Chapter 3 2. return

“Hello. This is Jin Tae-hee. So, today’s mission. I will start the mission to get rid of the homeless.”

A man in his twenties in white running shouted while dragging a trash can.

“Now, shoot 200 quickly.”

Jin Tae-hee.

He muttered, scratching his frizzy hair, which he had not washed for days.

Jin Tae-hee was a famous Internet broadcasting BJ.

Internet broadcasting has been popular since the late 2000s.

It has grown explosively around 2010.

In the age of one smartphone per person, everyone in the world carried a computer the size of the palm of their hand.

Nothing was impossible with a smartphone.

I was able to chat while walking down the street, and I was able to broadcast videos without a camcorder.

In the meantime, numerous one-man broadcast BJs appeared.

Jin Tae-hee was a famous BJ among such Internet broadcasters.

“Don’t just hit them, shoot them, you bastards.”

Next to him was a fellow BJ who was filming Jin Tae-hee. He is Cho Sang-jun who is active in a crew called Makjang Entertainment.

Makjang Enter was a crew made by BJs who broadcast the show with Jin Tae-hee as the main axis.

“Ah, really, haven’t you shot 200 yet?”

Jin Tae-hee pointed at the camera and showed a temper.

The 200 he said meant the star balloons he sponsored to BJ in the internet broadcast.

Jin Tae-hee has been broadcasting on several platforms in the meantime.

Over the past 10 years, he has passed through more than 10 platforms. Starting with Paybook, Paprika TV, Tubeless, Pepcon TV, Leanstagram, etc…

He traversed numerous platforms, but all of them were permanently suspended.

In the meantime, he earned 500 million won by getting hit by the wheel of a car or peeing on a TV show.

However, during the Bitcoin crisis a few years ago, he went bankrupt, squandering 500 million won of money and a supercar.

He started broadcasting anew on his horn TV, who accepted him. Although it was still a platform with a small number of viewers, Jin Tae-hee’s room was always a full room.

“I just shot 200 Swagger.”

Cho Sang-jun, who was assisting the filming, said so while watching the chat window.

“Wow, 200. Swagger hyung, warm and warm. Then we will carry out our mission right away.”

Jin Tae-hee and Cho Sang-jun looked around, running around in front of Seoul Square, a short distance from Seoul Station.

“That’s right. Homeless bastard.”

Jin Tae-hee raised her finger and pointed in the direction of Line 4 and shouted.

“It’s all black, you bastard, right? that bastard I’ll try to get that bastard out once and for all.”

Jin Tae-hee led Cho Sang-jun and confidently walked towards the beggar.

“Hey, uncle. I’m not here to lie down and sleep. Mister. Get up quickly.”

Jin Tae-hee shouted as she tapped the homeless man with her dustpan.

“Shut up…”

The person Jin Tae-hee touched was a person who looked like a long coat and was dressed in black. He was too wide to be considered a long coat, and the design was strange.

“To return to this uncle’s mouth, but……?”

Jin Tae-hee mumbled that with a slightly bewildered expression. She could have been suspended if she went wrong with a sick person.

The tip of a permanent stop, which she had been subjected to countless times, was now sounding the alarm.


A man in black robes who had been lying down got up. His hand trembled as he gripped the floor.

His long black hair covered his face.

“Mister. It’s not because I’m sleeping here.

Jin Tae-hee jokingly shouted at her and looked at her homeless man.

“What are you?”

At Jin Tae-hee’s shout, the man in black frowned even more.



A smartphone caught his eye.

The man’s eyes widened even more.

“What is it, uncle? This is a linbang (Internet broadcast), what do you say?”

Rather, Jin Tae-hee went to the red line. It was like, ‘I’m filming an internet broadcast right now, so you should understand’.

Hearing those words, Lee Jun-hyuk, a man in black, had a viciously distorted expression.


‘It’s ridiculous…’

An unfamiliar yet familiar landscape.

That was my first feeling after returning to Earth.

Seoul, where I used to live, has changed so much. It wasn’t the street of Seoul Station I used to walk around.

All the buildings and signs have changed, and people’s fashion has also changed strangely.


“Are you guys filming me?”

Two strange young men in front of me were photographing me with a cell phone the size of the palm of their hand.

It wasn’t the folder-type, slider-type cell phone I’ve seen before.

The phone, which was square like a mirror, had a small camera the size of a fingernail.

“Yes, uncle. Why are you thick? I’ll pay for the filming. How much is it? I’m homeless, so this should be enough.”

A dwarf, who appeared to be about 160 centimeters tall, dressed in sagging running shoes, pulled out a few thousand won bills from his pocket.

“Come on, eat this and get out of here quickly.”

Four thousand-won sheets of Toegye Yi Hwang were scattered across my face.

The two of them, who were in the middle of filming, said, ‘Today’s broadcast legend. I’m going to hit the fucking hits,’ he muttered and giggled.


I got up from my seat after I had lost my strength and managed to lift my slack hands. I was still dizzy from the shock of warping time and space, but I had to do what I had to do.


after getting up.

“Aww, uncle! What are you doing right now…”

I slapped the face of the dwarf who was wearing white running shoes with the palm of my hand.



His body did three backflips in the air.

It was a blow that did not use any special abilities, but only filled with anger.


The boy fell, shaking his body.

He had power control enough that he wouldn’t die of course.

I immediately walked over and walked over to the fat guy.


And he grabbed the phone he was taking pictures of.

– Wow, is that fucking sound real?

– I thought it was a master piece, but when I heard the sound, it really hit me.

-I stole the camera hahaha

– Hello, Mr. Aza (Belly greeting)

-Jin Tae-hee I met Im-ja properly today haha

-The homeless man looks so hot…

I looked at my reflection on the screen and the chat window at the bottom. Angry is Angry… this was new.

Are you filming a broadcast with a mobile phone instead of a camcorder? Is it even broadcast in real time?

Always thirsty for new things, I paused for a moment at this fresh culture shock.

“Ah… Uncle…”

The fat pig who lost my cell phone reached out to me. It was like a protest asking for his own cell phone.



Without thinking for a second, I threw the guy’s cell phone away. He didn’t even dare to get angry, and he staggered backwards.


Stun was cast on the guy who was trying to escape. In an instant, his movements hardened like a stone.


The boy couldn’t open his mouth, only his eyes widened. Now, there was nothing he could do on his own.

Until I lift the ban.

bum bum.

I walked over to the guy. The guy who was shaking his pupils like an earthquake broke out in a cold sweat.

“Who are you shooting for?”


I didn’t even listen to the guy’s answer.


He clenched his fist in the guy’s stomach.

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