Chapter 38 23.IS(2)

All the way~!

Shu-Woong, Phuong!

Windsor Castle, London, where the black market auction was held today.

The militant group attacked Windsor Castle, targeting the wealthy who participated in the auction. Windsor Castle was in chaos after an attack by armed groups accompanied by AK-47s and grenades. ISIS shot and killed people guarding the entrance to Windsor Castle, and a terrorist attack continued to One Free Hall, where the auction was held.





“Damn it!”

After the first grenade bombing, it was time to continue the additional offensive.

“What is that?”

“caliph! Bullets and grenades are bouncing all over. The damage to the allies from the fragments…

While one of the crew was reporting, he got hit by a bomb and flew to the other side. ISIS leader Abdul Bakur frowned.

‘What the hell is that intangible veil?’

All the gunpowder weapons were returning to nothing by an invisible, unknown veil. Let alone the enemies’ casualties, only the damage of the allies was gradually accumulating.

“Stop shooting and go straight through your body!”

“However, if the guards inside fire a gun…”

“Shut up, do as you say!”



Abdul Bakur led his crew into the One Free Hall after Torda slashed the head of his subordinate at his own words.




One-Free Hall did not allow gunpowder weapons or even their own entry.

“What the hell is it……?”

Bumped to the ground and collapsed, Abdul Bakur looked up blankly at the one-free hole. An ancient building that seems to have no abnormalities on the outside. No scientific electronic defense system was seen at all.

Besides, even if you installed something like that, it didn’t make sense to build it in such a short time.

‘Why is there no counterattack inside?’

Despite their first attack, the guys hid inside the shield and did not even counterattack. At least dozens of bodyguards are deployed at these secret auctions. The IS side was also prepared for bleeding and chose a surprise attack to minimize damage.

Whether it’s a fight or a war, it’s advantageous to advance first.


“I do not have time······. It has to be pierced somehow.”

Reluctantly, Abdul Bakur pushed his men back again, hiding behind unspattered cover, and ordering a re-attack.

“Shoot! Shoot ’til you break through! You can’t go back in vain like this!”

“Yes, caliph!”

“After Allah Akbar!!!”

Kwagwang, Puong!

Tang Tang Tang Tang!

Again indiscriminate firing and bombing began. The IS members clenched their teeth and attacked with all their might in the spirit of ‘Whether you win or I win, let’s try it once’.However.

Ting ting ting ting!

Bubbly bubbly!

As if blocked by an intangible veil, as if blocked by an intangible steel plate, the One-Free Hole did not receive a single hit.

“caliph! Now there are no bullets.”


“I also ran out of grenades.”

“What the fuck…”

Abdul Bakur chewed his lips and frowned. If they consumed live ammunition and grenades they brought, they were now in danger.

It has gone from being a hunter to a prey.

“For now, retreat…”


At that moment, a man suddenly appeared above the heads of the IS fighters who were about to retreat.

He was a tall man in a black suit and a vicious demon mask.


‘These guys…’

After the bombing started, I applied wide-area shield magic to the entire One Free Hall. And put all the people inside the hall to sleep.

The people who were going back and forth fell to the floor and lost consciousness due to my sleep magic.

I immediately cast a high-blink and watched the IS niggas do it from the air.

It was very interesting.

With his whole face covered with black shards of cloth, he opened fire with guns and grenades towards this side.

At first, I was like, ‘What the hell is this?’

Something that could not have happened in Korea happened here as if it were natural.

They shoot and kill people with guns and indiscriminately terrorize places where crowds are gathered with bombs.

Are these guys not afraid of hell?

I kept watching what they were doing, and when they consumed all of their live ammunition and grenades, they slowly showed up.

I ‘descent’ slowly from the sky, not noticing anyone.



He landed safely in front of the guy wearing a flame-patterned turban, who seemed to be their leader.

They turned their guns straight at me.

thump, thump.


Immediately, losing control of his body, he crawled on the ground. In an instant, the over-induction parasite quickly took over their bodies.

“What are you guys? Why are you bombarding me all of a sudden?”


As soon as I opened my mouth, I immediately cast the interpretation spell. Then, Arabic came out of my mouth fluently.

At my words, the captain fell to his knees and opened his eyes. The eyes looking up at me were very absurd and absurd.

“Answer me!!!”

“Shut up!”

At my command, he immediately grabbed his head with his hands and moaned painfully.

“Don’t just say death, answer me!”

“Shut up…. We are commanded by the great Allah…”


I read the memories of their captain, Abdul Bakur, through the parasite embedded in his head.

‘You are the leader of the Sunni faction among IS. Did you accidentally acquire information on this black market and flew from Iraq to England to terrorize the rich?

The information obtained from Abdul Bakur’s memory was quite varied. He was captured by the parasite and became a ‘host’, unable to do anything with his own will.

‘They’s primary goal is to secure hostages, and then to loot auction items…’

I squatted down after scouring the IS’s memories.

Then he came face to face with Abdul Bakur.


He was so scared that he was sweating profusely. I would have expected to be killed by enemy gunfire, but I would have never imagined that I would be captured in such a wretched way.

“How should I cook these guys?”


Abdul Bakur’s expression distorted in an instant at my words. They were on their knees like rats in a poison, unable to do anything.

If I die, I die, if I live, I live.

“How would you have killed innocent civilians in this way…?”


“Used for kidnapping, rape, shooting, bombing, shooting, using children who know nothing to bomb . . . These are completely irreparable rubbish.”


I frowned as I read the memories of the IS people. No matter what happens on the other side of the planet, isn’t this too much?

Their main base of activity was in Africa.

Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, Somalia, Tanzania, Congo, Algeria, Libya, etc…

Although they cause terrorism all over Europe, more than 99% of them are active on the continent of Africa.

black people.

Not the humorous and docile blacks you see in America, but just like the wild beasts of the Serengeti grasslands, these guys bit and bit and fought among themselves, and treated people like livestock as in ancient times.

It was not uncommon for them to gang bang on the street casually, shoot them, or eat them back mercilessly, and later sell them as slaves at a cheap price.

‘They are trash…’



“Shut up!”

I snatched the masks they were proud of and threw them on the ground. What’s so good that you shoot and kill people wearing these masks? He must have been very proud of it, saying that it was a sacred task that was commanded by Allah.

But, in my eyes, these bastards were the world’s unsightly pests, nothing more, nothing less.

“I could just kill you guys right here, but it’s kind of a shame.”


The guys who had lost their turbans that were covering their faces showed embarrassment on their dark faces and rolled their eyes. But there was nothing they could do.

I had no choice but to follow the orders of the parasites I had put, as they were told.

“I will leave your disposal to the black market. The real victims are those people.”

Perhaps because of this incident, many rich people are falling out of the black market. In the meantime, I had fun in metallurgy in the shade, but it wasn’t to the extent that I risked my life for that kind of fun.

Now that black markets have been shown to be unsafe from terrorist groups, the credibility of black markets could have been severely damaged.


“Mr. Lee. What the hell is this…”“They are members of the IS that attacked Windsor Castle, the black market auction house.”

I dispel the sleep spell and wake up everyone who was sleeping. Then, from among the confused people, he brought Leyba out and explained the situation.

“People were stunned and passed out, and things got very confusing, so I came in.”


At my brief explanation, Leiba asked that question as if interrogating me. In front of him, 80 IS fighters were kneeling on their knees, their heads pressed to the ground as if they were dead. As if they were tied to ropes, they could not move, but their hands seemed free.

Seeing them as if they were bound by an unknown bondage, Leiva looked even more puzzled.

“I had some fights in my old days.”


a fight?

Leiba looked at me with a puzzled expression.

It was like, ‘Are you crazy?

“If you don’t believe me, ask. Hey, Abdul Bakur!”


Abdul Bakur, whose head was on the ground, raised his head and answered in a loud voice.

“You were beaten by me and surrendered, didn’t you?”

“···Yes! Yes.”

There was a delay of about a second, but Abdul Bakur dared to reply without hesitation.


I turned my head towards Leyba, who was making an expression of disbelief.



“Leiba. I took control, but I want the black market to dispose of it.”

I put my hand on his shoulder and said so.

“Thanks to Mr. Lee, me and everyone in the auction house survived…”

Leiba finally believed what I was saying, and answered that with a thrilled face. In fact, thanks to the black market, I also sold jewelry at a high price, and a terrorist attack like this could have been just a brief incident.

And I didn’t even want to brag about it to other people. So, he secretly summoned only Leyba and explained this situation to Leyba without exaggerating, rather reducing it.

The people inside the One Free Hall, who had not yet left the auction house and were escorted by bodyguards, were unaware of this situation.

There was just an attack from the armed forces, and he was shaking in the hall without knowing whether the situation outside had been cleared up or whether the continued attack was continuing.

“The credibility of the black market will go down indefinitely due to this incident.”

Ray Ba muttered so in a weak voice, and then immediately shook his head. I stared at him bitterly, then shook my head and patted him at him.

“I will blame the bodyguards stationed in the Black Market for putting up with this terrorist incident. So what kind of orderly trust can we restore?”

When I said that without hesitation, Ray Bar raised his head. And grabbed my hand.

“Mr. Lee, would you really do that?”

I smiled softly and nodded my head.

“Mr. Lee, if you do that, we will give you a huge reward in our black market. Of course, thanks to Mr. Lee, we were able to prevent the loss of life to our customers, so of course we should compensate for it, but I mean…….”

“Until there.”

I interrupted Reiva’s words, as if I didn’t have to say any more.

“I also like this better than mouth-watering lip service.”

I lifted her right hand, curled my index and thumb, and pushed it into Ley Bar’s face.


Leiba was startled by my blatant demands, and he looked at my demon mask. And I alternately looked at the coin-shaped fingers I drew.

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