Return of the Antagonistic Lady Boss

Chapter 802: How much rice do you owe your family

   Chapter 802 How Much Rice Owes Your Family

   Dean’s voice went from far to near, Xiaoqian stood up as soon as she heard it, and rushed out without looking back, carrying her little Baotou.

   "Sorry, Xuan, I'm leaving now if I have something to do. Let's call back!" Xiaoqian waved her hand, fearing that she would be chased out when it was too late.

   "Ah, Doctor Xiao Chen, haven't you waited for Professor Qi?" The dean blocked Xiao Qian.

  "Yes, my head hurts all over my body. Tell the professor that the rivers and lakes are gone." Xiaoqian left without looking back.

  The dean couldn’t stop him even if he wanted to stop. Although his old classmate Professor Liu asked him to let Chen Xiaoqian see Professor Qi, Chen Xiaoqian wanted to leave. He couldn’t tie up Xiaoqian like a patient, right?

   "It's over, old Liu will choke me to death, and the duckling to the mouth will fly!" The dean got a headache when he thought of Professor Liu's reaction. Seeing that the door of the department was not closed, he wanted to come and close it.

  "Hi! hello~" Xuan sat on the chair and waved to the dean.

"Ah! Duck! No, I mean, Professor Qi!!! Why are you here? The person I want to introduce you just left, I'll go find her back!" The dean couldn't wait to get her wings right away and fly out Xiaoqian. Pull back, come and see, the living world authority!

   "No, she... her head hurts all over, hahaha!" Xuan smiled heartily, and she was so cute thinking of Xiaoqian hiding from him.

  Xuan, his full name is Qi Yuxuan, he is the person who gave Xiaoqian wine, and his other identity is a world-class psychological authority.

   "Uh... have you seen it? So what do you think of this child?" The dean is a real person, and he agreed to Professor Liu to introduce him, that is, he will introduce him to the end.

  "Solid professionalism, cute character, neat handwriting, and clear thinking." Professor Qi picked up the case that Xiaoqian had left on the table, looked at it carefully, and said while watching.

  This expression...The dean looked carefully, do you like it or dislike it?

  Everyone knows that Professor Qi is a weird person. He is best at changing his face quickly within a second, and those who offend him will never want to talk to him for the rest of their lives.

  " you think this kid should be your doctoral supervisor? We are not trying to buy or sell. This kid is a student of my classmates. He is very outstanding. He has won many international awards and has been treated a lot—"

   "No." Professor Qi closed Xiaoqian's case, and if he didn't do it, it made the dean's heart feel a bump.

  It's over, it's over, how can I explain to Professor Liu?

   "The prizes she won are not enough. She should be better and more sharp. The ones she got before are just pediatrics to coax children."

  "...She still took credits in advance in university, and she did many big projects with her tutor during her postgraduate studies, and all of them--" The dean is like a few treasures, all of which are backed up in advance, and she promised to do things for others.

"The conditions in your hospital are too poor, especially in the inpatient department. It is not obvious to the patient's division, and the door lock is not scientifically done. Patients with violent tendencies may escape from prison. I just went to the ward to see No, it won't work."

   "Huh?" What about promoting Chen Xiaoqian, why do you say this?

  Professor Qi took out a small notebook from his arms and wrote a series of numbers on it.

   "I donated this check to you. Take it to fix it."

   "Ah!!!" Pie fell in the sky! The dean almost danced, they have too little government funding in this small place, and there is no way to improve the environment. Wait a minute--

  "Why did you donate to us?"

   "Because you are an honest person."

  Professor Qi patted the dean on the shoulder and said with a smile.

  The dean who has said so many good things about Xiaoqian, looks very pleasing to the eye.

  After the principal who fled hastily left Xiaoqian's office, he felt restless.

  A secret she buried in her heart was discovered in this way. There is nothing more terrifying than this.

Standing on the side of the road and waiting for long-distance passengers, she looked at the pedestrians on the road and felt that everyone was laughing at her. Even an old lady selling fruit on the side of the road laughed at her. She thought it was mocking her for being casual. Woman.

   "I am not a casual person, I am not..."

  When the thought used to persecute Weiwei was on her own turn, the principal was under tremendous psychological pressure and pain. She wanted to say that it was not herself who was at fault, it was the demon, and the psychologist who knew her secret.

  Damn it, why would she know her secret...

  It’s fine if that woman isn’t there, no, no...

  The seeds of evil grew arbitrarily in her heart. The principal wandered back and forth at the door of the mental disorder rehabilitation center. She was trying hard to get Xiaoqian to shut her mouth.

  Two people came out from the door of the mental hospital, looking like a middle-aged couple. The woman was wiping tears, and the man was frowning. At first glance, they were the family members of the patient.

   "Boy damn, don't cry. The doctor tied him up because he has been beating people and is emotionally unstable. Didn't we talk to the doctor, as long as he stabilizes, he won't restrict his freedom like this."

   "When he got sick, he was not as excited as he is today. The doctor said he bent the iron railings. What happened?"

  When a mental patient is sick, some of the strength will be very scary.

"I just asked the doctor, saying that he saw a female doctor in it that looked like the Meiwei he was talking about every day, so he got emotional. This Meiwei is too cheating. What is the host of the Yaoli Yaodao? Broken emotional show, watch the murder of my son..."

  The two said as they walked, the conversation drifted to the principal’s ears, and also to Liumei and Fugui, who had just returned from their classmates. They both came to pick up Xiaoqian.

  I didn’t care about the couple’s chat, but when I heard that there was a sister-in-law’s stage name, Liumei stopped doing it.

  "Wait, make it clear, what happened to Meiwei?"

   "What's up with you! You are crazy!" This family especially likes to transfer resentment to others.

  Fugui took Liumei's hand, signaled her not to be impulsive, and calmly explained to the other party.

  "Do you have any comments on the night talk program of the city traffic radio?"

"The hostess's voice is too unlucky. It stimulated my son to get mentally ill. My son is now hospitalized, ooh! This old lady is too unfair. Why are so many people who are sick? My child is sick!"

   Liu Mei was almost mad at hearing.

  What is it!

  What kind of weird thought is this. If others get sick, they can’t do it with their own son? How much rice do others owe your family?

  What's the matter with her sister-in-law? There are not tens of thousands or thousands of people who host a program and listen to it. Why are others not mentally ill? If her sister-in-law says a few words to stimulate the magic of mental illness, then the country will directly ask the country to hire her sister-in-law with a high salary. In the future, the sister-in-law will use the loudspeaker to shout in order to make the opponents mentally sick.

  There is nothing wrong with the crime you want to add!

  Thank you Chonger 0227 for your reward

  (End of this chapter)

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