Return of the Antagonistic Lady Boss

Chapter 804: The bird quietly acquiesced

  Chapter 804 Bird Quietly Defaults

"That's right, a woman's indiscretion is the sinking of society." After the principal said, he accidentally thought that his misery had passed. The deep-rooted values ​​collided fiercely with the reality she encountered, and the feeling of panic and dull morbidity became more obvious. For a few minutes, but in order to deal with Chen Xiaoqian who knew her secret, she was willing to cater to this woman's statement.

  The principal cooperated with this woman to spit out Xiaoqian, and finally turned the topic to the right place.

   "Is your son seriously ill?"

   "It's just a little bit emotional, but it's not a big deal. We just need to watch it more. It was his father who forced the child to plug this kind of place. Isn't this **** on earth, my poor boy!" The woman covered her face and cried.

  In her opinion, it is very cruel for a child to be **** with five flowers. The ward in the mental rehabilitation center has iron railings on the windows. What is the difference between being in jail? There is no personal freedom.

"Don't yell, he is yelling at home and tying people up and wanting to beat people. What should I do if I let him out and hurt people because of his unstable condition!" Father is still a sensible person, knowing that the mental hospital takes care of the patients, but they are actually treating the patients. Be responsible for yourself.

  There is no self-control ability when psychosis occurs. It will not only hurt others, but also sometimes hurt yourself. The installation of iron railings in the room restricts personal freedom, just because they are afraid of excessive behavior when they become ill.

   "It deserves to be hurt, who makes these foxes come out to charm people!"

  Can't make sense with this kind of woman, the husband closed his eyes and decided to ignore this automatically.

  The principal was greatly touched. After the patient was released, it would hurt people, hurt people...

  There seemed to be a voice in her mind saying to herself that if something happened to a female doctor, she would not spread the fact that she had been violated. There was no need to kill her, as long as she was just like herself, just like herself...

  "You leave me a contact information, I know the doctors here, and I can introduce you to cheaper and better hospitals." The principal already had that bud in his heart, and it was immediately reflected in his actions.

   "Really? Then I will leave the landline at my house for you..."

  The two women have their own thoughts, and the prototype of a plan has also sprouted in the principal's heart.

  In the rich car, Liu Mei’s cheeks are about to bulge into a ball.

   "You shouldn't stop me, I will go up and give her two feet, this kind of person will owe you a beating!"

  Rich and honest smile, not talking.

  "Fighting with paranoid people, did you have a problem here too?" Xiaoqian pointed to her head.

   "But she said too much. What makes you look like a fairy is so irritating to her son?"

   "Puff!" Xiao Qian was happy, "People praise me for looking good, why are you so excited?"

   "Is she a boast? I think she can't wait to call you a confidante that is a disaster for the country and the people!" Hearing others say the people around him, I can't bear it!

   "She can just say what she likes. We can't get angry with such a person. If you get angry and hurt your liver, it will be bad for your health. You will get rich and wealthy. Take out your chrysanthemum tea for plums."

  "Drink some, don't get angry. It's worthless." Fugui freed up a hand to give Liumei a cup of water.

   "I can't control myself!"

"My sister-in-law will tell you one more truth. Later, when you encounter someone with a paranoid tendency, she will either go up and kick her and see you hiding away, or avoid arguing with them if she stays far away. It can **** you off. Really ."

   "Look! My sister-in-law told me to kick me up, and blame you for stopping me!"

   "A patient just came out of their family and they are in a bad mood. It's inappropriate for you to kick them." Wealth is still a good temper.

   "Sister-in-law! Look, he is a Virgin!" Liu Mei complained.

"This is your rich brother's philosophy of life. His subtext is that someone has a genetic history of mental illness, and if you stimulate someone to become ill, you will also have trouble. You really want to stimulate someone to become sick. If someone kills you, it's not against the law. You kill someone. You go to jail, which one do you think is appropriate?"

  Liu Mei's eyes widened, Fugui shook his head, he didn't mean that at all...

   "As expected to be a high-level intellectual, what I want is comprehensive quality." Liu Mei began to worship wealth again.

  Well, he may also have a little meaning, the rich and shameful bird quietly acquiesced.

   "By the way, has your classmate watched it, what's the situation?" Xiaoqian thought of Fugui and Liumei's intention to come here, and asked smoothly.

   Liumei was already in the car, sitting on the rich co-pilot and struggling to get out of the car seat, and the good-tempered rich immediately handed Liumei a refreshing drink.

   "Don't be angry, it's not worth it for this kind of thing."

  "Oh? Isn't it different from what we expected?" Xiaoqian and Fugui thought that this classmate might have delusions of persecution, but Liu Mei's reaction seems to be not all.

"Brother Fugui and I are psychologically prepared. If she is really persecuted like that by her husband, what should I do, or as she inferred with you and Brother Fugui, it is a delusion of persecution, what should we do? ."

  As a result, Mei Wanwan did not expect that she and Fugui arrived at a classmate’s house and knocked on the door for a long time but no one opened the door. The house lived in a bungalow, and the door was locked from the inside.

  Fearing that something might happen, Liu Mei stepped over the wall and went in.

  In the end, she saw a scene that made her angry.

The world’s first abused poor woman who rendered herself on the Internet, wearing this big tank top and short pants, eating watermelon with her feet buttoned, she didn’t hear the knock on the door because she was wearing headphones and watching DVDs. The Japanese movies in the movie, and the women in it, ah, ah.

   Liu Mei is stupid.

   Xiaoqian chuckled when she heard this picture.

  Liu Mei described it as having a sense of picture. Xiaoqian seemed to have a sloppy and sloppy woman in front of her eyes, with her feet clasped eating watermelon and watching a piece of wretched expression.

   "She was shocked when she saw me, and asked me why I didn't knock on the door. I must be able to hear if I knock on her!"


"I just said what I came for, I said that the students are very anxious when they see your situation, I will come back to see you, what is the matter with what you wrote on the Internet? As a result, she even said-- "

  When Liu Mei thought of her strange classmate’s attitude, she became angry.

"She said I was nosy! She said that she was playing around with her handwriting, and see how many people are paying attention. Who knows that we people are stupid when we read, and we believe this kind of thing... she said At that time, I wanted to kick her."

  This result made Xiao Qian a little surprised. She glanced at Fugui, and Fugui helplessly spread her hands.

   "I went in and watched it later, but unfortunately, she turned out to be a normal person and not mentally ill."

   is not the delusion of persecution as President Qian and Fugui think, but he is a person with a particularly distorted psychology.

What’s even more hateful is that when Fugui entered, he laughed at Liumei’s foolish classmates a second, and then he became a idiot in the next second. He tried to discharge the rich, and kept the rich to eat watermelon. The rich was talented. Can't eat the fruits that she had picked her feet and didn't wash her hands and touched. They stayed on pins and needles with Liumei for a while and escaped.

  Are there any people around Niu Devil who talk nonsense just to win the attention of others? Snail once met a friend who claimed to be terminally ill. Later, someone claimed to be her relative and said that the person was gone. At that time, I was 20 years old and cried out of tears. Later I found out that they were fine, and they deliberately teased me. Play, okay, I feel sorry for my kindness and innocence when I was 20 years old. Is there such a person by your side?

  (End of this chapter)

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