Return of the Antagonistic Lady Boss

Chapter 818: See if you can still find a **** horse excuse (thanks to Xiaonen Xuemeng

  Chapter 818 See you can still find an excuse for the **** horse

People always have different characteristics at different times. Xiaoqian wanted to open up. Why should she insist on making herself mature and strong before she wants a child? With him, let the baby come to this world in the progress of parents. Not a process.

  Turning a circle from the line of life and death, Xiaoqian wanted to open everything, which can be regarded as turning bad things into good things.

   "I don't want to come to your house in the future, it's too much to respond." Zheng Xu decided that he would leave this heart-wrenching place right away, and each of them was married and had children, which was too shocking.

   "The hypnotic tape, I will look back and find someone to send it to you. If I say it, you should take it to your heart. If you don't want to get married, don't tie it. You can play as you like but don't treat marriage as a trifle.

Xiaoqian stood at the door and said such a good word, Zheng Xu couldn't wait to get into the elevator without saying goodbye, because he saw the crumbled yellow hair standing at the door of Xiaoqian's house, if he didn't leave again , I have to hear the word hemorrhoids again.

  This is not one of Zheng Xu’s vocabulary this year!

  Aka watched Zheng Xu enter the elevator. It turned out that he didn't want to get married either.

  "Is there something?" Xiaoqian asked Aka.

  "This, I'll give it to you." Aka handed the bag over.


  "Tieshihu and bird's nest are helpful to your throat."

   "I don't want it." Xiaoqian was scared when she saw these things, she finally gave away to Yu Mu who likes stewing supplements, so she didn't want to eat them again.

"You accept it, the boss has lost his temper with me because of you. I have never seen him so angry. If you don't accept what he buys, he will deduct all of my salary for a year. ."

  Aka put his hands together and made a please gesture.

  Xiaoqian glanced at this valuable tonic gift box, her eyes narrowed slightly.

  "Want me to charge?"

  Aka nodded hurriedly.

   "Let me accept it, call your mysterious boss out, otherwise--" Xiaoqian drew a smirk.

  "Not only did I not accept it, I also stopped taking it."

   "You threaten me!" Aka's eyes widened. When did President Qian learn so badly!

  Xiao Qian shook her head, "I am not a threat, I am touching porcelain."

The skill of   Porcelain can't let go as long as you learn it, it is simply addictive.

  Aka has a black line, what can I do if this is swollen...

   "I don't care what his purpose is. I just don't like others to arrange people around me without my consent. If he doesn't want to make the misunderstanding worse, he'd better come out and see me by himself."

  Xiaoqian slammed the door shut in front of Akka.

  Aka looked embarrassed, what should she do at this point...

  Back to her new home, Xiaoqian applied a mask on her face. The matter was basically resolved. She can also write cases on the Internet with peace of mind.

  Xiaoqiang has no news yet, he should be riding the mall at this moment.

  Xiaoqian leaned on the sofa casually, with the notebook on her lap, and the opened page showed a pregnancy guide. It’s time to think about having a baby...

  She's done well, she stays in the city and follows the teacher. If she wants to prepare for pregnancy this year, she can have a baby after graduating from graduate school next year. The year before the Ph.D is not busy, she can just accompany the baby.

  What a perfect plan.

  Qian always seemed to feel the pink Xiaowei beckoning to herself, and when Xiaoqiang came back, she told him about preparing for pregnancy. This guy could die with joy.

   Xiaoqian wrote down all the information she found, and went to the bookstore in the afternoon to buy two pregnancy books.

  Xiao Wei from the previous life was caught off guard. Although the child did not have a bad development, parents always hope to be foolproof, and Xiaoqian wants to be more comprehensive in this life.

  But before she left the house, the guard called on the inside line.

   "Mrs., there is someone at the door claiming to be your teacher's surname Liu, let her come in?"

  The teacher is here?

  Xiao Qian immediately went downstairs to pick it up in person.

  Teachers rarely come to find themselves. What is the situation?

  Professor Liu walked here with a big bag, Xiao Qian hurriedly greeted him.

   "Teacher, why don't you call me in advance, so I can pick you up."

   "I have to talk about it myself, what's your voice?"

   "It's almost alright. I plan to go to school tomorrow. You will come here as soon as you come. What are you doing with so many things? It's too hard to see."

   "They are all cases, nothing is out of the ordinary."

  "..." Xiaoqian was speechless.

   Come to see her with the case without fruit, yes, yes, this is very Professor Liu!

  When I got home, Professor Liu glanced at it. This small house is well cleaned up and has great taste. But she didn't come here to see what Xiaoqian's new home looks like, she has something big!

"You have looked at these cases in the past two days. These are the characteristics that I have recorded for so many years. Your theory is very solid. Now I will look at the clinical section again. If he tests you later, he must show Your own style and strengths."

  Xiaoqian was shocked by the stuff in the teacher's pocket. Isn't this the teacher's housekeeper? I took it out all at once, which is too exaggerated!

  This kind of well-known big professor’s handwriting is not exchangeable. How many people outside want to see it, so the teacher carried it in a torn black plastic bag?

  "Teacher, what are you doing? Is there any international competition for me to participate?"

   "Silly girl, this time is not a competition, it's a good thing, you haven't read the email yet, have you?"

   "What email?"

   "Hurry up without reading the email, it must be beautiful to you."

  At the urging of Professor Liu, Xiaoqian turned on the computer somehow, and she wondered what could make her beautiful?

  When she saw the email that began with Qi, Xiaoqian's brain was dazed.

  Click to open it, and even the female boss who has experienced many battles is covering her mouth in amazement, damn! ! !

  "I will make a pot of tea for you, teacher, you will sit down."

  "Don't run away for me, sit here! Do you understand?" Professor Liu grabbed Xiaoqian who was about to run away and pressed it, pointing to the computer with a smug expression on his face.

  Look at your cunning little girl, what else can you say!

  I was afraid that this girl would delete the email again. Professor Liu came over and watched her open it. Xiaoqian’s expression at this time was really exciting, enough for Professor Liu to be secretly happy for several days.

  "My, my English is not very good, maybe I need to look up a dictionary or something."

  Xiaoqian really hoped that she had read it wrong. How could Professor Qi leave a letter to herself and ask her to have an interview with the central hospital tomorrow?

  Didn’t she already run away? Haven't you successfully escaped the chance of confronting Professor Qi?

"Don’t talk to me. You think I didn’t know that you scored 708 points in the 6th grade, and the composition is two points out of perfect score? Not only that, you are also proficient in D, and even the island dialect can do daily conversations. Lao Qi will never have any problems communicating."

  Xiaoqian snapped her lips in embarrassment, "He grew up in a foreign country, so we can't communicate."

   "Lao Qi stayed in China when he was young. Mandarin should be very standard. Otherwise, how do you think he teaches students in the south?" You can still find excuses!

  Thank you Xiaonen Learning Leader for your reward, plus more to send~

  (End of this chapter)

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