Chapter 772

"I really want to do what my father requires of me. I hope that I can become a strong woman with iron blood. Like the elders that my father often tells me, I don’t need feelings. I want to focus on my career. A woman wants to stand. There is always a price to pay for the high level, and I think I can do it, but I still can’t control the sadness in my heart... Am I disappointing my dad?"

   "Silly girl, who told you that a strong woman will definitely not have a happy family?" Xiaoqian wiped her tears.

"I analyzed it myself. The strong women my dad introduced to me are either divorced or single. How many men can accept that their women earn more than him and are more capable than him? Busy to a certain extent, where is there time for children? Love the Gu family? Qian'er, haven't you ever told me that if a woman is strong enough to a certain extent, she doesn't need a man anymore."

  Kacha, Yu Minglang almost snapped the bamboo stick, and looked sharply at Xiaoqian. The girl who caused the trouble had said such dehumanizing things?

  Xiaoqian doesn’t have to look back to know that Yu Minglang is awkward again, she still has to pretend she hasn’t seen it and continue to coax Narcissus.

   "I've said this before--" Hey, the man behind him who likes to lose his temper, can you listen to someone else's words before you get angry!

   "Look! You all admit that you said something like this!" Narcissus was even more sad. She seemed to feel that she was facing a multiple-choice question, whether she wanted a career or a family.

"I've said it, but it's also relatively not absolute. Women who are strong to a certain extent do not need certain men. Just say that they are like Liu Mei's ex-boyfriend. They are not big-hearted, temperamental and small-minded. Think of women as an accessory, and women as a tool for giving birth. If you don’t want a man like that, don’t let it go, but just talk to my Xiaoqiang and talk to yours. One is that the merits can tolerate us and help us to support us together. You can still ask for a man who starts a family."

  The last sentence of Xiaoqian was looking at the man standing behind Narcissus. The man was soaked and looked at the narcissus that Xiaoqian was holding.

   finally here.

  Xiaoqian looked at the man behind Narcissus and raised her mouth.

  This guy is pretty awesome. It has only been a few minutes since the call was received. This is forcing the taxi driver to fly over, right?

   Narcissus turned her back to the person who came, and she didn’t see it. She was still talking about her feelings with a twitch.

"But I can't give him anything. Dexi's family is in good condition. How could he be attracted to my family's money? I can't give him anything except money. I can only restrain his development. I wish I could be born in a family. In an ordinary family, if you can sing and sing like you and Minglang, I want to follow him. I also want to wash my hands and make soup like an ordinary girl and wait for the person I like to come home. But what about my dad, my dad's life What to do with my hard work, I can’t ignore my dad. My dad will love me forever, give me life and give me everything, I can’t be so selfish!"

   "You can't follow me, then I will follow you! You don't ask me personally, how do you know I don't care about you, how do you know you can't give me anything?"

  The voice made Narcissus stunned, and her body became stiff. Could she have auditory hallucinations?

  The voice that appeared in her dream, could it be, could it be—

   "Emma, ​​I'm so touched!" Liu Mei wiped her tears, she was about to cry, the annual tear-gas drama, from the bitter drama to the reversal, she was so touched!

  Fugui silently handed over the tissue. He thought Xiaoqian’s analysis was correct. Liu Mei is really a girl with a strong appearance but a soft heart. Her heart is not as strong as her appearance.

   Narcissus has been stiff for a long time and dare not look back. She is afraid that everything will become empty when she looks back. It is an illusion.

  Xiaoqian encouraged her.

"To face what you should face, career and family are never multiple choice questions. You only see the few strong women with unhappy marriages introduced to you by your godfather. Losing a lover, I do not deny that the probability of marriage broken for a strong woman is indeed higher than that of an ordinary family. This is related to the instincts of men handed down from the patrilineal society. Some men have strong self-esteem and are unwilling to accept their wives as strong women, and some men do it for this reason. Money is inconsistent, but there will be a very small group of people who don’t care about money or care about it, they just stay together because of a simple relationship."

  Xiaoqian glanced at Minglang, the two exchanged warm eyes, she knew that Xiaoqiang was such a man.

"There are really few men like this. He must have a strong heart, he must be able to tolerate his wife and understand his wife, he must have an unyielding self-confidence, and he does not measure his feelings by money. I think you should talk to him in person."

  Xiaoqian pushed Narcissus over and hugged her immediately.

  I haven’t seen him for a long time, he seems to have lost weight, and what’s different... Narcissus suddenly found out that he was wearing casual clothes?

  Having known him for so long, it is rare that he wears such a casual dress. He always dresses up for business life in suits and leather shoes.

   "One, take your people to retreat right away, and the bill between us will be settled!" Zhu Dexi warned without looking back.

  Yu Minglang immediately carried two bottles of beer, and by the way all the skewers on the stove went along, "Go around, let's all retreat."

   "I still want to see..." Liu Mei was dragged away by wealth and noble one hundred people who were unwilling.

  This kind of deep and rainy picture is rare in a century, but I can’t see it. What a pity!

   "If you want to look back, I will also confess to you once. Don't stay here. My small body can't beat those who have practiced." Fugui said objectively.

According to the observation of a psychiatrist forensic doctor, Zhu Dexi's state at this time is relatively excited. It is manifested between men and women. It is easy to nibble after the confession. If it is between two men, it is likely to be beaten .

   "Then I will find my brother and my sister-in-law~" Liu Mei walked towards Xiao Qian without knowing it.

  Fugui pulled her back again, "Don’t bother them, don’t you know how yin your brother is?"

  Everyone can see why Yu Minglang is carrying a beer and dragging Xiaoqian towards the reef by the sea. Whoever does not have eyes to be a light bulb for others will still be beaten!

   "Ah, what are we doing then?" Liu Mei looked back three times, wondering what Narcissus and Nao would say?

  I don’t know what did the sister-in-law and brother do after running behind the stone?

   "I drive, let's go back."

   "Oh..." Liu Mei was disappointed, so she just went back.

  The car was parked on the side of the road, and the two got into the wealthy N-hand small broken car.

   "I will change the car after I go back, and I won't let you ride so bumpy next time." Fugui has been driving this small car for several years, and I always felt that there was no need to change until I met her.

   "No need, can't this be opened? You just bought a house, and it cost a lot of money." Liu Mei is not a picky girl either.

  He suddenly got up, came over in her own mind, Liu Mei was nervous, and suddenly thought of the kiss during the big adventure. Is it going to be two consecutive kills today?

  Thanks to the 1500 coins of Golden Bugs, the 1000 coins of rifle bullet rewards, and the rewards of Bing Ziying and BIGBANG0818!

  (End of this chapter)

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