of her. Thinking of Tongtong, she couldn't help but want to strangle Enron in front of her, but she still held back.

Just those people standing behind Enron heard Xia Yi say that Enron was a murderer, and everyone began to look at Enron.

Enron's face was very ugly. She stared at those people and said, "you believe everything she said. If I want to really kill someone, can I stand here and go shopping with you? If I want to really kill someone, how can she not sue me in the court? Can you use your brain?"

So, those simple minded women completely believed Enron's words.

Then Enron satirized Xia and recalled, "Your daughter died in a car accident. I sympathize with you very much, but you can't think that I killed your daughter because you had a holiday with me. Your paranoia is too serious. If you really think that your daughter's death has something to do with me, you should sue me and let the police catch me! If you can't do it, don't spit blood here, believe it or not Believe me, go to court and sue you for slander? "

Xia Yi clenched her teeth and was very upset. What she hated was that she didn't have enough evidence to bring Enron to the law.

Seeing Xia Yi like this, Enron felt happier. What she wanted was not Xia Yi's life, but to make Xia Yi miserable. As long as she was miserable and uncomfortable, she was in a good mood, and it was surprisingly good, so now it's time to see Xia Yi.

She began to embellish, "It's a pity that your daughter died, such a lovely daughter, but you can't blame me. Who made you so unlucky. To tell you the truth, even if your daughter died, you deserve it. You don't deserve to have so good. You couldn't protect Tong Tong well before, but you can't even protect summer at that time. You'll lose it What will happen in summer? "

"Enron, what do you mean by that?"

"It doesn't mean anything!" Enron quickly spread out his hands and said with a smile, "I'm just kind to remind you. Don't happen again in summer. Your husband is dead, your daughter is dead, and even your son is dead. You really have only one left."

Then Enron came up to Xia Yi and whispered in her ear, "I really want to know what expression will be on your face at that time. It must be a very painful expression, but I really want to see what you will be like when you lose all the important people around you. Ha ha ha"

Xia Yi said she was going to start with Enron, but Enron quickly grabbed her wrist. "Xia Yi, don't be ignorant! I'm kind to remind you." then she left here with some of her friends.

Before leaving, Enron looked at Xia Yi with a provocative expression, and just what she said just now, it seemed that she was deliberately threatening her. Xia Yi was worried and afraid. She was really afraid that Enron would attack the people around her again.

Especially in summer, there are many more.

She can't lose any more, no matter who, no one can lose any more.

Xia Yi looks at the back of Enron and bites her lower lip tightly. After this, Xia Yi has always been angry with Enron. She begins to think that if Enron has been alive, it is likely to cause danger to summer in the future.

When Enron did that to Duoduo, who knows what she would do to summer, plus Duoduo.

She will never allow Enron to hurt her children again. She doesn't know what's wrong with herself. She suddenly feels that since that day, her mood has become chaotic, and she doesn't know what she thinks and does.

But she is very sure of one thing, that is, no matter what Enron wants to do, she must be stopped.

She would never allow Enron to do anything to hurt her children again. So since then, she drove out early almost every day and came back late at night. At the beginning of summer, she thought she was looking for Chu Meng to play. At least she could go out, which was a good thing for her.

But later, he felt something was wrong, because Xia Yi looked very nervous. And he looked like this almost every day. He seldom talked to them after he came back.

Summer was a little worried, so that day, he called Chu Meng, "aunt Chu Meng, what does my mother do with you these days? Do you go shopping every day?"

Chu Meng, who asked such a question, was stunned. She held her mobile phone in her arm over the phone, looked at the information at hand and said carelessly, "no! Your mother came to me once a few days ago, but I've met her since then. We haven't been shopping all day! What's the matter? Summer."

Summer frowned tightly and seemed very surprised, "you mean my mother hasn't come to you these days?"

"Yes, I haven't been here!" Chu dreamed that the tone of summer was a little wrong, and he began to worry a little, "what's the matter with your mother? Is something wrong?"

"My mother is fine. She looks fine now. But she goes out early every day and comes back late at night. And she looks a little nervous every day. I thought she has been with you these days." summer explained, and she began to worry a little.

Chu Meng said suspiciously, "your mother has few other friends except me. She shouldn't be looking for someone else. And even if she goes shopping, she usually comes to me!"

"Yes, so I think something's wrong. Do you know what happened to my mother?"

"I don't know. But don't worry. I'll go to your mother after work today. I'll see what's going on with her and call you then." then I hung up.

Chu Meng is too worried about Xia Yi, so she can't wait to call Xia Yi before she gets off work. At the moment, Xia Yi is sitting in her car, slowly tracking Enron and shopping with her friends.

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