Return of the Antagonistic Lady Boss

Chapter 815: Don’t you have to be shameless (thanks Mizuha Haru

  Chapter 815 This is the case for those who are not shameless (thanks to Shui Yuqing for the reward +5 more)

  The advantage of the freshman year is that she still has little absolute loyalty to Xiaoqian. Although she does not understand some things, but Qian always wants her to do it, she will do it without hesitation, and she will be hospitalized with Xiaoqian.

  Xiaoqian didn’t look for the previous hospital. Her in-law’s eyeliner was everywhere in that kind of place. If she wanted to lie down in her in-law’s eyeliner, she had to know that she had to come over, and then the play would not go on.

The relationship in the hospital was sorted out by my eldest brother. When Xiaoqian arrived, she said that her head hurts, her memory loss was bad, her insomnia, forgetfulness, and syncope often occurred. The brain is the most delicate tissue of the human body. She said that the doctor immediately opened it. All kinds of examinations, all kinds of expensive examinations have been done once, and the conclusion is that there is no way to confirm whether the brain is damaged by hypoxia.

The examination can only rule out epilepsy, but there is no way to rule out other sequelae. After all, the brain tissue is so delicate, Xiaoqian killed her all kinds of discomforts in one bite. In addition to checking her, the doctor can only prescribe nutritional medicine. Qian personally strongly requested that she was hospitalized for observation.

  "Mr. Qian, what are you--" What are you playing?

  Xiaoqian, who put on the patient's clothes, went to the hospital bed and raised her legs leisurely. "Why are you still stunned? Looking for the eldest brother with the receipt, we have to go to court!"

  Frozen for a full three seconds, three seconds later, two big characters suddenly appeared in her mind: touch porcelain? !

"There is no need for decent means to deal with indecent people. This is an important lesson I teach you. Our profession allows us to see distorted people many times more often than normal people. If you can’t be able to keep up The boss is like an angel and loves the world. Then you follow me. These two mentalities can ensure that you will not go crazy because of too many patients."

  Xiaoqian said half-truth and half-truth, freshman seems to have suddenly understood something, she suddenly realized that she looked at Xiaoqian, is this President Qian to mention her in disguise, what should be done about Ye Daqian?

  I think too much in my freshman year, Qian always elegantly demonstrates what noble touch porcelain is.

  Really expensive.

  When the neurotic mother received the civil suit from the court, she was stupid.

Her son is still hospitalized in the hospital and is under strict supervision according to relevant regulations. The case is still being investigated and family members are not allowed to be seen. She is also in a hurry. She rents a bungalow with her wife and waits for notice. The result of the forensic psychiatric appraisal is still Didn't come out, waiting for the court's litigation slip.

   "That woman wants us to pay for medical expenses?"

   Seeing the string of numbers written on the lawsuit, the mad woman was shocked.

  "Although the forensic psychiatric evaluation for your son is still in progress, no matter what the evaluation result is, even if he is a mentally disabled patient, you, as guardians, will have to pay for the medical expenses."

  The lawyer sent by the eldest brother explained quite clearly.

  Mentally ill people do not have to bear criminal penalties, but civil compensation must be given.

   "Just pinch her, why use so much money?"

"My client is engaged in a high-precision occupation and requires high mental power. Because the treatment caused by brain hypoxia includes several hospitalizations and other expenses, all of which are in black and white, all of which will be borne by you. If you fall back on the bill, we can also Apply to the court for enforcement."


  "My client also said that if you don’t want to give it, it’s okay. I heard that you have a house in the county..."

  Qian’s original words were that if this mad woman does not admit her mistakes, fails to eliminate the negative influence from the media, and withdraw the false accusations against Xiaoqiang, she will be accused of not having any pants left!

  Qian also said that if she had a bad attitude, she continued to faint and continue to be hospitalized.

  Anyway, private hospitals don’t want more people to be hospitalized. If you don’t feel sick, they won’t kick people out. They spend all the money on this crazy woman.

  You are crazy, you, I touched mine.

  To deal with shameless people, you have to go slant.

Xiaoqian’s trick to draw a salary from the bottom of the pot is really useful. The crazy woman came to her door to apologize to Xiaoqian in person on the same day. She almost knelt down and begged Xiaoqian. Xiaoqian didn’t make it difficult for her to find the media to explain the situation and eliminate her negative influence Withdraw the complaint, otherwise she will have intermittent attacks of her body and head pain.

  I come for a big check every few days, every time a thousand or eight hundred, who can stand this thing.

When Xiaoqian received a call from the public relations department of Yu Minglang to report the good news, saying that the mad woman had sent an apology letter to withdraw all previous accusations against Minglang. When she said that she accidentally fell that day, Xiao Qian's heart has no fluctuations and even wants to laugh.

This mad woman originally wanted to play shamelessly with her and come to touch porcelain as Xiaoqiang, but she wanted to bully President Qian that it was not enough to have a bad heart on her head. She had to have a super powerful brain. This IQ still wanted It deserves to be cleaned up if you risk bad water.

The media had already felt that Yu Minglang's behavior in protecting his wife was very handsome. Once the old lady clarified that there was no such thing as deliberate beatings, Yu Minglang's title of national husband became a reality, and the stock market in the family stopped rising. Up.

  The next step is to clean up the principal who was "kindly" and let go of mental illness to cheat him. How to retaliate is more fun, Qian is always at a loss.

   Xiaoqian hadn't thought about how to clean up the principal before she was more unforgettable, but there was a message from the elder brother.

   "You mean... she's insane?!"

   "Yes, the reason is unknown, and I haven't found out what's going on. Just the news that came back today said that she was suddenly insane, and her family sent her to a mental hospital. It is said that she will be hospitalized for a period of time."


  "It is said that I have schizophrenia. I suddenly stood on the podium and took off my clothes when I was speaking at school every week. It is said that the students are scared and stupefied. The time to send to the doctor is the third day after you leave the hospital."

  "Can the case be recalled?" Xiaoqian felt very strange.

  When she visited the principal before, although she had some mood disorders, she would definitely not be as severe as schizophrenia. How could she suddenly split?

  How could this be the case if there were no major stimuli?

"It's useless to call out the case, because the hospital doesn't know how she split up, so she knew she was talking nonsense when she went in, Qian'er, no matter how crazy this person is, it doesn't matter to us, you don't need to see it. ."

   "Brother, really did you not do it?"

"If my old man can kill me if I do it, I'm also very curious about who did it. This thing is so many unrighteous things will kill itself. She is usually so narrow in her heart and offends many people. Maybe it is her. It was done by offending people before, anyway, it has nothing to do with us, as long as you know it, don't take it to your heart."

After Xiaoqian got on the phone, she fell into deep thought.

  The principal has been stimulated before, so she is now in an anxious state. It is indeed possible for her to be schizophrenic under major stimulation, but the question is who stimulated her?

  Thanks to Mizuha Haru for the reward, the water cute addition is even more spicy~

  (End of this chapter)

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