Chapter 49 31. Dirty ties

“Hye Eun-ah~”


“Has your face changed a lot?”

“Hehehe. My brother gave me a massage…”



When my parents came back from around the world, me and Hye-eun went to Gimpo Airport to meet her parents.

On the way back in the car, Hye-eun explained to her what had happened.

“Didn’t your brother go boating all the time? Then she learned it from a Japanese who specialized in Joan massage.”

“Did you change that much with Joan Massage?”


At Hye-eun’s words, her mother’s eyes twinkled, and she looked back at me.

“Junhyuk. Can her mom get that too?”

“of course. She’ll do it as soon as she gets home.”

I smiled and nodded.

It seems that she is the same woman, and her mother was also secretly interested in her appearance. If she didn’t care about that because of her work, she is now free from money and has a lot of spare time.

I went to Gimpo Airport to pick up my parents, and when I returned to my new house, Seol Bek came out and greeted me.

“Al-Al (Hello!)”

Snow White also looked at my parents and wags his tail eagerly.

“What is this dog?”

Mom and her father suddenly ran over to a cute puppy and stroked him hard with a surprised but at the same time happy face.

“It’s a new puppy. My name is Snow White.”

“It’s snow white. Gosh, what a pretty name.”

Father rubbed Snow White’s hair and smiled warmly. She has such a cute Snow White, and she has a lot of aegyo, so I think she will receive a lot of love from her family in the future.

“The house is very spacious~”

The mother was amazed as she held Snow White in her arms and looked around her house. It was a bit of a snort, but when I moved into a 50-pyong apartment, which was three times the size of a 16-pyeong rent, I couldn’t feel it.

“It’s a new purchase. The house I lived in before was honestly too small.”

“Isn’t a house like this very expensive? Furniture and electronics are all new.”

Perhaps because she is also a housekeeper, she was a mother who looked at the kitchen interior, new dining table, and new furniture first.

On the other hand.

“The living room is just like a playground. The sofa is also soft.”

My father was lying on the sofa in the living room, which was like a wasteland, and he watched TV right away. It was an atmosphere that neither of my parents could adapt to on a scale I had never thought of before.’You will gradually get used to it…’

Isn’t it said that humans are naturally adaptable animals?

Moreover, if it is a change in a good direction, not in a bad direction, anyone will be willing to change. Rather, I will try harder to adapt quickly.

Her mother was moved to look at the new king-size bed in her master bedroom, a neat and spacious dressing table, and a large and pretty wardrobe occupied on one side of the wall.

“You tried. I tried.”

“I, what?”

I was embarrassed and scratched the back of the head. As I always think about, I am most shy when I receive compliments in front of my parents.

To evoke such an atmosphere, I turned the topic.

“Is it Chuseok coming soon?”

“Um, has it already happened?”

After my mother went on a trip, she changed from a sullen look to a downcast one right away. I missed it, but it was already spilled water.

‘At the beginning of the holidays, married women hated the most……..’

It was so good that there were no holidays in this world.

Anyway, this was the biggest problem in Korea. How embarrassed would it be to have someone who has lived in a completely different house for over 20 years suddenly take up the sacrificial ceremony after getting married? Women will be especially so.

I got married because I wanted to depend on a man, but when I got married, there was no place I could depend on.

If I had to look for it, would it be the only children?

We got married because we liked it, but that feeling was short-lived. As time goes on, only vain reasons remain, such as ‘I just can’t help it.’ or ‘I live with my children.’

And, the responsibility for the choice is heavy.

Even if you don’t want to see someone, you have to meet, eat, laugh and talk with each other because they are relatives.

‘No matter how important human relationships are, I don’t think this is…’

If we don’t want to see each other and we get stressed out every time we meet, wouldn’t it be mutually beneficial to just not see each other?

Moreover, they are not real brothers, not half brothers, but adoptive brothers with no blood.

All of the property he was supposed to inherit from his father was plundered, and he was not treated well after that.

“If you don’t want to go this time, you don’t have to go. Junhyuk, you are the same.”

“I’ll go, Dad.”

My father was afraid that our family would be burdened, so he often attended alone every time. Of course, we went and had a bite to eat, but he seemed to think it was better to do so if our family was comfortable with it.

“I have to go and show it. How has our family changed?”

“Hey, what are you going to show me? It just goes quietly. Only annoying things happen when you show off a lot of money.”

“Do not worry. I am confident that I will keep my money.”

If someone from your relatives asks you to lend money, you will be numbered from one to ten more rigorously than the bank.

If you insist that you are confident that you will pay it back, ‘Then borrow it from a bank or a loan company. Why is it us?’ I thought to ask.

It’s obvious that these guys are Simbo.

Relatives are blissful, and creditors are scary.

Even if you delay the debt of your relatives, it is easy to say, ‘Good is good’, but loan companies don’t.

The closer they are, the more firmly nailed by the law, and the more secure they are, the more sure each other is.

But if you do that, you’ll be like, ‘People! Don’t you believe me?’ and, consistently and without logic, drives people who don’t lend money to garbage. It is normal to say thank you if you lend it, and it is normal if you do not have anything to say if you do not lend it, but they had the mindset that they should lend their money as if they had entrusted it to them.

‘Anyway, I hope it doesn’t come out badly…’

After listening to my father’s words, I was worried about what to do again. I really want to show that my family has changed, so do you just pretend you don’t exist like you used to and go through the ancestral rites?

It was one of two things.

‘What do you need to hide? Anyway, we are proud.’

It is the money I earned through blood and sweat, risking my life. So I had nothing to fuss about.

“Anyway, before going to the holidays, I put on a suit or a new one. Does your mom go to the department store tomorrow and get a bunch of new clothes?”

“Oh my, what new clothes do I have? I have a lot of clothes.”

“I just wanted to buy it. let’s go together.”

“Right, Mom. At a time like this, we have to go together and choose, or we don’t have a chance.”

Hye-eun was also a reporter next to her, and her parents nodded with a grin, as if they had no choice. Then, my father read newspapers that had been pushed back for a long time on the sofa, and her mother cooked steamed ribs on the back from her mart.


The next day, as promised to my parents, my family went to the latte department store for group shopping. It was big shopping for the holidays.

The car is a Rolls-Royce Phantom that can fit a family of four.

My father drove with a look of excitement that was incomparable to when he rode a Mercedes-Benz S-Class.

“It’s really good. really good.”

He was happy to say things like that over and over again. Originally, I was a little impatient at a red traffic light, or a lot of stress because of the cars passing by, but now, there is no such thing.

He was enjoying the time waiting for the signal itself, and the cars that were cutting through did not even approach them for fear that they might scratch the foreign cars. So my father could drive comfortably and smoothly to the department store.

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

My father looked at the Rolls-Royce with sad eyes as he parked the car. It looks like you want to ride more.

“I told you I was going to buy you one of the same. I will come to Korea after Chuseok. Then ride it out.”

“Really? Thank you, thank you.”

My father patted me on the shoulder and was very pleased. He thought that he would die while working hard to pay off other people’s debts for the rest of his life, but thanks to his son, he was completely cured of cancer and was able to live a new and prosperous life.

“Did your trip go well?”

“Ho ho ho. Boy, don’t talk. Wherever your dad got that strength, he’s still alive. I thought you were in your 20s~”

“What kind of strange things are you saying in front of the kids too.”

As her mother laughed and recounted what had happened on her trip, his father blushed and entered the department store first.

‘Actually, you look like you’re in your 60s, but it’s safe to say you’re in your 20s on the inside.’

Both father and mother were slowly getting younger. It’s unfair if only Hye-eun is prettier, so wouldn’t it be a way to keep balance by making all of our family handsome and beautiful?

With that in mind, I went into the department store with my family.

“Men’s suits are on the 5th floor, and women’s clothes are on the 3rd floor?”Hye-eun looked at the map for each floor and shouted that.

“Then you and your mother go to the third floor and pack her clothes and other necessary items.”

“okay. There is also a cosmetics store on the first floor, can I stop by and pick up some cosmetics for my mother?”

“When you choose, choose yours.”

“Thank you~”

Hye-eun said that she wanted to buy, and she secretly used her mother as a shield to satisfy her desires. All I knew, she just grinned and gave in to her brother’s tricks.

To be honest, Hye-eun would be embarrassed to ask her to buy this or that if it were not for Hye-eun.

Mom and Hye-eun first moved to the 3rd floor, and I took her father’s hand and moved to the 5th floor.

On the 5th floor, there were not only men’s suits, but also trendy casual clothes and clothes that men could wear.

Puikatoz, Bernoma, Maojia, Bambridge, Towntesmara, etc….

I went to only the most expensive places in the store, and paid for the best clothes that fit my father on the spot.

“Would you like to pay in installments?”

“I will make a lump sum payment.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“And deliver it home.”

“all right.”

Money was good too. In modern society, money can be really convenient. It seemed to understand why people were ‘money money’.

‘In the past, it was difficult to get this kind of life even if you tried to die, but now it’s different.’

My father found clothes he liked on the spot, so he threw away the old clothes and followed me wearing new ones.

Seeing my family happy, I felt happy at the same time.

In fact, I felt better spending money on my family than spending it on myself.

“It is an illusion that money can buy everything. Such happiness is something that money cannot buy.’

If you don’t have a family and you have a lot of money, what’s the point?

Just a bunch of scraps of paper.

to no avail

However, it would be a blessing to have a family to share like this.

Because they are men, my father and I’s shopping ended unexpectedly quickly.

I called Hye-eun and agreed to meet her on the third floor, and then went down the escalator with her father.

Near the escalator, Hye-eun and her mother were seen.


“No, who is this?”

From afar, an unheard-of voice was heard.

“Jun-hyeok, what’s going on with her mother here?”

An old lady in a black shiny dress that looked like she was deliberately pompous was raising her voice with her arms folded as she looked up and down at my mom and Hye-eun.

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