Chapter 9 5. Do I look like a hogu?


Hye-eun asked in a frustrated voice. The head of the jewelry room in Korea nodded her head with a casual expression.

“It’s fake.”

He picked up a square silver vat of nitric acid and showed it to us.

“Can you see the water here turning green?”


“If there is no change by immersing gold in nitric acid, it is real gold……”

The president shakes a barrel of nitric acid in front of Hye-eun.

“If it turns green like this, it is either non-metallic or plated gold.”


Hye-eun looked at me with a bewildered expression. The fact that her face is frowned upon is the expression on which she has lost her country beyond disappointment.

The hoodie she had been wearing for a while was only a stake, and she was at a loss for what to do.

I watched what the two of them were doing, and then opened her mouth.

“So this gold is fake, right?”

“Yes. Yes. If you look at the surface of this gold ingot here, you can see that it is plain without a stamp, right? Usually, when making gold bars, the name of the company and the number of grams must be engraved on it. But isn’t this just a toy?”

The president emphasized the word ‘toy’, and stroked the gold bar with her thumb.

“And just in case, I checked whether it was plated with nitric acid or not… and it was!”

He smiled bitterly, as if exhilarating or disappointing. Then he murmured as if he was going to hit a wedge.

“However, although it is plated, it is quite large and well made. You’re here to dig this, right? Then I will buy it for 200,000 won.”

“You mean it’s fake?”

When I asked in a sharp voice with a frown on my forehead, the boss frowned and frowned.

“So, I’m going to give you 200,000 won. If you don’t like it, take it back…”



As soon as the words came out, I snatched the gold bar he was holding. He said the words were fake, but his eyes were already stained with greed.

“Aren’t you going to sell it?”

A boss whose expression has changed like Gollum who has lost his handmade absolute ring.

“Yes. I don’t sell it.”

“It’s true, you’re so sarcastic with fakes……. All right, then I’ll give you up to 300,000 won, so bring it back here.”


The uncle’s shape was strange, so even the quick-witted Hye-eun changed her expression to a slightly long and slender look.

“I don’t sell it.”

cheater bastard.

Who do you know as Hogu? No matter how stupid I was, I wasn’t a sorceress so weak that I couldn’t even see the molecular structure of matter.When it comes to magic circles and skills, there’s no one in the world who can follow me, but I don’t dare pupa wrinkle in front of me…

‘Before, while putting gold ingots into nitric acid, I got something strange on my little finger, but in the end, I was trying to cheat…’

I watched closely from one to ten to see how the scammers came out with a hawk’s eye. By fine-tuning the lens with magical powers, I was able to freely expand and enlarge my field of view, so that if he did even the slightest bit of nonsense, he could see very well.

Does it feel like a teacher sitting at the school table in class?

Standing at the school table, you can see every little detail of every student in the class. It’s annoying, so I deliberately pretend I don’t know.

When Hyeeun and I turned around like sweet pumpkins, the boss rolled our feet.

“Profit…! Then pay the appraisal fee and go!!!!”

The guy who farted was angry, and instead of discriminating, he cheated and came out shamelessly.

“How are you?”

Yes, I pay the appraisal fee.

It’s a shitty appraisal, so I should rather receive it, but since it comes out modestly, I just have to give it to you.

“One million won.”


The boss smirked and giggled.

“Why? Is it expensive? If you were appraised by a competent appraiser like me, you should pay that much price. Why don’t you have money?”

The scammer still stared at the ingot I was holding with greedy eyes. If you don’t have money, you’re looking at giving it away.

“This uncle said we’ll see and see, so I know who I’m going to see…”

Hye-eun, who had a burning fire, stepped forward one step ahead of her. I grabbed Hye-eun’s arm and looked at the scammer’s face.

-Tell me the truth

I cast ‘Spirit Magic’ in the face of the deceiver. Wizards of circle 9 or higher can create magic on the fly, regardless of the technique.

Complex magic will take time, but the magic against such a rookie could be combined in 0.01 seconds.

“Uh…, uh…. Give me that gold bar quickly!!!”

In an instant, the scammer, who unwittingly spit out his heart, began to panic.

“You mean it’s fake?”

“Actually, it’s true… it’s true.”

I quickly blinked at Hye-eun.

While learning a little about the smartphone yesterday, she found out that it has a recording function.

Hye-eun, quick to notice her, unlocked her quick lock button and started the recording app.

“It’s true, but why did you lie?”

“Uh… that’s, it hurts my stomach if I pay all the money to bastards like you! Oh fuck…why are you doing this…”

“Aha, did you? So, you manipulated our emotions to deceive us, right?”

I looked up at the Gem Appraiser (AGK) National Technical License hanging in the corner of the jewelry room and muttered like that. It was a certificate issued by the president of the Human Resources Development Service of Korea.

By the way, that guy was using it to devour ignorant commoners.

“Yeah, I cheated. What do you do? If you give it the right price, you will spend more than 400 million won, so aren’t you trying to take care of your car expenses? Oh fuck… stop…”

The swindler hung around with his face reddened. It looked like he was restless because he couldn’t control his own mouth.

“Initially, it was a waste to give 400 million won, so you tried to slap us cheaply by deceiving us. When that didn’t work out, he inflated the emotional value and tried to take our gold bars by force.”

“okay!!! So, give me that gold bar right now!”

The magic made him unable to control his desires. He ran out of control, as if he were a drug addict.




Before he could get any closer to me, he lightly bounced back.


A swindler looking up at me with a bewildered expression.

“I recorded everything you tried to deceive and cheat, so get ready to eat beans instead of paying the appraisal fee.”


“Hey Eun-ah, let’s go.”

“Yes, brother!”

Hye-eun put her arms around me with her broad face. She had lost her country just before, but it was turned 180 degrees.


“This… profit!”

After the two brothers and sisters who had been carrying gold bars left, the president of the Korean jewelery room jumped up from his seat.

“My bitches right now!!!”

He picked up his smartphone with a reddened face.

I can’t stand it.

How dare you shame yourself like this, even if you take what you can’t beat gold bars cheaply?

‘Just a while ago, something really strange happened…’

Suddenly, the words in my mind came out of my mouth. As if something was written…

‘Damn it, damn it, damn it….’

It must have something to do with those two kites. Or, is there no way that you can do it all of a sudden?

Anyway, it was very sad.

He tried to cheat first, but that’s it, and it was even more embarrassing when such a nonsensical phenomenon happened.

“Hello. Yang boss. I’m the president of a Korean bailout room. I mean, some two kites just came with gold bars. Yes, 10 kg of 99.9% pure gold. 24k. I checked it myself. because it’s real These are the kites who look sloppy in their clothes. But there was no stamp on the gold bar. Just looking at it, it’s a treasure. Where did you get lucky? Anyway, it’s been a while since I’ve been out, so call them quickly and go to the Noeul Intersection. Right Now!”

The boss missed the gold nugget right in front of him, but he had no intention of passing it on. He was sure where the goofy brother and sister stole the gold bars. To be honest, if you carried gold bars of unknown origin like that, you could not go anywhere and complain about it even if it was stolen.

“These guys… Let’s see where…”

He clenched it.

The evil bastards who are going to catch them have just departed. No matter how fast they fled, they would not have escaped from Gunpo City right away.

Well done.

They must be going back and forth between different gold and silver rooms…


The boss laughed cheerfully, as if his anger had been resolved just by thinking about it.


“brother. There’s really a lot going on.”


Perhaps it was because of her shock that she had been deceived by her just before, Hye-eun could not release her surprised face.

Is this what it means to have your nose cut in front of her? She is an expert, and if she trusted her blindly, she would have blown 480 million won in front of her eyes.

“under······. really.”

Hye-eun let out her sigh as if it was absurd to think about it again, and then she looked back at me.



“But what did you do before?”


As I held out my flippers, Hye-eun’s small eyes became even thinner.

“How did you know that gold was real?”

“You know, because I brought it. You call that a question?”

“Ah, then that’s it.”

Hye-eun clenched her arms, holding her weight firmly, as if she was going to argue firmly.

“How did you make him vomit the truth? Did you use any magic?”

“What is magic? He ate two bowls of rice this morning and pretended…”

When she said that she was magic, she frankly broke her heart, but she pretended it was nothing. However, she could not dispel her suspicions that Hye Eun Yi.

“And at the end, huh? That swindler was just about to run into you.”


“By the way, you threw the con artist out of your face.”

“I don’t know, I must have slipped.”

As I continued to walk, Hye-eun inflated her cheeks.

“Are you kidding me? I’ve seen it all. Suddenly, the wind blew inside the room and you kicked him out, didn’t you?”

“Is that so? At that time, I was out of my mind so I didn’t know…”

“You’re going to pretend you don’t know.”

“Then you mean I shot a long wind?”

Me and Hye-eun quarreled over the previous situation. I’m on the defensive side, and Hye-eun is the offensive. Of course, it’s better to defend. It’s easier to lie than to tell the truth.

“You don’t even know the law of the presumption of innocence? If you want to follow up…”

“Hey! Can’t you guys stand there right now?”

The moment I was about to give a word to her immature brother.

doo doo doo doo.

Dozens of tight-fitting men in suits rushed towards us from afar.

“at there!”

The guy with his tight hair and long scratches on the top of the head took the lead and shouted. Each of them had an iron pipe in their hand.

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