Return of the Antagonistic Lady Boss

Chapter 739: This matter involves confidentiality (thanks to BB Yan and Choi

  Chapter 739 This matter involves confidentiality (thanks to BB Yan and Choi + more)

  Yu Minglang twitched the corners of his mouth. He thought that the rascal thing of lifting the table would only be done when he dealt with his dad. Unexpectedly, Qianbao had also failed to learn!

"You, clean up here now! Including but not limited to organizing the cards, returning the chairs to their original positions, cleaning up the peels that have just been eaten, mopping the floor, cutting the fruit plate and sending it to the room, and other things yourself supplement!"

Qian always pointed to his nose and said.

  Yu Minglang silently took out her IOU from her pocket, "I thought I could enjoy the privilege of a creditor."

  "I will pay for it!" Xiaoqian left Yu Minglang domineeringly with a word that made Yu Minglang speechless, and led her two friends into the room to chat, leaving Yu Minglang speechless in the face of the mess in the room.

  "The status of this family is simply no one..." He moved his fingers. It's not a good thing for his hands to work too well. Seeing that Xiaomei was so embarrassed and angry...

  At night, Yu Minglang smiled at the thief, took out the IOU and patted on the bed, frowning.

   "Xiaomei, how are you going to pay the bill?"

  "What are you going to do?" Xiaoqian asked back.

  Yu Minglang moved his fingers in a particularly awkward motion, "This matter, it originated from the speed of the hand, let's pay it with the speed of the hand, what do you think?"

  From now on, she is his exclusive card, and she has to draw all kinds of cards!

  A hungry wolf will come to pounce on the sheep when he finished speaking, Xiaoqian swiftly avoided, and he threw on the mattress with a depressed look.

  "Hey! You can't fall back on the bill! The brand is gone, so you must pay the debt!"

   "I want to pay it back, but a relative in my family told me that I can't pay it back today."

   "What kind of relative is so shameless, I will hit his glass with a slingshot now!" Who dares to stop Xiao Xiaoqiang's sexual happiness? !


  Pants! Shocking news!

   Yu Minglang is petrified.

   "The day is wrong!"

  Don’t ask him how he knows his wife’s menstrual period. Those are the key records on Lango’s notebook. Don’t mess with her during those few days, otherwise she will die miserably.

Xiaoqian shrugged, "Yes, it was a few days earlier. I guess the old man came early because of your anger. Who made your hands work so well that we can't tell if you are out of a thousand? When I get angry, my blood flows backwards. , Aunt Chenghe..."

   "Ah!!!" Yu Minglang buried his face in the pillow depressed. If he knew it, don't deliberately tease her. Let her win. Maybe her aunt won't make trouble when she is happy!

   "Usually I like to call your behavior like shooting yourself in the foot, hahaha!"

  Qian always sees him like this, she feels comfortable, and even her aunt's irritability has been reduced a lot when she comes to the tide.

   "Don't be provocative, if you are anxious, brother, I will act in a martial arts movie from the 80s. I want you to look good!"

  "Do you still want to beat your wife?" Xiaoqian really looks down on him, or is curious about what this martial arts movie does?

  "This film was filmed in the 1980s. It tells the story of a martial arts madam Jasper!"

   "What does it have to do with me?"

  "The title of the film is: Jade Blood Washing Silver Gun!"


  10 seconds later, Yu Minglang's scream came from the soundproofed room.

The Narcissus and Liu Mei, who were applying the mask next door, stopped at the same time. Narcissus was sleeping here tonight. Liu Mei invited her to make a mask together. The two women looked at each other with their pale faces for a few seconds, and at the same time they showed an indescribable expression. .

   "The two guys are too impatient to wait. Anyway, wait until we sleep before we do anything!"

   "That's right, my brother is so terrible!"

  "Ah! Xiaomei, I was wrong! Qianbao——Daughter-in-law, don’t, ah!"

  This indescribable voice made Narcissus and Liumei's faces blush, tusk tusk!

  Waiting to wake up the next morning, when Liu Mei, who was getting up early to practice, found her aunt’s towel in the trash can when she went to the bathroom, her expression became more indescribable.

  What is this called? Minor injury can't get under the line of fire? Liu Mei thought so in her heart.

   Turning around early in the morning, Yu Minglang went out for a run and bought breakfast for his wife.

   pinched a little to go out, and really met Huang Mao who was about to go out.



Yu Minglang faintly responded to Huang Mao’s proactive greeting, which seemed nothing unusual, but when the two passed by, Yu Minglang saw a wretched and suspicious expression in Huang Mao’s eyes, Xiao Qiang’s face. He was silent, but his expression sank after entering the elevator.

  If he was only 20% sure that he guessed that the right person might eavesdrop on his wife, now this probability has risen to 50%.

  Because of Huang Mao's eyes, Xiaoqiang has reason to suspect that she overheard the story last night.

  As a very confident man, Yu Minglang is particularly confident in his intuition. One doubt is a coincidence, and two doubts have given him a reason for suspicion.

  So now it's the third time, Yu Minglang's vigilance has been mobilized.

  What he has to do now is to increase this 50% probability to 100%.

The aunt's body care manager Qian also nestled in the bed and enjoyed her breakfast. Yu Minglang finished washing the bowl, and after calculating that the person on the other side should almost be washed, he returned to the bedroom and said to Xiao Qian in a small voice. .

   "I have something very important to tell you. This matter may involve top secrets."

   Xiaoqian glanced at him suspiciously. How could he suddenly be so serious at home?

  Yu Minglang made a hush gesture, took a small object from his pocket and pasted it on Xiao Qian’s bedroom, and then said loudly.

  "This matter is very confidential. After you hear it, don't tell it to the outside world. Can it be done?"

  Xiaoqian didn’t know what he had pasted on the wall, it seemed that it was not easy.

  "I can do it." Xiaoqian said cooperatively.

  Huang Mao, who was separated by a wall, used an eavesdropping device to listen nervously. She felt that this paragraph might be important.


  Yu Minglang pressed the button with a thief smile, and something on the wall made a harsh sound!

  For Xiaoqian and Yu Minglang, this sound is a bit loud, but it does not stimulate hearing, but for Huang Mao, this sound wave is a disaster after being amplified!

  She was covering her ears in pain, and she could only hear the buzzing sound. When it was over, could this be the legendary tinnitus?

  Boss! Please count me as a work injury, oh oh oh!

  "What are you doing?" Xiaoqian asked Yu Minglang.

"Put a jamming wave, it is said that it is confidential, what if you don't take measures and get overheard?" Yu Minglang walked to the window of Xiaoqian's bedroom and opened the curtains. After waiting for a while, he saw Huang Mao hurriedly. Go downstairs.

  Haha, is this looking at your ears?

Yu Minglang never believes in things with little probability. A super security door that can only be bought through special channels. He took a camera and took pictures of him and Xiaomei. He saw that he had a weird smile. After he used interference sound waves, he immediately went out to see a doctor. ...

  A lot of small-probability coincidences are put together, and that can only explain one problem, and the right one is a ghost.

Thank you for the reward from BB Yan's and Choi, and Jiagen for you, and Jiagen can’t catch up with the consortium’s rewards. I am really excited, thank you everyone~ just because you all support me so much, So every time I am stuck in the plot, my careful heart hurts, hehe~

  (End of this chapter)

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