Chapter 267 127. Unarmed Longevity

The disease-free longevity project!

Park Tae-jin, the CEO of Matop Pharmaceuticals, gave a new presentation.

The presentation was broadcast live on site and spread all over the world.

While implementing this childbirth promotion project, Matop prepared a large gift for the disabled who are marginalized in our society.

Severely disabled people who are almost ignored by their families and spend their lives alone in a welfare center.

And, for those who suffer from severe organ damage for the rest of their lives, Matop proclaimed a disease-free era in the future.

Then, the reporters pounded hard not to miss this scoop.

-Matop Pharmaceuticals develops ‘Magic Printer’ to restore all physical disabilities! The disease-free longevity project begins!

– Are all obstacles gone? Limb disability, organ damage, and rupture are also selected again with the ‘magic printer’!

– Even if a limb is amputated, pull it out and attach it again. No worries about industrial accidents now!

– A world where all diseases disappear! The emergence of a ‘magic printer’ that will crush 3D printers that are still in their infancy!

-Aging organs, how long will lifespan increase if you replace the body? Expert 曰, “You can live to be at least 200 years old.”

-Matap Empire that dreams of true immortality, not clumsy immortality! Now it’s forever!

-Matapgyo believers 曰, “Director Lee has done it again!” “One more win for this manager!” “Femi-ryeons are full of shit!”

– Will all the disabled in Korea disappear? “If you revive my dead nerves, I will support Ma Tap and Choi Jong-hwan for the rest of my life!”

– Amputation of a limb, which was considered an incurable disease, a spinal cord disorder… Now, it is reborn as a disease that can be overcome!

– Talk about gene scissors~! Face and body proportions at will? Congenital disorders are also cut in advance!




Reporters heated up the Internet by pouring out articles with high expectations about the coming ‘disease-free society’.

In fact, it was the first project with 0% opposition among the projects promoted by Matop.

Without any checks or opposition, Matop was able to carry out the ‘Military Longevity Project’, and the people and netizens welcomed it.

-Wow, now, even if all limbs are torn off, will they be restored in the same way as long as there is a magic printer?

No. like that A disease-free society is synonymous with a disability-free society.

-Can you repair cut off fingers and burn skin?

They say they print everything out with a magic printer and paste it. It is said that if the same skin is produced with a magic printer at a burn hospital, the burned skin can return to its former appearance.

– I’m sick of it, Magic Tower! This time, I’m going to go as it is, with no real likes or dislikes. Even Magall can’t object to this!

-I had a cervical spine injury in my neck 20 years ago. Ever since I was in my 20s, I’ve been lying in bed all the time. Batters must also use the touch pen to type with their mouths. Can I go back to the past?

I think I can go back. 20 years lol.

It is a life in which nothing can be done without an activity assistant. My elderly parents are suffering because of me. I also want to walk on my feet please.

-If Korean disabled people return to normal in the future, the welfare budget will be greatly saved. The term disability seems to disappear altogether.

– Heal wounded soldiers in the army! There are not one or two people in the country who don’t give subsidies or shreds and ruin their lives.

b army oj. ㅆㅇ. In the military, they only eat shit, and behind the scenes, the generals are devoured by the corruption of the national defense… The King of Gap among the horrendous corruptions.

– Foreign people with disabilities will come to Korea in a rush. Anyway, I want magic printers to spread to hospitals across the country as soon as possible and escape from disease!

– What’s up with the feminists in hell? Suddenly it’s as quiet as a dead mouse.B King of Hannam and so on, but since the ‘All-in-one Project’ is starting, I feel embarrassed right away. Attitude change.

B Femi know what the trend is. Even those who have used the housekeeper are complaining that they like it. Housewives were able to work again and go out.

ㄴ Only believe in the tower and let’s go (All members of the tower bridge)




Netizens and the National Federation of Persons with Disabilities responded enthusiastically to Matop’s project and enthusiastically supported it.

And, one month later.

The long-awaited first treatment was achieved.


“Hello, Mr. Hyeonggyo.”

“nice to meet you. Doctor Park Tae-jin.”

“From now on, I will insert Mr. Hyung-gyo’s spinal cord, which was drawn with a magic printer, into my body.”

At Park Tae-jin’s words, Lee Hyeong-gyo, a paralyzed person, made his eyes twinkle.

“Then can I go back to normal now?”

“Perhaps it will. It’s my first time doing it too, so I’m not at the stage to give you a definitive answer.”

In response, Lee Hyung-gyo burst into tears.

“I spent 20 years lying down in a small room measuring about 1.5 pyeong. I’d rather just die than live like this for the rest of my life. So, please don’t feel burdened and do the surgery.”

“all right.”

Park Tae-jin also knew Lee Hyeong-gyo’s story well, so he had no choice but to become sober.

About 20 years ago, while driving a cultivator in his countryside, Lee Hyeong-gyo injured a cervical vertebra in his neck due to a hit and run vehicle that hit him from behind.

After that, he was taken to the hospital, but he was unable to recover his nerves, so he lived with paralysis for 20 years.

He found an activity assistant, found a job with difficulty, and set many examples as a person with a spinal cord disability, but in the end there was a limit.

He was unable to go outside due to chronic organ damage that had occurred for many years without being able to control his body, and he continued to lie down.

24 hours a day, it was a hellish time he couldn’t spend without painkillers.


‘Now I can get better…’

Hyeong-gyo Lee was adamant that he would be able to overcome his own obstacles if it was a tower.

He has already been able to walk freely in virtual reality and hunt monsters through the VR game provided by the tower.

He was surprised that, even in virtual reality, he could again play around with his body and walk on his own.

However, after he finished the game, he was again left with only a deep emptiness.

‘I can’t live my life like this. It must be treated.’

In order not to develop bedsores, I had to turn my body over at regular intervals, and because of that, the suffering of the people around me was unbearable.

He recently provided a maid Jean for the people with spinal cord impairments at Matap, but it was still not enough.

‘Now I want to move on my own.’

In the past, he was very healthy.

He had served in the military like everyone else, and when it comes to health, he was more confident than anyone else.

But, because of that one accident, my whole life was ruined.

After the accident, he was unable to do anything, so he was confined to a closet and spent all his youth.

Then, everyone around him left.

All that was left was the sick and elderly parents.

“Mr. Hyung-gyo, then I will go into surgery.”

Park Tae-jin, wearing a white mask and a green surgical gown, shouts with her eyes shining.

“Please, Doctor.”

Lee Hyung-gyo closed her eyes tightly.

The nurse put a sleeping cloth on Lee Hyung-gyo’s face.

Then, Hyeong-gyo Lee quickly fell asleep.


After Hyeong-gyo Lee, many people with disabilities visited Matop Hospital and printed countless body parts through a magic printer.

Then, organs were transplanted to patients in body parts suitable for each disease, and two months passed.

“Hi Sir.”

“You are walking well now.”

Lee Hyeong-gyo visited Matap Hospital after two months.

With a brighter face, he suddenly bowed down to Park Tae-jin.

“No, Hyung-gyo. Why are you here all of a sudden?”

“Thanks to you, I got my new life back.”

Lee Hyeong-gyo, dripping his tears, gave a big bow.

He was Lee Hyeong-gyo, who bowed to Park Tae-jin, who gave him a new life.

“I am very glad that you are well. You’ve lost weight too. Hahaha!”

“Yes. After being able to move again, I am working out really hard as I used to.”

“Oh! health!”

At Lee Hyeong-gyo’s words, Park Tae-jin rolled up his arms and pretended to lift his dumbbells.

It was a very clumsy move, but Lee Hyung-gyo just looked at Park Tae-jin with a respectful face.

“In the future, thanks to you, many people with disabilities will be freed from suffering and will find a new life.”

“I wish I could.”

In fact, Park Tae-jin had nothing but to print body parts on a magic printer, put on magic gloves, and glued them together.

The magic glove was a surgical tool that Lee Jun-hyeok specially made for Park Tae-jin.

Originally, without Lee Jun-hyuk, Park Tae-jin was almost a quack and an idiot, so he couldn’t do the surgery well.

However, as long as he wore the magic glove, an artifact that Jun-hyeok Lee gave him, anyone could perform the operation geniusly.

No matter how quack or crucian carp, anyone could become a god doctor or a great sergeant if he wore ‘magic gloves’.

After Hyeong-gyo Lee, who was a grade 1 severe spinal cord disorder, was cured, patients 2 and 3 also overcame their disabilities and returned to normal bodies.

The reporters were amazed by such a phenomenal situation, and praised the cured disabled people and the ‘magic printer’ of Matop.

-The birth of a real ‘3D printer’, not a clumsy 3D printer! ‘Magic Printer!’

-Disabled people who have also been cured of magic printer… Even the first-class disabled can easily get back to normal! Now to the era without obstacles…!

-A soldier who lost his arm in an accident in the army… Print body parts with a magic printer and become a normal person again!-Hyeong-gyo Lee, a disabled person with spinal cord, said, “I got my life back after 20 years. He originally intended to die, but thanks to the tower, he regained his hope. Even though all my precious youth is gone, I will start a new life from now on!”

-All body parts and organs can be restored regardless of arms and legs! The 12th Revolution of the Tower!

– Medical rush of people with disabilities around the world…! “Please treat me without border barriers!” he appealed to Matop.

-Countries that have locked their doors to Matop, now in a super emergency! Can’t go against the trend anymore…

– How far will the revolution of the tower go??? The fertility rate is also increasing from this year… The average fertility rate has soared from 0.8 to 1.8!




The fertility rate also increased remarkably thanks to the intense efforts of couples to receive the housewife’s payment along with the rush for recovery of the disabled.

I was able to nod my head happily when the strategy I pushed forward was successfully settled.

‘Actually, I should have done this before making the Moorim world in China.’

Even now, there are not one or two people around the world suffering from physical disabilities.

Even simple ligament and joint diseases are very inconvenient in real life.

‘Anyway, if this situation is settled properly, it will be advantageous for President Choi Jong-hwan.’

Election was imminent.

Due to the presidential election, which was just a few months away, the current newspapers, TV, and the Internet were all in turmoil.


‘There’s also rap me.’

‘Rap Me the Money’, which was challenged by ‘Yuri’, the signboard idol of our tower, also started broadcasting from today.

‘Fortunately, you passed the preliminary round and got a necklace, right?’

I knew through the report that Yuri was proudly receiving the necklace with her skills.

‘Just because our horse tower supports the prize money, you shouldn’t raise the glass high because of that.’

It was meaningful to Yuri only when she won the championship confidently with her skills.

Just winning with money meant nothing to Yuri.


After the 15-year-old sign appeared, the Rap Me broadcast finally started.

– I’ll show you! Rap Me the Money!

– I’m flirting with verses!

-Is there more coins than my company?

– Raise your chin and bounce!




From season 1 to season 13, the topical rappers who participated in Rap Me decorated the opening video.

– 5 trillion won in total prize money!

– The first Rap Me World Championship in Rap Me history!

-All underground rappers from Korea, the US, Japan, and Europe participate!

After the judges’ pre-interview on Rap Me 14, the judges were introduced, and the long-awaited first preliminary round began in earnest.

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