Return of the Antagonistic Lady Boss

Chapter 699: The task is to accompany my daughter-in-law

   Chapter 699 The task is to accompany my daughter-in-law

   "High, really high!" Narcissus really admires Xiao Qian.

  "On my territory, if anyone dares to move me, I can go back wherever I let him come. No matter who it is, no one can do it well."

  Old Maimo, continue to mutter in my heart, I can’t even hear my gods, I’m a wooden pile, babble, babble~

"Qian'er, where do you go next?" Narcissus asked Xiaoqian, Xiaoqian put her arms around Narcissus's shoulders, and the mirror quickly appeared in Lao Mai's mind...Well, not only can he not hear, he can't see it now, yeah. Yeah yeah~

"Let’s go, let’s find a place to go fishing, and grill the fish after fishing — hey, brother from the Carter family, go buy fishing rods, fishing gear, and barbecue stoves. Given your IQ, you can go with the boss. Say you want to grill a full set."

  The corners of the old wheat's mouth twitched, "Can you get rid of my family when you call my brother?"

   "Oh, little brother, go buy a stove!" Xiao Qian waved her hand, and Old Mai could only bite her back teeth and left.

  Drag and drop! Nothing good to meet this witch! Not only did he not guess the beginning when he burst the vest, he didn't even guess the end. He had known that Tang Shuixian, a little girl who was not deeply involved in the world, was surrounded by such an amazing character. Why did he choose Tang Shuixian as his target!

   speechlessly asked the sky, only black smoke line...

   "Hey, brother, your fire hasn't started yet?"

Xiaoqian and Narcissus were fishing on the fishing ground with their sun hats. There were already some fat fish in the bucket beside them, while the old wheat, who had fallen to the status of a little brother, was a fan desperately under the scorching sun, and was burnt by the charcoal in the grill. The choking tears flowed.

  Woo, he doesn’t want to pick up girls and don’t want money from the Tang family. Is it too late to return to China now?

  Of course... too late!

   "The fishing field just doesn't have a sense of accomplishment, it's too easy, but sea fishing is fun." As soon as the narcissus swung the rod, a fat carp was hooked, and the big fat fish in the bucket was caught by her.

   Feeling a ghastly resentment, Narcissus turned his head and saw Xiaoqian's dark face sweeping her with envy, jealousy and hatred.

   "Qian'er, haven't you caught it yet?"

   Narcissus did not expect that the omnipotent Qian always could not do it.

  Since sitting down until now, Xiaoqian has not caught one. Oh, no, she caught one that was smaller than a slap, and put it back.

   "It must be the fishing rod and bait, my bait may not like to eat." Premier Qian said bluntly.

  "Aren't we using the same kind of bait?" Narcissus didn't want to expose Xiao Qian, but she still couldn't help it.

   "That is the location is wrong, change the place!"

Narcissus really changed places with Xiaoqian. After a while, Narcissus caught another big grass carp. To Xiaoqian, what else do you want to say?

"Oh, our bait is really the same. Just now when I was sitting there, the fish was attracted by me, but you went and picked up a ready-made one." Xiaoqian said so well, the narcissus was almost speechless. Correct.

   "Qian'er, you can't be so shameless."

   "Okay, I admit, I'm not good at fishing." Out of the corner of Xiaoqian's eyes, she caught a glimpse of the blackened face of the fireworks and grinned at her, as if to say that you also have today?

"Little brother, don’t laugh at fifty steps, although sister, I’m not good at fishing, but your stove is not so good, hurry up! Don’t you want to chase our narcissus? Fire won’t survive. Are you embarrassed to come out and pick up girls?"

  Lao Mai was choked by the fireworks and was already very hot. Being so stimulated by Mr. Qian, his fragile male self-esteem was hurt again.

  He slammed the fan to the ground, wiped his face with his hand to wipe away the tears he choked, and successfully stained his face with black charcoal, creating a comedic effect but he didn't know it.

   "What does chasing girls have to do with making fires! Many successful men don't make fires! We are not primitive people!" Old Mai was not convinced.

   "Narcissus, look at his violent temper. He was pretending to be calm before. You must be cautious when choosing a spouse. Some men with poor temperament can't be found. They are so bad~"

I will endure! The corners of Old Mai's mouth twitched, and his attention was not on Narcissus at all, he was completely attracted by Xiao Qian.

  "Are you prejudiced against me?" Lao Mai finally couldn't help but asked Xiaoqian.

"I just stated a fact objectively. What the little brother cannot do is not necessarily impossible for all successful men, such as lighting fires and fishing. If my husband comes, you two together will not be his opponents. "

  This Xiaoqian is really not bragging. When she first met Yu Minglang, Xiaoqiang took her to go fishing in the ravine. She was very skilled.

   "Qian'er, it's okay if you hurt him, why did you bring me in?" Narcissus looked at Xiao Qian and asked amusedly.

   "My dear, I am jealous of you." Xiaoqian said half-truth.

   "It's okay, the ruler is short and the inch is strong, you are not good at fishing, but you are good at fishing people, right, little brother?" Narcissus has now learned how Xiaoqian calls old wheat.

Although Lao Mai is proficient in Chinese, he is limited to conversation. He has no idea that the word "little brother" can also mean a certain kind of male organ. He is a little surprised why Xiaoqian and Narcissus laugh so cunningly when they nicknamed him. ?

   "I don't believe that your husband is so good..."

  "I don’t know if I don’t try, I can’t even try if I want to. Hello~"

   "Ah!" Old Mai was taken aback by the sudden voice behind him.

  Xiaoqian smiled happily when she saw the person behind him.


  Yu Minglang waved to Xiaoqian, "My wife, I heard that you didn't catch a fish?"

   "That is definitely slander, I just caught it clearly." Xiaoqian corrected it seriously, Xiaoyu is also a fish!

  "Why do you have time today?" Narcissus was a little surprised to see Yu Minglang appear during the day.

  Yu Minglang glanced at the old wheat, and said with a smile.

   "Give me a task above."

   "What task?"

"Take my daughter-in-law here." By the way, the old Mai was flattened. He was finally able to get together with his daughter-in-law during working hours. Yu Minglangte liked this task, it was like making up the honeymoon with his daughter-in-law. Yes, it's beautiful.

  When he said this, Xiaoqian understood.

  Unexpectedly, this waste dim sum old wheat can bring this benefit to her and Yu Minglang, so I rushed to this, seeing that the old wheat is not so inviting.

   "I heard that you are a waste that can't even generate fire? Do you want me to help?" Yu Minglang asked Lao Mai.

   "My husband is really good, don't you really want to try it?"

   "No, need, want!" Old Maiwo took a sigh of relief.

   In front of Xiao Qian, he didn't want to lose to this man named Xiaoqiang-should it be Xiaoqiang? I always hear them calling him that.

  Wait, what seems weird? Old Mai was stunned, why did he show it to Xiao Qian instead of showing it to Narcissus?

  (End of this chapter)

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