Return of the Antagonistic Lady Boss

Chapter 824: Who is it? (Thanks to the leader Xiaonen for learning

  Chapter 824 Who is abnormal? (Thanks to the leader Xiaonen for the reward +3 more)


  There is such a boring man in this world? Aka spurned his boss fiercely in his heart.

"Boss, I have always been very curious, what is the relationship between you and President Qian? If you only want to accept an apprentice, then the senior brother has done a very good job. I objectively evaluate the senior brother and President Qian, although President Qian is also Very powerful, but most of the cases that Mr. Qian takes are small cases. Her highest degree is a master’s degree. Brother has been following you for so many years, and all those who have taken over are world-class psychiatric incurable diseases. Mr. Qian does not necessarily have experience as a mentor. Rich, right?"

  What is the reason that makes the boss so persistent to Mr. Qian? I don't hesitate to send myself to protect President Qian. The boss is so famous in the world, if you really want to accept an apprentice, you don't have to be so troublesome.

  "Don’t ask if you shouldn’t ask, take good care of her, don’t let people bully her, you know?"


  After Aka left, Professor Qi stood in front of the window, watching her hurriedly leaving from behind.

   "Aka, who has been raising for so many years, was taken away by Xiaoqian...what is the magic of this kid?"

  Xiaoqian is like a magnet, using her own personality charm to influence a group of people around her, just because Qian always is interesting to her friends, and when Qian is in trouble, her friends are always responsive.

  Professor Qi thought about Xiaoqian's picture of a group of people saving lives, touching her chin and feeling.

  "It’s really messy, who does this kid’s character look like...well, maybe it’s like me? Haha, so cute."

  Xiaoqian has gathered people here, and the eldest brother’s car is also here.

She and Fugui are technical flows. If the ball is struck mentally after the ball is rescued, both she and Fugui can help the ball professionally. Liumei and Aka have high strength values ​​and can help cope with emergencies. Jin, Xiaoqian has other use to keep her.

  The car sent by the eldest brother arrived soon, Xiaoqian took her little buddy forward at full speed, and she was bound to bring the ball back safely.

  On the way to the Imperial Capital Airport, Liu Mei and Bai Jin, as people who do not understand the situation, looked at the serious faces of the three insiders headed by Xiaoqian, Liu Mei couldn't help but ask his doubts.

   "Sister-in-law, why are you so nervous? The ball is in his own home, what kind of abuse would he suffer?"

  Xiaoqian is actually reluctant to answer this question, because it involves her friends, she can't imagine what the ball will be like at this time.

"In fact, if the institution sent to the country is better, although the conservative measures taken by the domestic institution are not very effective, at least there are not many side effects. At present, some foreign institutions are radicalized and are accepting Internet addiction and homosexuality. When waiting for counselors, they often use a kind of'aversion therapy'. Xiaoqian should be afraid of Qiqiu's father who listened to the aversion therapy recommended by non-professionals to treat Qiqiu."

  Fugui answered instead of Xiaoqian.

  "Disgust?" Liu Mei and Bai Jin didn't understand.

   "Electric shock, or injection of drugs that cause vomiting, according to the principle of conditioned reflex, forcibly build an unpleasant reaction loop."

  Professional explanation of wealth and honor is still not easy to understand, Xiaoqian sternly spoke out a simple and understandable explanation.

"Aversion therapy has been continued, even more than ten years later. Whenever these so-called'patients' have fantasies or impulses, they will inject drugs that can cause vomiting or direct electric shocks. Some'therapists' will enhance the effect. , Will instruct homosexuals to watch same-sex movies, and if they react, they will be shocked."

  Sometimes this kind of electric shock, even in the indescribable position of gays and lesbians, is extremely cruel.

   "Is there any scientific basis for doing this? It sounds terrible." When Liu Mei thought that the ball might be electrocuted, she got goose bumps all over her body. She finally understood why President Qian and the others rushed there in such a hurry.

"Up to now, only one world-class authority has claimed that this therapy is effective, but it was soon proved that the data is false. I don't know if it can shock people, but I know that many people after this therapy, The sequelae are particularly serious. Many people have been single for a lifetime after undergoing such treatment, and they also have sequelae such as depression."

   "...Why do you do this if there is no evidence to support it?" Liu Mei had a hard time understanding.

  "In order to make them return to'normal'." Xiaoqian said mockingly.

   Just because they are different from others, they are forced to change, in order to reintegrate these people into society, but most of the results are to completely make these people mentally disabled.

The patient throws out that part of the messy private life. Don’t talk about HIV/AIDS and scumbags. Most people can still be like normal people. Except for the people they like, they are different from ordinary people. Others are the same as normal people. .

  You can also work and contribute to the society. There is no need to demonize them, and do not support deliberate and artificial changes in sexual orientation, but do not discriminate against people who are born with different sexual orientations.

  Families are eager to make these people behave like “normal people”, and they resort to extreme treatments, causing tragedies one after another. Whose fault is this? Who is it that is not normal?

  "If it's just aversion to therapy, it's actually easy to handle, I'm afraid..." Wealthy glanced at Xiaoqian embarrassedly, and Xiaoqian nodded heavily.

  When the two thought of going together, they were afraid it would happen!

  Domestic is conservative therapy, that is, increasing exercise, cycling, walking and other physical exercises. This is good for the aftermath.

  If foreign "bricks" think about electric shocks, Xiaoqian and the others rushed there in time, and it was not long-term electric shocks, and they could also make up for it.

   is afraid of extreme ways.

  For example, forced injection of hormones.

   But more terrifying than this is to take extreme compulsive methods, for example, to find a man to force a relationship with the ball, which is disgusting, and some places abroad will do that.

If that were the case, it would be difficult for Xiaoqian and Fugui to end the game. Although Qiuqiu has a female body, his mental state is completely male. If he suffers such humiliation, will he collapse? No bottom.

  Now I can only hope that this small temporary team can cooperate with each other and help the ball out of the sea of ​​suffering.

  "Can't we call the police?" Bai Jin still hopes to rescue the ball by proper means.

   "It's useless. These things were done in his own home and his father came forward to do these things. It is impossible for Qiuqiu to accuse his father."

  Xiaoqian knows Qiuqiu’s character, and he certainly does not want his father to suffer.

   "Which quack doctor is so hateful that gave Qiuqiu's father such an idea?"

  "Keep this account for later calculations, first find the person before talking."

  Xiaoqian knows that she will have a tough battle to play next, but that is not important. It is the business to ensure that the ball is safe at the moment.

  The day was unsuccessful, the eldest brother called and gave Xiaoqian a head.

   "Our investigation has made it clear that Qiuqiu's father bought a medical electric shock device from abroad a week ago, but no one knows what he did."

Thanks to the leader Xiaonen for the rewards, titled and updated, by the way, what is the event today, why everyone’s rewards today are so big, three changes are praised, there are four changes today, it is so conscientious, so big bowl!

  (End of this chapter)

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