Return of the Antagonistic Lady Boss

Chapter 828: Bajie, don't chase

   Chapter 828 Eight Commandments, Don't Chase

   "It's me, something just happened..."

  The aunt nervously told what happened.

  Ball Ball Dad was surprised after hearing this.

   "What?! The ball suddenly foamed at the mouth?"

   "Yes, it's smoking. An ambulance came and took it away. Now it's in the yard."

  "Wait a minute, let me ask...Professor Sim, will the treatment make the population foamy and convulse?"

  Qiuqiu asked the foreigner in the car. The foreigner was also accompanied by an interpreter. After the translator finished talking, the foreigner said something.

  "Professor Sim said, you didn't listen to him to give her an electric shock, nor did you follow his instructions to find a man for her to have a relationship with her. How could you still have problems if you didn't cooperate with the treatment? This is obviously a scam!"

   "But my daughter is foaming at her mouth..."

   "That might be sodium bicarbonate tablets, a usual trick! You are fooled! She must be caught back for an electric shock!"

   "Electric shock..." Dad Ball still couldn't bear it.

   "Your softheartedness now is that you are not responsible for your child. Do you want to watch her be such a pervert all her life?"

   "Ah!" After all, Dad Qiuqiu was cruel. For the child, the long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain!

   looked at her way, she was about to get home soon, so she ordered her aunt, "Let them not leave! I'll be there in 2 minutes!"

   has reached the entrance of the village, and you can see the four-story mansion in the family.

  The aunt agreed, hung up the phone and pulled her neck to shout at the waiting person who had already walked to the door.

   "Don't let them go! Her dad will be back soon! They might be playing slippery!"

  This voice stabbed a hornet's nest.

   Everyone is still hard to lift the ball, walking speed is not fast, the aunt's voice let Xiaoqian and others know that the deeds have been revealed!

  Outside the door, the ambulance is already waiting.

  It should also be a big blessing. The classmates during the Ph.D. period just happened to work in the psychiatric department of this city. The ambulances of public hospitals will definitely not be available, but the ambulances of private hospitals can still be hired, as long as you have money.

So before coming, Xiaoqian had asked the ambulance to come here too. This was their second plan. At this time, Bai Jin had already reconciled with the ambulance and waited for Xiaoqian and the others to come out outside the gate. It.

  The big iron door was closed tightly. I couldn't see what was going on inside. Bai Jin's heart hung in her throat when she heard the voice of her aunt yelling upstairs.

  It's over!

   was discovered!

  Is it going to fall short of success?

  She got out of the car anxiously and tried to push the big iron gate, but the gate was closed tightly and couldn't move at all.

  A few girls staged a live-action version of Flying Over the Cuckoo's Asylum. The process was so thrilling, Bai Jin on the outside was distraught, and Xiaoqian and others inside were also at stake!

   Seeing that the door has been reached, and it is about to win, suddenly there is this!

   "Stand there and don't move! Dare to move again, I'll let the dog go!" The aunt yelled vigorously in front of the window upstairs, still holding something like a remote control in her hand.

   "Auntie! Don't let it go! We are still here, the dog will bite everyone!" The brawny man who had just said that eating hot pot without giving sesame sauce was a sinner replied.

  Oh...everyone bites this dog, can't you let it go?

  Xiaoqian and others looked at each other, Xiaoqian yelled, "Do it!"

  Since outsmart can't do it, then we can only storm!

   Accompanied by her voice, the ball rubbed up, and the strong man covered his eyes with a fist. The strong man covered his eyes and said aggrieved.

   "Even fight me, I am an ally!"

  "You uncle! You didn’t help me when I didn’t give me sesame sauce. Stand aside and don’t hit you!"

  Xiaoqian, a person who has always won with brain power, also directly punched her, and knocked the strong man closest to her to the ground!

  The high-tech gloves left behind by the old wheat were again useful. This time she was caught off guard. Xiaoqian directly grabbed the key in the hand of the person who was just about to open the door and opened the door quickly.

  At this time, Aka and Liumei can't bother to admire Xiaoqian's strong psychological quality. When there are people chasing after this, President Qian can still maintain the command of the crisis, and everyone also cooperates with President Qian's actions.

  Several people started to fight with relatives of the ball. These were all practicers. These relatives came to help only to watch the ball not run. The fight was not their opponent at all, and they were losing ground.

  Auntie looked anxious and couldn’t really let the dog go. The following was messed up!

  Xiaoqian opened the door and saw that besides the ambulance outside, there was also a red Mercedes coming over!

  A man got up and down in the red Mercedes, a bald middle-aged man, scolding Xiao Qian as he ran here.

   "What are you going to do!"

   "Oh! My dad is back!" Ball Ball shouted when he saw it.

   "I can't take care of that much, go!"

  A group of people rushed out quickly. Aka and Liumei guarded the ball. Ball Dad shouted as they ran, "Stop it all!"


   "Quick! Come on!" Bai Jin opened the door of the ambulance and shouted to everyone. At this time, it was really exciting to escape!

  A group of people got into the car quickly, and Dad Ball could only watch the ball stand on the car and make a gesture of worshipping Buddha with one hand.

   "Bajie, don't chase, you can't catch up with us!"

  Goodbye you!

  Ball Ball's father jumped angrily.

  The elder brothers in the yard came out and surrounded Dad Ball.

   "The Big Three!"

   "San Uncle!"

   "What do you do! A bunch of waste, so many people still can't stand one, hurry, find someone to chase!"

  The behavior of these people has made Dad Qiuqiu hate these people. The "expert" under the red Mercedes followed the translator, and the translator said with disapproval.

   "We have already said that we should use the advice we gave to make her better by electric shocks and forcing her to be with a man. You have to relent in your heart, right now?"

   "What's the use of saying these now, let's chase people back first!"

"If you caught her this time, please treat her according to our method, give her an electric shock, and force her to wear women's clothing. If necessary, ask a man to have a relationship with her forcibly. Please trust us. The level of treatment in our country is higher than yours. Don’t know. How many!"

   "Go, chase!"

  At this time, Xiaoqian and the others who successfully escaped were sitting in the ambulance and high-five each other excitedly.

  They did it!

  Ball Ball looked at the four-story building that was drifting away, and a new-born feeling emerged spontaneously. He still couldn't believe that he had escaped.

   "You are really good, how did you find it? Also, why are you comrade reporter?"

  The ball ball just saw that Bai Jin is also there.

"Are you okay?" Bai Jin didn't follow in. She didn't know what was going on inside. She only remembered that when she came, Qian always said it was terrible. She didn't care about her unfamiliarity with the ball. , Visited back and forth, and saw that the ball was unscathed but a little thinner, and he breathed a sigh of relief.


  He is all right!

   "Ball, I am Lily, Lily!"


  Thank Xiaoya and Fatty for 500 coins, thank book friends 141020005835308 for 500 coins, thank Xue Tiantian, Tremella, Nianchu, Qiaotian, book friends 141020005835308 for their rewards!

  (End of this chapter)

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